Friday, June 02, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #432

Oops forgot to auto post, so sorry everyone for the lateness!

"Look, I now teach you these decrees and regulations just as the LORD my God commanded me, so that you may obey them in the land you are about to enter and occupy...
But watch out!  Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live!
And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren!
Deuteronomy 4:5,9 NLT

This scripture above is pretty much why I started and continue on with Friday's Fave Five.  Memories are such a powerful thing in life, and I want to have good memories of the blessings that surround me on a daily basis.  Especially for those times that are tougher, so that I can have something to draw on to get me through.  When I write down the good things in my life, it's so much easier for me to remember.  Please join in with us as we list our five favorite blessings from the week.

1.  Weekend bike rides.  Saturday was absolutely gorgeous so hubby loaded up the bikes and we went on a 2 1/2 hour bike ride on the lovely trails around the west side of the city.  It was so good getting out on the bikes enjoying the fresh air.  We toodled around a couple of new sections and checked them out, had a coffee at Starbucks and later a lunch at Freshii.   We really enjoy getting out on the bikes and I'm looking forward to a great summer of biking, maybe even taking our bikes to other cities or parks to ride.

2.  Gifted Tomato plants.  A friend of ours again gifted us with 7 tomato plants!  I get so excited when this happens because there is nothing like a homegrown tomato.  The store bought just doesn't compare.  So I planted two into planters for the deck so that I can have easy access to it and the other five I put into my mom's garden.  My mouth waters already at the thought of all those lovely, delicious tomatoes!  So grateful this sweet senior gifts me with these plants.

3.  Grilling.  With the nice weather, we've been grilling a lot more.  So far burgers, smokies and steaks have made their way to our plates from the grill.  And the steaks turned out perfect!  Usually I'm pretty nervous with those as I find it hard to get them right and it takes a few times at the beginning of each season for me to get in the groove, but by some miracle it happened first time out this time.  I hope I can continue the momentum of that.  Ha!  I want to try salmon this year so if any of you have tips or recipes for that let me know!

4.  Referrals.  In my business, this is absolute gold.  I've know I'll be having to fill a spot for September and was waiting for June to start advertising and the very day I was going to do that I get a call from a lady who had 3 different people mention my name to her.  Those interviews usually go so much easier as the family already has a good impression before they even come to check me out.  I'm so very grateful to my parents who appreciate what I do and give my name to friends and people they know looking for care.

5.  Sweet gifts from my dayhome families.  This last week a sweet Grandma of one of the kids gifted me with a plant I had been wanting to get my hands on.  She works at the garden center and was keeping her eye out for me.  When they came she bought it and then gifted it to me, not letting me pay her.  These little gifts of appreciation make my heart melt.  So grateful for those!

Well those were my 5 favorites though there was lots more to be thankful for this week.  What about you?  Was it a week where it was easy to find 5 or more of a careful digging for, and inspecting of days to find them?  Either way, developing a thankful attitude is a key to happiness, living a grateful life and making it through the tough times.  So glad you joined in with me!


Barbara H. said...

Glad you had good weather and bike rides! I need to experiment with the grill - hubby is the grill master, but he gets home too late on weekdays to do it. I was just thinking recently that if I could figure out how to use it, we could have grilled stuff more often and I could experiment with things I see online. Love the word-of-mouth referrals. I'm sure that's a help on your end as well - if the person knows someone who is already one of your clients, it's not a guarantee that everything will work out, but at least it's better than a total stranger you know nothing about. How sweet to be gifted with both tomatoes and a plant you had been wanting!

Faith said...

yaya for nice biking weather!! i plan on doing some tomorrow evening...i cant wait!!

love tomato not doing anything like that this summer though due to the Italy trip. i dont trust my oldest to remember to care for them!!

getting special gifts and good referrals is a true blessing!

happy weekend!

Faith said...

ps....we grill salmon about once a week or so and our fave way is to brush each piece with olive oil, then made a mixture of about a 1/4 c. lemon juice and 2 tsp herbs demprovence OR dill and oregnao. let marinate for one hour and grill!! serve with fresh lemon wedges. yummy!! i also have another rub but i will need to look that one up as i cant remember all the ingredients and measurements

Willow said...

Oh those bike rides! It sounds like you had so much fun! I am looking forward to those too--once my bike is in shape for the summer.
And gifts of plants--tomatoes especially! How sweet of that family to gift you the plant you've been wanting.
Have a great weekend--grilling again?

Ingrid said...

I think the last time I sat on a bike must be at lest 25 years ago ! And now I donne dare anymore ! I prefer my car,and feet ! Funny I had breakfast at Starbucks but in the Ardennes.

ellen b said...

Wonderful scripture and a great five things to be grateful for Susanne. Hope you have a good weekend.

Wendy said...

Lovely to be having summer weather and get out cycling and grilling! Also great to be appreciated. Have a good week Suzanne.