Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #319

It's Friday, one of my favourite days for many reasons, one of which is joining in with all of you to look back over the week and notice our 5 favourite blessings for the week.  Sometimes it's super easy to find five and sometimes it's darn hard but there is always some to be found.  Sometimes it's all in the perspective.  Thank you to all you faithful participants and welcome to any new or returning!  I'm so grateful you take the time to join in with me.  Guidelines are linked in the sidebar for anyone new.

1.  Fresh paint.  Hubby has been working hard for a couple of weeks now, whenever he can, to freshen up the living room.  Off have come the old chair rails, and a fresh lighter color is going on.  I found a lovely "greige" in Benjamin Moore's "Inukshuk" and we just love it.  We wanted to move away from the yellowy-green toned beige we had and this is a lovely change.  Still trying to decide on the dark colored wall, though.  I'm soooo indecisive when it comes to paint color.  

2.  A new recipe win that will go into the family favourites file.  I love when I try a new recipe and it actually turns out really delicious and I have a new family favourite.  This recipe that I shared at the beginning of the week did just that.  This may just motivate me to start working my way through the scads of recipes to try that I have filed on my computer.

3.  Chores done = free weekend.  Laundry is done, vacuuming done, groceries done.  Wow, what will I do with my weekend?  I feel a book or two calling my name!

4.  Purring furball.  I love the late evenings when my sweet old kitty crawls up next to me on the couch for some cuddling and purring.  It's such a lovely, relaxing way to end the day.

5.  Wonderberry Chocolate Truffle  tea.  When my youngest and I went to the Women's Conference in October we stopped at the mall in Calgary.  We went into a tea store and they had all sorts of lovely teas to try including a Christmas flavor:  Wonderberry Chocolate Truffle .  It was delicious.  But we walked away because it was ridiculously expensive.  When hubby took me to the Mall last weekend we stopped into the same tea store and lo and behold the very same tea was 70% off.  Score.  And I got the last can! It was like it was just patiently sitting waiting for me to come back on Valentine's day so that it could go home with who it was intended for.  LOL.   Sorta makes you wonder how they can justify the huge price hike though, doesn't it?  But at any rate, the tea tastes extra rich and delicious now that I got it at that great deal!

What were your favourite blessings, whether big or small, during your last week?


Faith said...

fresh paint and a great sale! sounds like two awesome blessings to me! and yeah for,you getting all your housework done before the weekend! I have to take a family sick day for half the day today so a,moping after Claire's appt to get the bulk of mine done too! happy weekend, Susanne!

Melanie said...

I love to try different kinds of tea and that one sounds wonderful. And what a wonderful sale. My son has a tea store called Teavana in the mall near his home. It has all sorts of great teas, all pretty high priced as well. Have a lovely weekend.

Monica said...

It's amazing what a coat of paint can do to a room! Makes everything new!
So glad for "free weekends". I've fallen behind... probably won't have one of those for a while. :)

nikkipolani said...

Oh! #3 sounds absolutely fantastic. Especially with a cup or three of the tea you scored.

Maybe you'll show some pics of the new living room when you pick your new color. Kudos to your husband for working diligently at this project.

ellen b said...

Chores done and a free weekend sounds wonderful, enjoy!
I'm spoiled when it comes to paint because Dear was a painting contractor long ago and has a very good handle on colors, etc. Glad you have another recipe favorite!

Kathie said...

Fresh paint is always such a pick-me-up. We're hoping to do the room that our grandbabies call theirs - Sarah's old bedroom. It hasn't been done for about 8 years and needs a fresh coat badly.

So glad you got your household duties done ahead of time. Hope you have a really relaxing weekend.

I'm speaking at a women's retreat tomorrow and would really appreciate your prayers as the Lord leads. Thanks!

Now I'm going to check out your recipe - you remind me that I have a fantastic one to share too. A curry chicken that was easy to make and tasted fabulous! I'll put it up next week.

Happy weekend Susanne!


Ingrid said...

A light neutral color is always good ! Makes the rooms bigger ! Be happy that you have a free weekend !

Ann said...

I have just discovered roasting brussels sprouts. Not crazy about chili powder but may have to try that anyway.

Jerralea said...

I love anything 70% off! Wonderberry Chocolate Truffle tea ... I can't really imagine what that would taste like!

I love getting my walls repainted. My husband does our painting, too. He is too impatient to ever wait for me to do it!

Barbara H. said...

I am indecisive when it comes to paint color, too. There are so many variations. I'd love to see the old and new paints colors you used. I know I don't like a yellowish undertone in any color, and our whole house is painted a yellowish beige, which I don't like, but it will have to stay that way for now.

It's so nice to have the weekend freed up! Hope you enjoy it! Reading sounds perfect to me for it.

LivingforGod said...

It's hard for me to decide on paint color, too :)! I have been enjoying chocolate chai tea every day lately. I'm curious to try Wonderberry Chocolate Truffle Tea now.

Enjoy your free weekend!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Chocolate truffle tea! Sounds yum, I'll have to try. Purring kitties are relaxing :)

Nothing like a fresh coat of paint (even though I Don't like painting ha haa)

Sounds like you have a great weekend of relaxation ahead. Enjoy!!

Willow said...

Free weekend! Yay! Enjoy drinking lots of that amazing sounding tea while you relax.
And newly painted walls are wonderful!