It Friday so that means time to look back and find the good things that were in our lives during the last week. Please join us as we share that which is good and that we are thankful for.
1. Celebrating 31 years being married to my Sweetheart. Hard to believe we have been married for 31 years already. There's been lots of ups and a few downs, a wonderful journey shared with a good man. By the grace of God, we've made it to 31 and by the grace of God we continue towards the next 31! Thankful for my man!
2. Fifa World Cup Soccer. I don't watch a lot of soccer but there is something about the world cup that is mesmerizing. Watching all those different countries represented, all playing one game. But what has been the real blessing in it is that it has given me something in common with my Dad. He loves soccer and has pretty much been glued to the tv. It's been fun to phone him up in some great games like with the Spain upset and ask "Are you watching this?" knowing darn well he is and then get to talk about it. He calls to tell me which games to watch for sure as they are expected to be good. Thankful that it has been a great connector for us!
3. Errands done with a friend. Saturday I had a list of errands and on the spur of the moment txted my friend and asked if she wanted to come along. She said yes, and it was actually a fun time shared. You know we had to stop for a Starbucks to take along with us and what would have been a chore turned into a really pleasant time. Thankful for good friends.
4. Bernard Callebaut Chocolates. A gift from my hubby for our anniversary along with these gorgeous flowers (from my favorite local flower shop). It was a nice and totally unexpected surprise!
5. A good night's sleep. After a couple of nights of not great sleep it was wonderful to have a really good sleep last night. When I don't get my sleep after a couple of days I end up with a whopping headache so it was imperative to my work day that I get a good night's rest and I'm so thankful I was able to. Made for a great day!
What were blessings in your life this week?
What a nice group of fives, Susanne, from intentional relationships to spontaneous added fun. Love it that you could share the world cup with your dad!
Heading out the door for the day but I'll be back to visit! So glad to be joining fff this week!
Happy Anniversary! We will have our 25th next week and it is a blessing to be going through this journey with a wonderful godly man! :)
Beautiful flowers! Love the arrangement.
I am hoping to finally get some good sleep tonight. The last 3 have been kind of fitful (if that is a word).
Hope you have a great weekend Susanne!
Wonderful faves. Nothing beats the world cup for mesmerizing factor. Happy anniversary!
I'm glad you are trying to keep up with your dear old dad and his soccer enjoyment. I have watched parts of all the games and most of many of the games. I'm nuts that way. So many upsets this time around. Glad you celebrated another anniversary!
Belgium became completely crazy with this soccer ! We both don't like it and don't watch ! But it's impossible to ignore, the houses, buildings, cars have the Belgian flag or the team logo and lot of people are wearing T-shirts and hats ! Not even on National day I have seen so many flags !
Happy Anniversary!!!
I love the World Cup, I've always been a Soccer fanatic so this is a real indulgence to me. I watch every single game LOL
It's been a crazy Cup this year though, the biggest teams are getting beat left, right and center, it's crazy.
Ahh, how lovely that you are still so happy after 31 years, I made 32 this year. I love your flowers and am pleased to hear you got a good nights sleep, as you say it's a right pain when you have restless nights.xxxx
Happy anniversary! What nice gifts!
I've come to really appreciate sleep the last few years and really feel it when I don't get enough. I'm ashamed to say it is really hard to be nice to people when I haven't had enough sleep, and can have a number of different physical issues. I am glad you got some good rest this week and hope it continues.
I'm so glad you had some restful sleep...and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Love the sound of those chocolates and that bouquet is gorgeous!! I'm not into watching sports on TV so definitely didn't watch the World Cup. I AM going to a Boston Red Sox game on July 2 when we are in Boston for a week's vacation. That's it for me regarding watching sports. LOL. I hope you have an amazing weekend and YES doing things with friends is special for sure!!
A very Happy Anniversary to you and your dh! 31 years - a wonderful milestone. And gorgeous flowers - plus chocolate! A good man.
Glad you had a restful night - I hate it when I can't sleep. Makes me depressed :)
So glad to be back to Friday's fave 5 again. Hope you have a great week!
Happy Anniversary.
A good night sleep is so crucial. I am off my game when I don't sleep well. Errands with a friend, what a special treat.
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