Friday, August 16, 2019

Friday's Fave Five #546

1.  Emergency Meeting.   But not the kind you suppose.  It actually goes back to last week but I had forgotten all about it.  But I just have to list it as a fave because it's so neat.   Turns out my daughter is not just a "twin" but a "triplet".  Let me explain.   When we took Tamara to emergency last week to check the ankle injury we got a nice surprise.  After we passed the triage desk and moved into the wait area the girl who had been behind us in line came over to us.  She apologized for overhearing a few things one of which was my daughter's birthdate.  When she heard it she just had to come over.  My daughter was born Christmas Day, 1994.  Well turns out so was this girl!  So she came to ask what hospital.  Turns out it was the same one as us.  What an amazing coincidence.  To meet someone born on Christmas is rare.  To meet someone born that day and the same year is even rarer.  But to meet another baby grown up and quite by chance that shared your hospital corridor, well that's just on another level, especially when apparently there was only 3 babies born that day.    I was so happy she had come over and said something.  The lovely lady who was my roommate also had a Christmas Day baby and we have kept touch all these years.  The girls grew up celebrating their birthdays together for many, many years until they moved to China to be missionaries and they always called themselves "twins".  So now it was fun to find out they were "triplets".  It was a lovely coincidence to brighten up where we actually were.

2.  New Mani.  I have to say I feel thoroughly spoiled and hope the day does not come soon when Tamara will no longer be doing esthetician work.  This past year I've actually had nice nails when normally they are not so nice  horrible.  I will enjoy them while I can.  Thanks Tamara!  I'll put up a picture when my mail server decides to quit messing with me.

3.  Fresh seasonal produce.  The fresh peppers are in from B.C. and we have been enjoying them.  We make a Hungarian dish called lesco, a pepper stew, and it calls for mild yellow Hungarian peppers.  This is the basic recipe.  We also add sliced Kolbassa or Ukrainian sausage and a hot Hungarian pepper.  Yes, it can be made from regular sweet bell peppers too but it's just not the same.  Depending on the region of Hungary that your heritage is from some add an egg stirred in at the end of cooking too.  We serve it with rice or just yummy fresh bread for dipping.

We also enjoyed Taber corn this week.  It was especially tasty knowing that it was our first and last tasting of the season.  Just into it's second week of the season the farms were hard hit with a wicked storm that saw Hurricane force wind and hail level the crops.  I don't know what it is about Taber corn but it's amazing and makes it the corn capital of Canada.

4.  Back into the reading groove.  I don't know why but this year my favorite hobby has been in a bit of a slump.  I'm reading much less and much slower than is normal for me.  But it seems over the last couple of months I've started to get my mojo back and have been devouring books once again.  Maybe I just needed to have a good run with some great books to get me going again.

5.  Anti-biotics.  No I don't like to take them for every little thing and we are very careful to take them only as instructed and for the length of time we are instructed but I am thankful for them when we do need them to get rid on a infection.

What are the things you are most grateful for this week?


Ingrid said...

Now that is really a coincidence ! Triplets !! Fortunately that she talkedd to you. I shared my room with a young woman who turned out to be the wife of my bank employee where I always took my money ! We had a nice time ! I love Hungarian and Polish food. And now on my last tour I always ate local ! Delicious !

Faith said...

Ugh.....antibiotics....becausemof the Lyme and another issue, I've been on them way too many times, i try to avoid them now but yes...thankful they are available when needed!! Hope your infection clears soon!!

That is sooooo awesome about Tamara. Oh, and can she come fly here to give me a pedicure??? Hahaha i need one badly!!

I've never had Tabor corn....sounds yummy....we haven't had much good corn on the cob this year....not sure why unless it's cause the farms got too saturated this spring with the constant rainfall.

I'm sort of in a reading slump right now BUT just discovered that one of my very fave literary authors has a new book out. I found it at library and yay!!! It's a good one!! I'm plugging my way through two memoirs but I'm so slow to read non fiction. Not sure why!!

Have a great weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

How neat to meet another girl born the same day and year as your daughter! I've never had a manicure--always been afraid it wouldn't last very long between laundry, washing dishes, etc., especially when the kids were younger. But how neat to have your own personal manicurist! I have not heard of Taber corn. If I am ever in Canada, I will have to try it. I am grateful for antibiotics, too--sometimes they're the only thing that helps. Glad you got your reading groove back!

Karen said...

I just love the story about the Christmas Day triplets:) It would be so nice to have my nails done on a regular basis. I'm not able to get artificial nails anymore because I'm allergic to the chemicals that are used to remove them. I try to keep up with them myself, but as I get older my nails are so dry and brittle. Our local corn is Olathe corn and we have it as much as we can in August. So delicious. I'm grateful for modern medicine, too. We're so fortunate to have remedies. Happy reading!

susan said...

Your pepper stew sounds delicious. I'm going to be on the hunt for Hungarian peppers so I, too, can make this dish.

Having such easy access to manicures is definitely a treat. I know when I get them, I feel spoiled and more satisfied with how I look. I hope that your daughter is able to do this for you for a LONG time. And how fun that your daughter is a "Triplett."

Having access to antibiotics is definitely a blessing. So glad that this one was effective.

Hooray to getting back into your reading groove. Reading great books definitely does make a difference to the motivation. I have to read your blog to find some great books.

I hope you have a good week, Suzanne.

Willow said...

Anti-biotics are a necessary part of life, sometimes. I'm alive today because of them. But they are a drug and need to be treated with care.
Books are our friends! I'm glad you're back into reading.
That was a great story about your daughter being a triplet. (Christmas babies may be as unusual as St. Patrick's Day babies which I am)
Have a wonderful restful weekend and enjoy your fresh veggies!

nikkipolani said...

What a wonderful discovery of these "triplets"! Seems uncanny that you should all reconvene so many years later.

Your stew idea is giving me ideas for the kolbassa sitting in my fridge -- looks delicious.

Glad you could kick out an infection with some anti-biotics.