Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday's Fave Five #550

Hi everyone!  Welcome once again to Friday's Fave Five.  Thank you for bearing with me and the kind words last week.  Long story short but Thursday evening and almost all day Friday was spent in the ER with my daughter as they tried to figure out what on earth was making that girl so sick.  I was just not in anyway able to do up a post.  But this is a new week and I am ready to go.  Please join us as we looking for blessings in the past week, whether the week was easy or hard.  I'm so glad I have a community to do this exercise with or else life would make it so easy for these blessings to just slip right by me unnoticed at times.

1.  Girl on the Mend.  Though she was one sick girl and spent 5 days in hospital,  our girl is now on the mend.  We are very thankful that she is home.

2.  Movie night out with friends.  Tuesday was the night our ladies small group restarted for the fall and we kicked it off with a movie night.  Though we were small in number we still had a lovely evening and it was a wonderful way to de-stress from the worry of the weekend.  We saw Overcomer and all really enjoyed it.

3.  A new candle scent.  Roasted Coffee, sugared brioche and vanilla creme.  Love it.  From Bath and Body.

4.  This song has really touched my heart this week.  I've been playing it over and over.

5.  Another great reminder.  You know I love a good quote:

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Ingrid said...

Can imagine that it was terrible that your daughter was so sick and you couldn't do anything then taking her to hospital !

The song is beautiful, I have never heard it !

a spirit of simplicity said...

I love your reminder about complaining and being grateful. I was gifted a similar candle by a parent and I only burn it in the dead of winter. It smells like winter coziness to me.

Faith said...

I smelled the new autumn scents at B&Bworks last week when Courtney and i were at the outlets and i soooo wanted to like this one!! But i didn't!! I never do pumpkin spice stuff.....too icky. I ended up loving Autumn Leaves one but it wasn't included in the sale so i left it. I did buy a cinnamon apple cider one from Target that i just love and it goes with my red kitchen walls. Smells yummy.

Oh i really wanna see Overcomer!! My group started up too, i wish i had thought of a movie night, we did a BYOD ( bring your own dinner) and i provided drinks and dessert.

Oh Susanne. You left us hanging!! What was wrong with your daughter??!! I hope it isn't Lyme Disease. Been there still doing that. I will pray for her.

Have a wonderful week. Oh, that song is awesome,

Barbara Harper said...

I'm so glad you're daughter is ok. What a scare! Blogging definitely takes a back seat in those times.

I've seen the trailer for that movie and would like to see it some time. Nice to do so with friends.

I'm not in agreement with the law of attraction, but our mindset can sure skew our view of things one way or the other, either grouchy or grateful. That's one of many reasons I'm glad for FFF--to purposely practice gratefulness.

Susanne said...

Totally agree Barbara. From doing FFF I've come to realize how important being intentional in our gratefulness is. It's so easy to become overcome by the problems of this world and what we perceive to be lack in our lives. When we intentionally look for our blessings and we are grateful they become forefront in our minds rather than the problems. The problems don't disappear but what we put our focus on makes that thing more prevelant, obvious and bigger and sets us on paths that we choose.

Karen said...

That candle sounds delicious.

I love the quote. As an office manager for a family therapy practice, I've learned a lot from the therapists about how our brain functions. There is scientific evidence to suggest that we can train our brains, becoming more positive and optimistic with exercises such as being intentional about what we focus on. One of the reasons I like doing FFF with you.

ellen b. said...

Wow! 5 days in the hospital. So happy to hear she is on the mend. May God continue to heal her and strengthen her.

Wendy said...

So glad to hear your daughter is on the mend. It must have been very worrying for you. Lovely song. Have a good weekend.

Willow said...

Oh, I am so thankful that your daughter is out of the hospital now and feeling better!
Love, love, love that quote! So true.