Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #428

1.  Chickadee sighting.  Though these have been a favorite little bird of mine in pictures, I don't think I have ever actually seen them.  Then this week, when I turned into the back alley, there in the bushes of the corner house were two little chickadees bouncing around in the budding greenery.  I was so excited but didn't want to scare them off so I didn't scramble for the phone camera and instead just enjoyed the gift of the moment and watched them.

2.  Finding an Easter family pic that I forgot about.  After seeing everyone's wonderful family Easter pics I felt a little bummed that I didn't take one when the family was together at Easter.  I thought other than the meal picture I posted last week, which of course I'm not in because I'm taking the pic, I thought there was none of the family.  But after looking at everybody that posted on FFF I started scrolling through my phone hoping.  And lo and behold, we did get some pics that I totally forgot posing for.  LOL.  Sheesh.  Better start taking ginko or something.  But I'm thankful we did get some pictures.

3.  And speaking of pictures...I finally got some pictures from the wedding printed and framed.  Seeing as the kids had their 1 year anniversary a few weeks ago and I've had the frame gifted to me at Christmas, it was about time.  I'm really please with how it turned out and it fills the spot above the fireplace perfectly.  I love the black and white with focused splash of color on each picture.  It's fun playing with these simple editing programs like iPiccy and PicMonkey and seeing fun results.

4.  Organic Peppermint Tea.  I came down with yet another head cold this week.  Ugh, my third one I'm sure since Christmas.   Peppermint tea has been soothing and helping me to keep my liquid intake up.

5.  Turkey Noodle soup.  I think I made the best batch I ever have.  I started a broth bag in the freezer and everytime I have veggie scraps such as onions, celery that's gone a tad limp, the destemmed tops of peppers, the ends that get cut off of asparagus, parsley stems, etc. , I throw it into the bag.  I used this along with the turkey carcass from Easter to simmer away and make an absolutely wonderful broth.   I've been a soup lover since I was a kid so when I experiment and it turns out that good it makes me happy.

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Ingrid said...

That's a very nice family picture ! And it looks like spring ! Making a broth this way seems an excellent idea to me !

Faith said...

OOH...I love homemade soups too but now that the weather has turned warmer I probably won't be cooking it as much unless some hot humid day calls for the central air at which time I will then make something in the crockpot :)

I love chickadees...they are all over our yard and are very attracted to our bird feeder.

another cold?! yikes!! I haven't had one since last year BUT i did have that awful flu in January. This week I"ve had one constant pounding sinus headache..NOTHING is working to relieve it so off to the doc I will go on Sunday after church if it doesn't clear up when I'm in the mountains tomorrow. Husband and one daughter are dealing with spring allergies...i have never had them so am wondering if MAYBE that's the prob.

I hope you have a wonderfully restful weekend and feel better soon!!

nikkipolani said...

Ugh. I'm so sorry about you recurring cold. Hope that delicious turkey soup and reviving tea help you recover. I really like that frame and the slot you've chosen for it. And even more amazed that your kids have been married a whole year!

Barbara H. said...

Nice family photo! How fun to see the chickadees - I am glad they made it your way! We have some come by the bird feeder some times. Love those frames over the mantle! I'm so sorry about the cold. My husband has has an awful one hanging on for weeks. Thankfully the rest of us have escaped it. Hope yours is gone quickly. Sounds like a wonderful soup! It's getting about past the time for soups here with the weather getting warm, almost hot some days. I made some hambone soup after Easter and just put the leftover broth on the freezer for another time.

Willow said...

I used to keep a veggie scraps bag in the freezer for soup. Thanks for the reminder to start doing that again. I love soup too!
I had to laugh at your Wednesday post--your weather is so fickle!

Karen said...

Oops! I messed up on the Mr. Linky and put my link twice:/

I like the idea of the veggie scraps for soup. I'll have to try that instead of composting all the good flavors.

Lovely picture of your family!

I don't think I've seen a chickadee, and I'm not sure if we have them here. I'll have to check the bird book!

Have a nice weekend, Susanne.

ellen b said...

That's a great family shot. Glad you found it. We do have lots of chicadees here and they just flit around from here to there and don't stay put much for photos. Your turkey soup sounds delicious.

Ann said...

That's interesting - Here in the south, chickadees are the first birds to our feeders each year and one of the most common. We have the Carolina chickadees here. Are yours the black-capped? Or do they have brown heads?

Paula said...

I have never had turkey noodle soup; sounds delicious! Spotting the birds returning is one of my favorite things about springtime. I spotted my first hummingbird this week.

Kari said...

Happy family photo and lovely wedding pictures.

Can't say I've tried turkey noodles soup but it does sound yummy.

Thanks for the links to the photo editing pictures, I'm going to check them out.