Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #287

Hi everyone!  Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I actually can't believe it's time for our weekly excursion into gratefulness and noticing our blessings.  How can it be that I didn't even post since the last FFF?   But it is what it is, I guess.  Just the way it went this week.  But I do like to make sure I do this post as it helps me to refocus in all that busyness.  Please join me in looking for the good things from the last week.

1.  Finally finding a floor lamp we both like.   Who woulda known that something as simple as a floor lamp would hold us up a month.  When our other floor lamp finally gave up the ghost we had to get another but the place we usually buy these kinds of things from didn't have any we liked.  Nor 3 other stores we checked.  Finally, after a month of sitting in much less light than we desired, we found a lamp we both loved.  What we love most about it is that it's a dimmer style rather than a tri-light style.  Those tri-lights were driving me crazy with one or more of the levels very quickly burning out.  But this dimmer is really nice.  Hopefully it lasts many a year!

2.  Sign at the lighting store.  "Life doesn't have to be perfect to be great".  So, so true.  Too often we miss the joys of life because we are seeking a perfect life.  There is beauty and a great life in spite of imperfections.

3.  Impacting church service.  Last Sunday's service was just really wonderful.  The worship flowed  and the message was really good.  I'm very thankful for the congregation that God has lead us to and made us a part of.

4.   Beautiful areas to walk and bike.  We are really blessed in this city to have lots of nice walkways and paths to bike ride on.   Our river valley is just gorgeous and a beautiful little getaway in nature.  I'm thankful for these areas and for the city making them and upkeeping them for their citizens to enjoy!

5.   A better diet.  I am no way near perfect in my diet.  Far from it.  But I have been trying to make small changes here and there hoping they add up.  Less sugary stuff, more fresh and cooked veggies, eating a healthy breakfast.  I'm starting to notice a difference on days I do well compared to days don't.  Hopefully it can kick me into making permanent changes.

What have been your favorite blessings this week?


Ingrid said...

Yes beautiful areas ! That's not really a diet, it's healthy eating !

Monica said...

We are horrible at finding things we like. Today's styles aren't quite ours.
When services are great like that it helps with my week. I think back to the Lord being present with His saints and it lights up my day!
Beautiful pictures! I hope we have some blue sky today! It has been cloudy and rainy for weeks now.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend and another great service!

Faith said...

Love your faves this week my dear friend. I've been fighting an infection all week so am late to post but I took a sick day today as I have a doc appt later so I will work on the FFF this a.m. I love that quote you saw...and it is so true. Life IS great...imperfections are what keep us going to Christ :)Those bike/walking paths look so pretty...i would love it!!

Snowbird said...

So many of your blessings seem to be about light in one way or another this week. I love the sign and glad to hear you found your perfect lamp. Good luck with the healthy eating, every little does add

Karen said...

The trails are great. It's nice seeing pictures of the area where you live. GREAT quote. We get so caught up in trying to make everything perfect. At least, I do! I see on your sidebar that you're reading the Karen Carpenter story. She was my favorite, 'back in the day.' She and her brother brought so much joy to the world. Have a great weekend, Susanne!

Lynette said...

We have been looking for a good floor lamp also. The area by my chair is a bit dark. we had a wonderful church service also. Have a great weekend.

Jerralea said...

Isn't it funny that something as simple as a floor lamp can make such a difference? I switched out my bedroom lamp this week and am loving the change it made.

God made such a wonderful world for us to enjoy! I think most everyone has beautiful areas around to go out and enjoy if they just look. I know there are tons around where I live!

Jerralea said...

Isn't it funny that something as simple as a floor lamp can make such a difference? I switched out my bedroom lamp this week and am loving the change it made.

God made such a wonderful world for us to enjoy! I think most everyone has beautiful areas around to go out and enjoy if they just look. I know there are tons around where I live!

ellen b. said...

Those are nice areas. I like that sign you quoted!
Glad you found that floor lamp that you both approve of...

Barbara H. said...

I have a hard time with finding lamps I like these days - glad you found one that fits the bill for both of you. I like the 3-way lighting except, as you said, the setting I use most seems to go out too soon. Will have to check out the dimmer idea.

I so need to make changes in the foods we eat. It's so easy (and tasty!) to stick with the same old things, but but I need to take the time to get my taste buds accustomed to better choices.

I agree with that sign.

Some church services just really stand out - glad this last one especially blessed you.

nikkipolani said...

Small changes seem to be working well for you if you're seeing results -- wonderful. I think that's the most compelling.

The views from the river valley certainly looks lush and beautiful. Great way to get exercise and enjoy God's work.