Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #330

Hi everyone.  Welcome to the end of the week meaning it is time for Friday's Fave Five.  I was out of town last weekend to visit my daughter and couldn't get around to commenting on hardly any of your faves last week so I'm especially looking forward to getting around to visiting you all!  If you are new just go to the link in the sidebar, read the guidelines and then just jump right in.  Don't forget to visit others too.  It makes it more fun and expands your awareness of the blessings in life.

1.  Of course, one of the highlights of my week was the opportunity to visit my daughter who lives out of town.  My wonderful hubby made it happen.  I am so grateful that he realizes that I need to get out of the house and away sometimes being as I work at home and can't leave. We took advantage of the long weekend, jumped in the car and went.  And going to see my girl is a delight.  We got to see her little apartment and stay there, no room mate at the moment.  This gave us extra time together and it was a wonderful visit.  Unfortunately the weather was really cold so there was no outside activity but it was still fun to shop and see a show and eat out.  It's always a gift to be able to travel a province away and visit my oldest and a gift to get some away time with my hubby.

2.  Finding a great shoe deal.  Since last fall I have been fighting pain from plantar fascitis and a lot of my shoes just don't have the padding or support or can't fit an insert that would help.  Especially summer shoes.  I've been on the look out for some cute casual summer shoes that would work but I've been finding it hard to get something that doesn't blow a huge hole into my budget.  While visiting my oldest we went into the Winner's/ HomeSense and lo and behold there were a pair of Romika shoes that I've my eye on for a couple of years.  They were sized at a ladies 10 by Winners but when I looked at the sole they were actually a European size 40 which is a 9.  I'm an 8 1/2 but occasionally a 9 depending on the shoe so I quickly tried them on.  They fit!  And they would fit an insert if need be but they are very comfortable without.  They were the only ones in any size and I snapped them up when I saw they were priced at $59.99.  I thought I had got a good deal but when I looked them up online, I totally did the happy dance as they were $130.00!  Score!!  Cute comfortable shoes at a steal of a deal makes me very happy.

3.  Bread from Cobs bakery.  My oldest has a couple of jobs one of them being in this bakery.  On our way out of her town we dropped her off at work and picked up some yummy baked goods.  Oh my word...this is one awesome bakery!  We tried the Marble Rye bread, the Cinnamon Raisin bread, the White Chocolate Raspberry Scones, the chocolate and raspberry croissant and the salt and pepper Turkish flatbread.  They were all super delicious.  It's probably a good thing there isn't one in my town or I think I would be gaining a few pounds.

4.  Coffee and Chat night with ladies bible study.  Once in awhile my bible study group forgets the study and just does something for fun and because of the long weekend this was a fun week.  We met for coffee and dessert and though there was only four of us that could make it, it was a great evening.  I love this time because having fun together as well as studying together builds a great bond.  I'm very thankful for my group of women that are there for each other as we do this Christian walk together.

5. Some good slots of time for reading.  The last couple of days has been beautiful and sunny outside and it's been a pleasure to carve out a little bit of time to enjoy the outside with by book and a coffee.  It's like a little getaway and totally is a refreshing time for me.  

What have your favorite blessings for the week been?


Willow said...

I'm so glad you were able to see your daughter last weekend! Road trips are also great for spending time with your 'travel buddy'.
Wow, that is a great deal you got on those shoes!
Sunshine outside + a good book = bliss!

Barbara H. said...

So glad you were able to go visit your daughter last weekend, both to have some time away plus some time with her. And to find a good deal on good shoes!

The coffee night with the ladies sounds fun. It's been nice to get some extra reading in this week.

nikkipolani said...

Mmmm! Nothing like fresh baked goodness. Sounds wonderful, every one!

I agree, studying together is a wonderful bond. So nice you get to have an easy and enjoyable evening with dear friends.

Ingrid said...

How nice that you could do an escape from home and visit your daughter. She shoes look really comfortable and you made a good bargain !

Jerralea said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful long weekend! Here in the states, we will be having a long weekend as well.

Those breads sound delish. I don't know which I'd have tried first ...

Glad you found reading time! Sometimes that is really hard to do.

ellen b said...

You have yourself a very good man, Susanne! What a blessing that is.
Fresh bread and time with your girl is real good, too!

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a great week. So glad you were able to get away and visit your daughter. That bread sounds oh so good. Last week was super busy, but i am planning to join with you for FFF again this coming Friday! Have a good week.

Julie said...

Hi Susanne, I've never been to your page before, found you through a friend of a friend. I'm always looking for new friends who also make God the center of their lives. I don't have any close Christian friends where I live, so I find my blogger friendships very special. Any way, I'm glad you found those new shoes! I've had plantar fascitis in the past and know the pain. The good news is, with good shoes and some exercises, it can be healed. Feel free to say hi any time.