Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #317

Welcome to our Valentine's week Friday's Fave Five.  Looking for our blessings through the week is a weekly discipline that we practice so that even in the roughest and hardest of times we can see the good in our lives.  Care to join us?  If you are new just click on the sidebar FFF pic and it will take you to the guidelines.  Then just join on in!

Seeing it's Valentine's this weekend, I'm personally going to look for blessings that God gives me in the gift of my hubby this last week.  Sometimes married couples, especially ones who have been married over 30 years such as myself,  tend to take for granted or don't even notice those little things that make your spouse a blessing on a daily basis.  So I'm looking back over this last week and noticing how my man has been a blessing to me.

1.  He scrubs the pots.  Every single day.  Oh yes, he does!  I pretty much have not washed a pot in years. I don't say it near enough but I soooo appreciate that!

2.  He very bravely took me to the bookstore.  And if you know me at all, you know why I call him brave for that.  I can spend hours in there.  But he takes me anyway because he knows it makes me happy.  Sometimes he comes in and sometimes he waits in the car.  But for the most part he doesn't rush me.  He lets me get my fix.

3.  He is repainting the upstairs all on his own.  With the carpal tunnel issue I am not much help.  After a very short time my hands hurt so bad I have to quit.   He's basically taken on the job.  He needs to do repair work and everything and yet he just plugs away at it whenever he can get to it.  It's a big job to do all on one's own in one's spare time and he never complains.  In fact, he is amazing at keeping up our home.

4.  He compliments my cooking most every single night.  Even when, in my opinion, it hasn't turned out so great.  Even when I experiment with strange flavors. Even when it's something super basic and simple.   He makes it fun to cook for him.  

5.  He gets up earlier than the rest of us to seek God.  And most of all, this is the biggest blessing.  He prays for our little family every single day.  He brings our cares and our sometimes chaos before the throne room of God.  I know my kids are covered in prayer for all the issues they face and decisions they must make.  It brings great comfort to me to know that he does that.

I could go on further but those are ones from this past week that I took note of.

What are your favourite blessings from your last week?  

And whether or not you have a Sweetie in your life at the moment I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day doing what you like to do!


nikkipolani said...

Oh, I like how you're celebrating Valentine's day by appreciating your husband. These are precious gifts from him. You are blessed indeed.

Susan said...

No sweetie here, but I sure appreciate how you've taken today's FFF to bless your husband. The sacrifice and care you both show each other sure is the exact opposite of the grey movie you wrote about.

I especially love that he gets up early to pray for y'all. That is such a powerful way for him to sopw his love for y'all and his faith in God.

Tori Leslie said...

Wow, what a wonderful Valentine you have! I loved reading all the sweet tings he does for you but the last one is the best. Praise the Lord for a man who loves and seeks Him. Enjoyed today's read!

Willow said...

You do have a truly wonderful husband--he can count for all five blessings :)

Ingrid said...

When we got married 45 years ago, Valentine wasn't celebrated in Belgium. It started far later. But as we never had celebrated Valentine, we always forget. I think being married for such a long time is Valentine in itself, lol !

Monica said...

Its'so wonderful that you have chosen to list these great things about your hubby today! I didn't think about doing that. But I had a conversation with our teens last night about loving and appreciating all year not just with spending a lot of money on this "holiday". My hubby agreed, although he is taking me to dinner and a movie tonight! :)

Kathie said...

what a sweetheart!! and you're a sweetheart for pointing out all his loving qualities!

Hope you have a great Valentine's celebration together <3

ellen b said... that's a great Fave Five for Valentines week. You have a good man Susanne!

Barbara H. said...

What a sweet FFF! It's so easy to appreciate things like this yet never let them know. I hope he is as blessed by your mentioning as you have been to experience them. :-)

Carrie said...

:) Love this post.

What an awesome husband you have! What a great blessing!

Kari said...

I love #5 - so important and for me the real measure of a man.
But all round such a lovely post in honor of your hubby!

Jerralea said...

You are a blessed woman! Especially to have a husband that does #5. The best thing a man (or woman) can do is to pray for their family each day!

Snowbird said...

How lovely to use the post to appreciate your husband.....he sounds utterly adorable!

Karen said...

Love this Susanne. I'm a copy cat and made my post the same. Well, except I wrote about my own husband:)

I tried to leave a comment on the last post, but had trouble. Perhaps I was too impatient. Just to say that I haven't had any experience with carpal tunnel (feet, yes!). Prayers for you that you are guided to a good decision!