Thursday, January 29, 2015

Good excuses for not Blogging!

I have truly been neglectful of posting at all this week, but I do believe I shall have your empathy when I tell you it's because I have been out and taking full advantage of being outside in the spring-like weather.  No when I say spring-like, I mean really spring-like.  After a crazy few days of insane Chinook winds, Monday our city had record breaking temperatures of 19*C.  That would be 66*F, for my American friends.  No, that is not a typo.  19*C.  In January.  In Southern Alberta.  Whoever heard of such a thing?  We were out playing with, get this, NO coats, NO boots, NO mittens!  T-shirts!  We were in t-shirts, the likes of which I had to unpack from their winter hibernation baskets and if truth be told, we were sweltering a bit in our long pants.  I swear I got a bit of a tan.  So I know I have your total forgiveness that the blog went by the wayside.

Another reason I have not blogged is because I am reading a book I just cannot put down.  Started it Monday afternoon when it arrived in my mailbox and I've been sucked right in!  It's a true story and oh, my goodness, what a story it is.  Of course, I have been reading outside, coffee in hand, on the deck soaking up the sun while the kids play their little hearts out. Outside.  In January.  With no coats.  Have I mentioned that already?

In other news around here, I finally have exercised myself back to pre-Christmas season weight.  How is it that I could gain 6 pounds in the week between Christmas and New Year's and it has taken almost 4 weeks to get rid of it?  Something is not right with this equation and if someone could tell me where I find a complaint department who will handle this issue promptly and efficiently I would much appreciate it!  On the other side of the coin, my hubby has not had sugar since November and can turn down a bite of one of his favourite desserts, just like that.  (She snaps her fingers as she types that).  How does he do that?  And why has that discipline not rubbed off on me?

I've pretty much banned myself from all stores other than grocery stores for the next month.  I have to confess that the after Christmas clearance sales at a certain decorating store in our area has seen my presence and my wallet way too many times this month.  But I did get some lovely things for less than half price in some cases.  Next year when my children want to know what I want I'll definitely have to put a gift card from this place onto my wish list.

So that's it in a nutshell for me.  I'm praying my east coast friends are staying warm and safe in the predicted blizzard happening over there.  What's been happening in your neck of the woods this week?


Ingrid said...

19° !! Unbelievable ! No wonder that you love to be outside. In Belgium it rains and rains and rains !

I put up my Friday's Fave Five

There is no linky yet !

Faith said...

I'm envious of your temperatures!!!! Thankfully, eastern New York State did NOT get the predicted blizzard...thank you JESUS!! BUT the north shore of Boston, the city of Boston and all the way down to the Cape (Plus parts of long island I believe off of NYC) had MASSIVE FEET of daughter's on campus buildings have snow up to the 2nd story windows!!! but the kids are all safe because the college president told them NOT to get in their cars, etc. they cancelled classes for two days. My FFF is up but i don't see your link and now have to finish getting ready for work. btw...that book looks great..i'm in the midst of doing a fundraising project with my small group to help support a local ministry that works with the children of Haiti :)

ellen b said...

Yippee for your good weather and good for you for dropping those pounds. I need to get back into discipline mode after the holidays especially since we are looking forward to a wedding in June that would make being 10 pounds lighter nice...

Barbara H. said...

It's odd - this post didn't show up in my Feedly until late this morning! Maybe a problem on their end.

Congratulations for losing weight! Yeah, I don't like that equation, either - it is so easy to put on and so hard to take off. Just doesn't seem fair. I am just starting to think about needing get back to work on that. I braved the scale one day this week, and while the results weren't as bad as I was fearing, they've still been too high for far too long.

Your decorating finds sound wonderful!

nikkipolani said...

Yep, that sounds rather like our temps right now ;-) Everyone must've been soaking in that warmth!