Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #356

First off, a very happy Thanksgiving to all my bloggy friends south of the border.  I hope you all had a wonderful day filled with good food, friends and/or family and festivities.  I know some of you will probably be up at the crack of dawn waiting in line at stores this morning but we are still pausing to take a moment to be thankful. Even if you can't find the time to actually do a post I encourage you to take a moment in your busy day to pause and think of those blessings of your past week.

1.  A tough work situation over and done.  What a relief when something that is difficult at work is finally over with and a new fresh start can be made.  Whew.  I am thankful for God's mercies, new every morning!  The opportunity to move past stress and a into a new day is a blessing.

2.  Dayhome Christmas gifts done and at a great deal to boot!  I quit giving toys to the Dayhome kids for Christmas a long time ago.  Instead I buy a new toy for the dayhome which they open together on the last day before Christmas and I send them home with a gift of a book.  I love to give the gift of reading!  And I did all my shopping for the books this year online at BookOutlet.  Their already great prices were reduced another 30% for this weekend and they sent me a $5 off coupon code for Black Friday.  Not having to be in a crowded store and still getting a great deal is definitely a blessing.

3.  Phone Reminders.  I love having a task and event memo in my phone.  And what I love even more is I can send myself reminders complete with an audible alarm.  This feature has saved me so many times I cannot even count.  Everything from something as simple as a reminder just to call my mom which can get lost in the shuffle of a busy day to big events and tasks no longer get forgotten.  So thankful for an easy way to remember things!

4.  Warmth after cold.  It's been a bit chilly this last week but starting today is a week long warming trend with an actual 7 days in a row of sunshine predicted!  I need me some good, natural vitamin D!  Warm breaks in the middle of chilly weather is a blessing!

5.  Cheesy Christmas movies.  The made for tv kind.  The kind you'd never pay good money for at the movies.  Love them all.  Add a  nice hot drink and a cozy blanket.   Bring them on!

Again Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Hope you find that moment to find the blessings not only of the holiday but those everyday little blessings that make life good!


Ingrid said...

That's an excellent idea to offer books to your daykids !I only have the gift for my grandson so far, maybe I will find some inspiration this afternoon I'll go to a shopping center !

Just Joy said...

Just introduced to FFF this week. I love it. As I participated this morning what a warm feeling settled over me as I visited the Higgins of my week. It wasn't all good but the less favourable moments slid into the background in the light of the good. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully, I have followed the guidelines correctly. Blessings.

Just Joy said...

Higgins should be highlights -oops!

Faith said...

i love the idea of giving a book to your daycare children! i did the same thing with my special ed class of prek kids the 8 years i was a dull time teacher. i would also buy a classic book for the classroom. loved that tradition. of course here in our home, books are always at the top of everyones xmas list😀 yay for stressful situations being solved and for tv xmas movies. i actually watch them on netflix while baking but we do own the classic less cheesy ones we watch on friday nights throughout the month of december. our faves are miracle on 34th street and white xmas.

enjoy the weekend and warmer is mild here on the east coast too!!! YAY!!!!!

Barbara H. said...

I love the idea of giving books to kids, too. Toys can get so lost in the shuffle, and might duplicate what parents got.

I'm so glad the stressful situation is taken care of and behind you now.

I love phone reminders and notices, too. I used to jot things on odd slips of paper and then forget or lose them.

Karen said...

I love cheesy Christmas movies, too! Watched my first one of the season last night:)

Your idea for a day home gift is awesome. I can just picture all the kids sharing in the excitement of opening a present together.

I started "A Fall of Marigolds" and it's wonderful! A perfect book to curl up with this week.

nikkipolani said...

That crack-o-dawn shopping thing? That's not for me! So I'm glad to be here reading everyone's faves and rejoicing with you in yours. So nice to have hard things done and behind you. Sounds like you are all ready and cozied up for your winter cocooning, complete with cheesy TV ;-)

Jerralea said...

"The opportunity to move past stress and a into a new day is a blessing." Yes! It's such a wonderful feeling to finally. Put. It. Behind. Me.

Love your dayhome gift giving ideas!

Diwakar said...

Hello Susanne. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am blessed and feel honored and prvileged to get connected with you because of who you are in the LORD Jesus Christ. I am a Pastor from Mumbgai and love to get connected with the people of God around the world to be encouraged, strengthen and praying for one another. I have been IN THE Pastoral ministry for last 37yrs in the great city of Mumbai a city with great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the broken hearted. We also encouage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have your adult children and their friends or you and your husband to come to MUmbai to work with us during your vacation time. I am sure this will be a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward tohear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and friends.

ellen b. said...

Glad a hard thing is past you...
Hope your week goes well.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi - busy weekend and I didn't get to link up, but I am hoping for this coming week. I totally get how you are thankful to have a stressful work situation resolved. I have just such a situation myself and that will be taking up some of my after school hours this week. Will be glad when it is resolved. I love that you give books to your day home kids! Passing along the joy of reading is an awesome thing to do. Have a wonderful week and I will try to join with you on Friday!