Thursday, September 05, 2019

Friday's Fave Five #549

Hi everyone.  Due to circumstances beyond my control I will not be posting a Friday's Fave Five this week.  But please don't let that stop you!  Go ahead and leave your link below and have a great time looking for and making note of your blessings!


Ingrid said...

I hope it is nothing too serious !

a spirit of simplicity said...

I hope all is well with you and that you had a nice week.

Faith said...

Uh oh. I hope everything is ok with you and your family Susanne!!!

Susan @ FruitfulWords said...

Hi Susanne, Praying all is well.
Thanks for providing a way for us to still link up.
Blessings on your week.

Barbara H. said...

I hope everything's ok and you have a great Friday.

Karen said...

Thank you for setting up the link for us, Susanne. Hope everything is ok.

Wendy said...

Hope everything is ok x

Willow said...

Everyone wrote exactly what I am thinking. I hope all is well, you are well, and I am praying for you.