Friday, September 02, 2016

Friday's Fave Five #395

Welcome to Friday's Fave Fives.  Taking a pause in our busyness to be grateful for the good things we find in our week, whether they be big or small, obvious or maybe disguised.  It is a discipline because there are times when we won't feel like having to hunt for blessings, but if we develop the practice in the good times it will come more automatic in the harder times.  Please join in with us.  If you are new, guidelines are linked in the sidebar.

1.  Mellow Days mixed in with the busy.  This week has been busy at work, lots happening but yesterday was a bit more laid back.  The weather has been beautiful so we spent some time at the playground in the morning and in the afternoon while the little ones napped the older ones had some pool time.  This meant I was able to have a coffee and do some reading while I watched them play.  It was fun and a bit less chaotic than the previous days this week so I soaked in every minute available.  

2.  Running Wild with Bear Grylls.    This show amuses me and has become a  weekly tv indulgence.  If you've never seen it or heard of Bear Grylls he's a crazy survival expert known for eating gross stuff to survive and in this show he takes various celebrities on a 2 day journey into the wild with him.  They are faced with some of their biggest fears, challenged physically and emotionally, and we learn a thing or two about them along the way.  The celebrity's reactions to some of the stuff he will require of them, especially what they have to eat,  is sometimes downright hilarious.  But the part I really like is when he sits and talks with them at their evening campfire.   Being out in the wild seems to really bring out the vulnerability  in them and Bear has a knack of drawing them out and they share some pretty personal stuff of their backgrounds and life events that have affected them deep down or  got them where they are.  It's an interesting show.  Most have a great attitude about the adventure and are fun to watch.  

3.   Corn, corn and more corn.  We live in an area that is pretty renowned, at least in Canada, for the delicious corn it produces.   Taber, Alberta gets the most sunshine in Canada and the hot days and cooler night produce some of the sweetest, juiciest corn anywhere.  They sell it in stands along the main roads all over my city and everyone has their favorite farmers that they buy from.  It's so sweet that really you don't need to drown it butter and salt, some people just eat it plain right out of the pot.   We've had it every night this week!  Peaches and cream and Super Sweet are our favorites but we'll eat all of them as they hit their rotation.  Yummy!

4.  Baby Shower.  Attending my great niece's baby shower.  I've always really liked showers.  There is something so happy about welcoming a precious little babe, a creation of God, into the world and blessing their parents.  It just makes my heart happy.  

5.  Browsing the book shops.  I took a little time last Saturday and headed off to a couple of 2nd hand book shops.  I had a box of books to take in to them and of course while there I browsed their shelves.  I stuck really hard to my resolution to not get any more books than the what the exchange for mine was worth and I stuck to it pretty good.  Pretty proud of myself for that as I left about 4 behind that I really wanted to get.  But I have such a huge pile at home to get through first, that I knew I had to be strong.   Though challenging, it was lots of fun just looking through all that they had and making the big decisions.  A nice, relaxing way to have some quiet "me" time.  And then what books the bookshops did not buy from me I took and put them in a "Little Library".    We've got quite a few of these around town and I love it.  Anyone can have one in front of their homes.  You can make and design your own or you can call the local organization and have them give  you one of theirs.  They'll even help you install it.   Then you can paint and decorate it however you like. Just google or pinterest images of free little libraries and there are some really sweet ones out there!  I didn't take any books for me this time, but I did find a sweet one for the dayhome kids. 

What were your favorite blessings from the week? 


Gattina said...

That's nice when kids are occupied and you have a little rest ! I have never heard of Bear Grylls must be funny ! I love to eat corn unfortunately the one I get here is not so good. We still have nice weather no too hot not too cold, just perfect !

Faith said...

I LOVE sweet corn fresh from a farm....we've enjoyed that here in our area of NY too.....most of the farms are just to the west or east of us and they are plentiful...we are blessed!!

THat show you are talking about has a segment coming up that features Shaq somebody...a famous basketball player i think and he will be in our beloved Adirondack Mountains!! film crews were was a huge news draw this summer....I don't watch the show but if I remember to I may watch that episode. lol

Yay for busy weeks with nice moments of relaxation thrown in.

I hope you have a lovely weekend...I went back to work yesterday for a workshop and back to the classroom on Wednesday (although i STILL don't know exactly which room I will be in this year...very frustrating..they are taking their sweet time for some reason in telling everyone).

I'm late in getting the FFF done but it will be done sometime this a.m.!!

Lynette said...

Browsing book stores is one of our favorite things to do. I love the book exchange box. Nothing better than farm fresh produce especially when it is bought directly from the farmers. Busy days mixed with down time are the best. Have a relaxing 3 day weekend.

Thankful for Grace said...

I love this little blessing party, and I certainly missed being part of it last week. I hope I can get something up today.

I love those less busy, less chaotic days. I need more of them in my life!

My husband loves that Bear Grylls show.

Corn would have been one of my faves last week. We had some mighty sweet and juicy ears last week, and we are having some again tonight. The only thing I don't like about eating corn on the cob is having to dig stuff out of my teeth afterwards.

The first I ever heard of those little libraries was when Karen posted about it a month or so ago. I had never seen or even heard of it before that. Then, just yesterday, when I was out and about with my son, I spied one in someone's yard. At first, I wondered what it was, but as we drove past, I realized it was a library. If I hadn't known of the libraries' existence, though, I probably wouldn't have known what it was. I think they are an awesome idea.

So many books, so little time to read them all! I hear ya, and good for you for being disciplined about not buying anything more until you've read what you have. I'm that way at the library. I stop in and browse the shelves and new release tables, and then I leave with a half dozen books, all the while the half dozen from the previous week remain unread at home. I need to read what I have before getting more!

Blessings on your weekend,

Barbara H. said...

I've heard of that show but haven't seen it. I'm not much into the survivalist aspect but the talking around the campfire would be interesting.

I love corn - how great to have such good varieties available fresh!

I love baby showers, too.

I'll have to see if they have any secondhand bookshops around here. The only one I know of is in a different part of town, but maybe they have a local one somewhere. It would also be so neat to find one of those little libraries!

Karen said...

I watched one of Bear Grylls' shows for the first time about a week ago. Julianne Hough was on -- she's so cute. I just can't even imagine doing something like that! Maybe 30 years ago!

These are great favorites. I love baby showers, too. I just discovered a local used book store and have a coupon from my first visit that is burning a hole in my pocket. I need to go back soon!

I should have listed corn as one of my faves this week. We have some good, locally grown corn, too, and the season is coming to an end. We're eating as much as we can!

Have a great weekend, Susanne.

ellen b said...

That show sounds real interesting. We have really enjoyed watching the show "Alone" The first two seasons were filmed on Vancouver Island. The next one will be in Patagonia. Glad you had some mellow time in the midst of child care. Love the sweet juicy corn I've had from Chilliwack! Hope you have a good weekend!

Wendy said...

Nice five. I need to check out if the Little Library operates here - I have too many books in the house and my to be read pile just keeps growing! Have a lovely weekend.

Purple Grandma said...

Taber corn is SOOOOO good!

The little free library is new to me, but such a wonderful idea! I checked and there are none in our town. I'm going to talk to my daughters and see if we can get permission to put some up here. Thanks for sharing that!

Willow said...

I love second hand book shops and 'little libraries' too! And of course, you can't just walk away without buying books, right?

The corn sounds delicious!! Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Kathie said...

Second-hand bookstores are one of my favourite rainy day outings!

I'm going to look up Bear Grylls' show on youtube. I've heard about him through Nicky Gumble and the Alpha program.

We've been enjoying fresh corn too - it's so good!

Hope you have a great weekend Susanne!

Mary Ann said...

Where can on sign up to get your blog? Liking your Friday Faves.