Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday's Fave Five #551

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  A place to reflect, to pause, to slow down the busyness, the clamor of disappointments or stress and just look for the things that blessed us this week.  Taking a moment to intentionally look for good things in our lives and be thankful for them gives us a better perspective in life and helps us to get through hard times because we've developed the habit when it was easy.   Please join us as we develop a grateful heart.

1.  Yet another lovely candle smell.  Again from Bath and Body Works, this one is Warm Apple Pie.  If you haven't guessed I tend to like the fall smells the best.   So yummy smelling and I especially like it because it's not overpowering as a lot of Bath and Body Candles tend to be.

2. Annual Calgary road trip with friends.  This has become a traditional summer thing with our good friends and we all always look forward to it.  Hubby pops a big bucket of popcorn because our friend looooves his popcorn, we grab some coffees and hit the road.  We don't always do the same thing everytime but the day usually involves a nice lunch somewhere, maybe some shopping, maybe a little neighborhood exploring or an attraction of some sort.  But it's always fun and always relaxing and a great stress relief.

3.  Relaxing couple of hours at the lake.  Sunday afternoon was just gorgeous outside.  Wouldn't you know after I packed all my tank tops away for the year that a day would still happen where I would need them.  But at any rate we took advantage of the beautiful blue skies, warm air and sunshine, no wind and headed to the lake for a lovely Sunday afternoon.

4.  Virtual reality travel.  My son is a bit of a nerd and loves all the techy gadgets and bought himself a virtual reality headset.  When he was home on the weekend he brought it with him and we enjoyed the Google earth travel.  I picked Budapest, because my family history is in Hungary and I visited there once when I was 10 years old.  How fun it was to zoom in on familar landmarks.  I even tried to find my Grandma's street that she lived on when I was there so many years ago.  I found the one street but could remember the intersecting street anymore and I no longer have her address as she's passed away a while back.  But it was fun exploring different districts in Budapest.  I also did a quick trip of my neighborhood which in all honesty was a tad bit weird because there I am in virtual reality going past my house with our cars parked in our drive.  

5.  Plum Dumplings (Silvas Gomboc).  It's the time of year when the dark Italian Prune plums abound and that means Plum Dumplings.  I grew up eating this wonderful Hungarian food and I finally learned how to make them a couple years ago.  It's really supposed to be a type of dessert thing I think, but I eat them as a meal.  They are so good.  It's a potato dumpling that encases a prune plum which has a sugar/cinnamon mix where the seed was. After the plums balls are cookedby simmering in a pot of boiling water they are rolled in mixture of buttered, toasted fine bread crumbs and then baked.  Sprinkled with a touch of icing sugar, and served with an ice cold glass of milk and it is heaven!  I haven't perfected it quite yet, the dough part is always tricky for me to get just right, but they are still awesome and take me right back to childhood.

What were your favorite blessings from the week?


Ingrid said...

I didn't know that you have your origins in Hungary ! I was there this year on my tour and I fell in love with Budapest ! What a beautiful and modern town : here is my link People are so friendly and caught up so quickly the modern world after the communists left it's unbelievable ! Everything is so clean and the food excellent. I had a completely wrong image from Eastern countries, they will soon be ahead of us I got the impression they are. Hungary has also become a tourist country it is so beautiful !

Faith said...

This was a scent i ALMOST bought when courtney and i were at the outlets a couple weeks ago but the one scent i loved was called Autumn Leaves or Autumn days and i refused to pay the $24. Too pricey for me for a candle. So i went to Target and found a good one that none of us are allergic to : Pressed apple cinnamon. There's more cinnamon than apple which i love.

I went to the lake too but yes i still have summer clothes out (some) because we've had temps in the 70s and this weekend might get up to 84!! Imok with it!

How fun to have a day away with friends.

That sounds fun.....going back to your native country with a google earth reality thing. How neat!!

Enjoy the weeemd!

Susanne said...

Faith: I never buy the candles unless they are on sale. I think I got this one for $10 Canadian. There was a great sale and a $10 off total purchase coupon.

Barbara Harper said...

I can't use scented things, but I am glad there's such a variety for those of you who love them. I think if I had an apple pie scent in the house, I'd be salivating and craving one. :-)

Your annual trip sounds like such a fun tradition. This seems like a great time of year to go to a lake--the scenery is so pretty and peaceful.

Our guys are all tech and gadget nerds, too. We had a virtual reality headset but I think it was a cheap one--my husband found it on some deal site. I didn't try it--I get easily disoriented. But he and the kids enjoyed it. It was a kind that had an app and a place to put your phone in, and it ran off the phone app, but the app didn't always work well. Sounds like your son has a much better one. And the Goggle Earth one sounds like a lot of fun.

The plum dumplings sound wonderful!

Willow said...

I have a candle in one of the bathrooms here, but I don't like the scent (I didn't buy it myself). I think I'd much prefer one of the fall aromas like cinnamon and apple. I'll look for it--on sale.
Your annual trip to Calgary sounds like a fun tradition!
Love your lake picture! Water and trees!
Have a good weekend.

ellen b. said...

I enjoyed reading about your varied blessings this week, Susanne. Happy weekend to you!

Susanne said...

Barb: Yes his is an Occulus and ran through his laptop. It was pretty neat! Next he comes, I'm "going back" to Costa Rica and see if I can show them where I was. And I have to admit it was a bit disorienting when I took the head set off. :)

susan said...

Wow, those plum dumplings sound divine. Good call on making them as a meal instead of merely a dessert. And how cool to have family recipes. I have only a few and just from my mom.

So glad you got a chance to go on your annual trip with friends WITH coffee and popcorn. That sounds like a lovely tradition. I want to build some of those kind of traditions in my life.

Your new candle sounds quite yummy. SO glad you could find something so satisfying on sale.

Have a great week, Susanne

nikkipolani said...

Nice deal on the candles! They are so often to strongly scented, certainly near the dining room. Your time at the lake looks idyllic. With your crazy weather, it must be nice to soak in all the sunshine while it lasts,

The virtual thing sounds interesting— glad you got to experience it and “travel” those familiar roads.