Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #427

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I'm not going to do a big intro paragraph this week as my 1st fave pretty much sums it up.  I'll just extend an invitation and invite one and all to join on in.  Guidelines are in the sidebar if you have never participated before.  

1.  This post from Lysa TerKuerst on facebook.

"Are we rushing past God’s goodness?

 One summer when my son Mark was working at a camp and feeling homesick, I mailed him a special care package to cheer him up. 

I was a little disappointed when several days passed, and I hadn’t heard a word from him about the package. When we called to ask if he’d received it, Mark simply said, “Oh yeah, I did. But I haven’t opened it yet.” 

Who gets a gift of love packaged up and sent to them and doesn’t even take time to open it?

 In that moment, the Holy Spirit pricked my soul, “Lysa, in all of your rushing, you do this very same thing to me.” God places gifts of love all throughout our days, things He knows we need. But it’s up to us to slow down enough to even notice."

This is exactly why I started Friday's Fave Five.  It's why I have continued it for 427 posts.  It's why even when Thursday night rolls around and I haven't done my post and I'm tired and unmotivated that I stop in my tracks and pause and intentionally do my post whether I feel like it or not.  I am trying to train myself to daily and moment by moment notice the gifts God places in my day.  I don't always get it, the tyranny of the busyness still gets me at times even after all this time,  but at least FFF helps me to intentionally look.

Check out Lysa's FB page (linked above) or the Proverbs 31 Ministries homepage for more daily encouragement. 

2.  Gift from my youngest.  Mother/Daughter watches.  Cause Mom is not quite ready for a tatoo (though the girls are trying hard to convince me).  But it was a sweet idea.  And she actually was able to get a watch that has a picture of something that means something significant to each of us.  A bird for me, an owl for her sis and a butterfly for herself.  What a special gift from the heart.

Note to self:  Don't let my hand be on top 'cause it will look twice the size!  :D

3.  Easter celebration with the family.  It was a special weekend indeed.  A couple of nice dinners with the all the family.  Easter Sunday service with all of us together.  And a show together with the girls.  Lots of visiting time and lots of fun.  

My sister even had her Easter egg hunt which is hilarious because my 80 something mother gets right in there with the young people.

4.  Movie evening with hubby.  Monday was a day off for me and with the kids headed back to their respective homes, hubby and I relaxed and watched the movie "Lion".   Such a good movie!  I love "based on a true story" movie and this did not disappoint.  Even though the first 1/4 of the movie was sub-titled it was easy to read and follow and because I was invested into the character's story.

5.  The gift of beautiful warm afternoons.  Gorgeous mid-days have found me and and kids able to go outside every day this week.  Sunshine and exercise,  room to move and run around always perk us all up after being cooped up inside.   I love spring!
What were your favorite blessings this past week?


Ingrid said...

My son would open the parcel, curiosity wins, but then forget to call to say that it had arrived ! Your Easter looks very funny ! We have been to Amsterdam and celebrate with son and family. Was nice, but the weather so cold and wet !

Kari said...

what a timely reminder for me to come back and join you all with your excerpt post.

the days are warmer here too, we can feel the sun more except it's still windy.
I'm looking forward to watching Lion too - not sure if my husband is up to it though.
And Easter gatherings are always fun.
happy to be back here and I admire your commitment to keep this meme going.

Well done to you!!

Faith said...

oh how i enjoy reading Lysas posts!! and how i enjoy reflecting on the blessings and sharing them via your FFF...thank you so much Susanne for keeping it going!! i totally believe a heart of gratitude keeps us humble and connected to our Savior.

I need to check out that movie!! is it available via Netflix?

yay for Easter gatherings and those watches!!!!! i ❤️❤️❤️❤️them!! kudos to your girl!!

happy weekend

Barbara H. said...

What a lovely week! Funny about the Easter egg hunt. My 20- and 30-something kids still ask for it. I don't think I am in the market for a tattoo, either. :-) Loved the quote at the beginning. I had not heard of that movie - will look it up. We had a similar time of just resting after the kids left. It's wonderful to have them all there, but it's nice to relax afterward, too. We had beautiful weather for all the family activities and then some rain the last few days. Your hair is longer than I have ever seen it! It looks nice.

Paula said...

I'm glad that your family was able to celebrate Easter together and that you enjoyed your day off on Monday. I love the idea of the Mother/Daughter watches. You can think of each other every time you look at them. I think it's great that your mom is still able to get in on the hunt with the rest of the family; great memories! ;)

Susanne said...

Barbara: Although I am growing my hair a touch longer the blonde lady in the family dinner pic is actually my sister who does have long hair.

Wendy said...

Looks like you had a great family celebration. A good reminder in your #1. Thanks for making us all stop and take a breath each week.

Willow said...

These are great faves this week, Susanne. I love that your mom was out there hunting eggs and playing with her grandkids.
And yes, I agree that sometimes searching for the blessings is an excellent and important thing to do--a spiritual exercise.
Love those watches!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Great post! I love the quote and story you began with and want to thank you for always hosting this weekly opportunity to look for the good things God gives us all! I love the cute, cute watches. Tell you a secret, I don't have a tattoo either. They look great on some people but they just aren't for me. I would sure like to see that movie! Sounds good. Have a good weekend.

nikkipolani said...

What a terrific post to remind us all of your reason for keeping up FFFs! So much to ponder and consider and not take for granted. Love your fives, Susanne -- full of family fun and thanksgiving. Those watches are such a sweet gift to connect you all.

While you are having pleasant warm afternoons, we've been in the high 90s and wondering whether we'll ever see the 70s again...

ellen b. said...

Wonderful five! Looks like a great family Easter. We are hoping for more sunshine ahead! Have a great Sunday.

angela said...

would you mind sharing where the watches were purchased....seems like a great mother's day gift..tia