Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday's Fave Five #388

Another week has come and gone...where does that time go???  It's Friday and time to look back over the past week and see what blessings were in our lives that made us glad, encouraged us, uplifted us, brought a smile, gave us hope,  made our day or just plain got us through.  Share 5 of them and join us on the linky!  Then grab a treat and visit around.

1.  This quote.  This week started out great, and I'm not gonna lie, ended a bit tough.  So glad that I have this little outlet that has brought the discipline of intentionally looking for good things in my life so that I don't spiral into the negative!  Because there is good but sometimes the volume of those little, not so pleasant things really tries to drown out what really was a good week and rob me of joy and peace.   This helps me to focus on the good and let them have the upper volume!  I really like this quote from Toby Mac:

And knowing me and my flair for a touch of drama, I can really lean toward the milking of something if I am not careful.  So it's a good reminder.

2.  Finding new bike trails in the river bottom.  We again loaded up our bikes this time taking them down into the river bottom.  We really do have a love river valley park system.  We did the usual paved paths and then in a turn of daring we got off that path and took a skinny (very skinny) bike trail.  It was fun and challenging riding through rocks, the trail, sand, and through the midst of bushes and trees until we came upon a clearing that must have been recessed flood area.  It looked like river rocks and people had built all sorts of river rock scultures.  I couldn't leave without building one of my own.  I did have a pic but I think I accidentally deleted it off my phone.  :(

3.  Celebrating my mom's 84th birthday.  What a blessing to still have my mom to celebrate her birthday.  We took her to the restaurant of her choice and had a delicious bbq rib meal and then back to my house for cake.  Such a special lady and doesn't she look great for 84?

4.  Stop over visit from Kim and Mitch.  The newlyweds popped in on their way to a British Columbia holiday and spent the night.  Nice to see them and catch up a bit.  A 7 hour drive is just too far away for this mom!

5.   Tiramisu.  Oh how I love this dessert.  Enough said!

How was your week?  And what were your favorite blessings from it?


nikkipolani said...

Your mom looks great -- for any age ;-) So glad you could celebrate together. Is that the tiramisu cake? Yum! I, too, am so glad for this weekly reminder to count my blessings. Thank you for keeping it going!

Karen said...

Ah! LOVE the quote!

Happy Birthday to your mom!! Such a beautiful lady. I hope I look that good at 84;)

Have a great weekend, Susanne.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like a good week. Happy Birthday to your mom. I can see that you look a lot like her. Happy Friday to you all!

ellen b said...

I agree with Ann, your mom looks fabulous at 84! Glad you had that stopover visit. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thankful for Grace said...

Happy birthday to your mom. She does indeed look great. I hope she has a fantastic new year of life.

I agree that 7 hours is too far away from your son. I'm so glad he and his wife were able to stop by for a visit. Hope they can do it again soon.

I wish I had a bike. I sold mine several years ago when we were getting rid of stuff in anticipation of a move. The move never happened. I think it's time to replace the bike. Your outing sounds like loads of fun.

Thanks for hosting this great party each week. I'm enjoying being a part of it.


Wendy said...

Great quote and your Mum looks great for 84. I love Tiramisu too.

Barbara H. said...

Late to the party today! My son and d-i-l and grandson have been without power since yesterday afternoon and have been here.

I like that quote - I can so often camp out on a small negative and miss the big positives.

Happy birthday to your mom! It's so great you got to spend time with her and the newlyweds.

Jerralea said...

Wow, I love that quote even though it kinda stepped on my toes ...

Happy birthday to your mom!

Visits from the kids are always a reason for thankfulness.

Have a great weekend!

Lynette said...

Great quote!
Happy Birthday to your Mom.
Finding new bike trails, fun!

Faith said...

I posted at 5 a.m. (eastern time/NY time) but then was hiking ALL DAY LONG so am just getting around to linking up, reading ,etc.

love your list...YAY for biking.

Happy birthday to your mom...she looks great! my dad was 84 in January.

glad your oldest gal and her hubby got to pop in.

Hope you didn't get the tornado!! YIKES. hot and humid here but an amazing summer so far.

Gattina said...

Your mum looks great and apparently very healthy too !