Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #614

Edit:  Mr. Linky is having some kind of issue this morning so if you like go ahead and leave your link in the comments

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Our little space on the internet to purposefully share 5 of our blessings from the past week and be thankful to God for them.  In doing so, we hope to cultivate a nature of thankfulness so that noticing those blessings becomes easier and more natural even in difficult circumstances or times.  Please join us.

~ moments of peace and quiet ~ if you are new here and don't know I have had a family dayhome for 30 years in my home.  My days are filled with kids, noise and activity.  So when I can notice a moment in the midst of it all and grasp a pocket of peace I try to savor it as much as possible.  That moment of silence when everyone decides they want to color and are doing it peacefully at the table, that moment I get to take a few sips of hot coffee before my cup gets put down and I need to go redirect, the moment a little comes for a cuddle, well you get the idea.  It is a bit of heaven in the middle of the day.

~ Barista Oat Milk ~ this fall I have been trying to cut back on my dairy because of some throat issues I have had.  If you know me, you know I love my dairy, so this has been a hard thing.  But I found this Barista Oat Milk that I really love to use instead of cream in my coffee.  It has a nice rich, thick feel to it and the taste does not overwhelm my coffee like coconut milk products do. And when I shake it really well it give a nice foam in the coffee too.  And if you are into steaming your milk for your coffee this Barista edition will not separate.  Finding this has been a huge blessing for me because I don't enjoy black coffee no matter how hard I've tried to get used to it, yet love my coffee with cream.

~ face time chats with Mom ~ technology.  Sometimes its a blessing and sometimes a curse but in the case of being able to "visit" with my mom in hospital it truly has been a blessing.  Alberta placed more restrictions a couple of weeks ago and one of them was only one visitor allowed in hospitals and it always has to be the same person.  Okay if the patient is only there a few days but going on 4 weeks with my mom it has been brutal.  But my sis and I connect live on our phones and my mom and I can have a quick chat.  Thankful for this technology in this case!

~ tree lights and coffee ~ I've been loving having my morning coffee sitting in the living room with just the tree lights on.  It's so beautiful and peaceful.  A perfect way to start the day.

~ costco money back ~ we finally decided to bite the bullet a year ago and get the credit card linked to this company and we are so glad we did.  We use it all over and pay off what we put on it right away but at the end of the year we get a nice little check back to spend at the store.  Helps with all those Christmas goodies!

I think Faith shared this thought on thankfulness somewhere and I loved it so much I saved it.  It really does sum up what I strive for in doing Friday's Fave Five.  I pray it is true in your life also.  

What are 5 blessing from the last week are you thankful for?



aspiritofsimplicity said...

Sounds like a wonderful week. I know what you mean about the quiet moments with small children.

Faith said...

Hey! For some reason your mister linky isn't opening for me. But my FFF is up!

Ingrid said...

The linky doesn't work, I can't put my link

I can imagine that with the work you have that you are sometimes exhausted ! All these little once are cute, but also noisy !!
Your Christmas tree is beautiful ! I don't have one this year, we are again under lockdown and are allowed to invite one person !! And our son living in Amsterdam can't come. Sad !

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne - Happy Friday. No, Linky didn't work for me either, but that's OK. I loved this post, and how you found simple things from the week to be grateful for. We have started using more oatmilk too. Back when my girls were little and I was a SAHM, I tended some neighborhood children and so I get what you mean a bout those moments of quiet. So glad you are connecting with your mom through technology during this very difficult time. We shop at Costco a lot too and in fact we were there last night, but when they changed credit card companies and refused to accept American Express, we were a bit peeved since American Express is our credit card of choice. We still go to Costco, but not as much, and we usually just pay cash for our purchases now. The cast back is something nice though. Hope you have a good weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

I know what you mean about those pockets of quiet. Such a blessing when they spring up unexpectedly. I will have to look for oat milk. I use powdered creamer because I don't like the taste of milk in my coffee, and am lactose intolerant anyway. But I've wondered if there is a healthier alternative. So glad for the technology of being able to see and talk to loved ones we have to be isolated from. I have a credit card for another place that's like that--the return on the investment sure helps.

Mr. Linky is still not opening, so my five is here: I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

Karen said...

I love your list this week. Those moments of quiet are golden. Cocoa has been my beverage of choice while enjoying the tree each night. It's an indulgence that has to end soon! That Costco check is always a nice surprise for us, I tend to forget about it, which makes it fun.

My post is up:

Faith said...

i can so relate about the moments of peace!! One of my language group 4 year olds put his head on my shoulder the other day while one of H's students was having a melt down and said "miss Faith, all I need is some peace and quiet'. OMGosh cutest thing ever. I said "me too little R----me too!!"

Claire and i JUST discovered oat milk. I use unsweetened almond on any cold cereal i eat which isn't often, I bake with unsweetened coconut milk (Courtney and Claire like that in their hot tea or cocoa) and now I use the oat milk like claire in the coffee. My husband only puts raw sugar in his but i like "cream". We've been dairy free for well over a year now. You would be too if you viewed What the Health on Netflix. OMGOSH. Dairy no longer enters my body. (except for an occasional pizza with mozzarella or parmesan on pasta and then I pop 2 phytosterols with the meal).

We will be facetiming dave's folks as they are both in Rehab for Covid19!! thats' one thing about technology I am thankful for since we cannot go to their state (MA)
I love sitting by the tree with my morning coffee too!! Glad you get to do that as well.

Happy weekend!!!

Wendy said...

I'm glad you are at least able to connect with your Mum via technology Susanne. It must be really hard not being able to see her in person. I hope she's doing ok. Yes quiet moments definitely need to be treasured. Nice to get a bonus on your shopping.

Here's my link:

Willow said...

My link is above.

And Susanne, thank you for always hosting us. I love your morning coffee Christmas tree time. And those peaceful moments are the best.

I know it is so hard to connect when people are in hospital and nursing home; I'm glad you have the connection of the phones.

Happy weekend!

ellen b. said...

My Friday sure got away from me. Your tree looks lovely in that perfect spot. I hope you are enjoying lots of peace and quiet this weekend.