Friday, July 08, 2016

Friday's Fave Five #387

Welcome everyone.  It's Friday wonderful Friday.  And that means we look back over the week to recognize and take note of the blessings in our lives.  They may be big and obvious or they may be more quiet and hiding a bit but it's a good practice to take note of them and be thankful for them.  Please join on in.  If you're new the guidelines are linked in the sidebar.  

This fave five is going to be all about the long weekend because so many of my blessings and favorite things went on during those 3 days.  In Canada we celebrated Canada Day and I know my American bloggy friends enjoyed their 4th of July day off and celebrations.

1.  The long weekend.  Last weekend we enjoyed a long weekend with Canada Day falling on a Friday.   With that holiday landing on a friday, it was so much more relaxing and enjoyable with not having to worry about working the next morning.  An extra day to sleep in a bit, laze around with books and an extra coffee or two.  I even got some chores crossed off the list without being rushed about it.  

2.  Bike rides.  With the long weekend and great weather, Hubby and I actually got in 2 great, long bike rides.   The sky had a mix of sun and cloud so we weren't burning too much and there was a bit of a breeze to cool us off.  We took some great paths, stopped at a coffee shop for refreshments and just had fun together.  

3.  Spontaneous evening with good friends.  We received a spontaneous invite for a bbq dinner with our good friends who are so not really spontaneous.  They are very busy folks with a full calendar so we usually plan our time together quite a bit in advance.  So this was a great surprise.  And we always love getting together with them.  Lots of laughs and always great food.  I had a bbq'd roast for the first time ever and it was delicious!

4.  Another spontaneous invite, this one for Saturday morning breakfast out from my mom.  She likes IHOP so that is where we headed.  Hubby and I don't usually go there but boy they had the most wonderful Banana Macadamia Nut pancakes with butter rum sauce.  Oh my.  Delicious and nice to spend the morning with my mom.

5.  Yummy grilled dinner on Sunday.  I got a great deal on some rib steaks at the grocery store last week.  I never buy rib steaks because they are Expensive with a capital E!  But this was a price that couldn't be left behind.  So I grilled them up for our Sunday dinner.  And I must say they turned out perfect.  I actually didn't over or under cook them, which is a blessing in itself!   So for less than the price of fast food burger dinners out we had the best steak dinner at home.  Gotta love that!

What were your favorite blessings from the last week?


Ingrid said...

It's always nice to have a long weekend, except when you are retired, because there is no difference, only the shops here are all closed ! It seems you had a nice week !

Faith said...

I absolutely love all of your faves.....the best kinds of long weekends are full of spontaneous breakfast or dinner dayes, great food, and bike rides...or kayaking...or hiking....😀

I actually had two good bike rides this week although it was super hot and humid here the last 2 days but on a bike it wasnt too bad.

I hope you have another fun and restful weekend. Enjoy the sun!!

Barbara H. said...

What a great week! Glad you had a great Canada Day, and it was nice it landed on a Friday this year. Spontaneous get-togethers are hard to come by, and to have not one but two work out in the same week is nice! Your grilled dinner sounds lovely, even more so from its being a great deal.

Willow said...

Your long weekend sounds great. Happy Canada Day! It's great to celebrate with bike rides and bbqs! The long bike rides are wonderful too. I love how TWO times this week you got spontaneous invitations.

Thankful for Grace said...

And for us Americans, the 4th of July landed on a Monday, so we had a 3-day weekend too. I don't work outside the home, but my husband prefers the 3-day weekend to a holiday falling in the middle of the week.

Spontaneity is great. How fun that friends who aren't normally that way stepped out of character and were.

Your bike ride sounds totally delightful. I am a bit envious. Just last Sunday I told my husband I wanted to buy a bike. I haven't had one in several years, as the one I did have, we sold when we were expecting to move. The move didn't end up happening, and now I am bike-less. I must remedy that soon.

Friday Fave Five is a really terrific idea. I am going to link up today for the first time. Thank you for hosting.


nikkipolani said...

What joyous connections with friends and good food! That bike ride sounds just glorious under perfect skies. Definitely a blessed weekend!

ellen b said...

Woohoo for invites that involve food! Your week sounds great and I'm glad you had a day off. Have a wonderful weekend Susanne!

Ann said...

It's kind of neat that both Canada Day and the American Independence Day were both on the same long weekend this year.

One year my husband and I were in Seattle/Glacier/western Canada for an anniversary trip, planned so that we would be home before 4th of July crowds. . .we were both naive enough not to realize at the time that Canada Day was so close to the 4th - and we happened to go through Banff on. . .July 1. We quickly learned!!

Wendy said...

I love it when spontaneous invites work out. Sounds like a good week.