Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #239

It's Friday and that means it's time to exercise our "looking" muscles and expand our sense of gratefulness.  Please join us as we share 5 blessings from our past week.  Guidelines are here if you need them.

1.   Caesar Salad lunch surprise.  I love Caesar salad, especially from a restaurant here in town that makes their own homemade dressing fresh each morning.  Hubby surprised me with a take out order of this delicious salad for lunch one day this week.  And bonus:  he asked for extra dressing so I can just toss up another salad with romaine lettuce I have here at home.  Yum!

2.  Clean laundry.  I know.  Weird.  But I really do love a load freshly washed and dried.  It just smells so nice and looks so neatly folded or hung.  And laundry is one chore I don't mind.  Now if I was in the time of boiling the water outside on a wood fire in a big cauldron and stirring it with a huge stick, I might not be so thrilled.  But with the convenience of today's washers, yes I do love my fresh laundry.

3.  A concert that exceeded expectations.  My sister and I took our girls (my youngest) to a Michael Jackson impersonator.  We weren't quite sure what to expect and were keeping our fingers crossed.  It was excellent.  He was very good and put on a full show complete with full band, lights and dancers.  Fun to do something with my girl.

4.  An opportunity to help a friend who has been good to me.  It's hard to explain and I certainly don't want it to sound like bragging or pride but it was a privilege to help out a friend in a time of need this week.  She could have called any one of a number of people but she called me and it was a blessing to be able to say yes I could take that off her shoulders and help.  She has helped me out in the past and I felt so humbled that she felt confident enough in my friendship to be able to come and ask me.  The give and take of good friendships is a wonderful thing.

5.  A very short bout with a cold.  The cold wasn't the blessing but the two day length of it sure was.  As soon as I felt it coming on I started taking the cold fx and drinking a hot drink of cinnamon and honey and in two days it was gone.  Praise God!

What are your favorites this week?

Oh and P.S.  that meatloaf I mentioned a couple of weeks ago and some of you asked for the recipe?  I finally got the recipe up here.


nikkipolani said...

You are blessed so that you can bless others -- and God put just the right circumstances for your #4.

So glad you are feeling better, enjoying clean laundry, and eating Caesar salads ;-)

Ingrid said...

As you say the give and take of good friendships is a wonderful thing ! I am very happy to have very good friends I always can count on and they can count on me !
You reminded me that I have still laundry in my dryer ! In my area it's not allowed to hang laundry outside ! Apparently it spoils the view (?) lol !

Faith said...

mmm....a good Caesar salad with excellent're making my mouth water!! YAY for fresh laundry..that's a fave of mine too. And how awesome to attend a good concert with your girl. It is a real blessing to have those kinds of friendships, isn't it? the give and take....luv it! I've been seeing alot about cinnamon and honey for all kinds of gonna try it next time i feel a cold coming on which hopefully won't be til next winter!! enjoy your weekend, Susanne!!

Barbara H. said...

Glad your cold was a short one! I will have to try that cinnamon and honey drink next time.

I know what you mean about being in a position to help someone, especially someone who has helped us in the past. That give and take is a wonderful thing, and we don't feel it with just everyone, so it is a blessing to be asked and to be able to help.

I do enjoy the results of household tasks even if I don't enjoy the tasks themselves so much. We do have laundry duties pretty easy today, compared to what they used to be.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I love Caesar salad!! I know what you mean, too, about being able to help someone who's been there for you. I sure experienced that after my son's accident and recovery; you want to bless like you've been blessed! I even get the clean laundry thing, Susanne. We're on the same wavelength.

The meat loaf looks awesome. Have a great week ahead!

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

That Caesar salad sounds delicious! I know what you mean about being able to help a friend. That makes me feel good, too. I'm glad your cold was short lived--that IS a blessing!

Snowbird said...

What a lovely week of blessings. I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch and how lovely to be able to help a friend.

I've had a dismal bout of flu so am glad yours didn't last. I must try that honey drink.xxxxx

ellen b. said...

Giving and receiving...the best kind of week!

Willow said...

Yes, your hubby is definitely a keeper- it seems he's always doing something thoughtful and loving for you.
And it's just so good to know you've helped someone else, isn't it?

Jerralea said...

Sounds like your hubby is a keeper!

I was telling my mom, who has a cold, about the honey and cinnamon tea just the other day. I don't know if she has tried it yet, but I certainly will the next time I get a cold.

It feels good to help a friend out!

Mom24 said...

What a wonderful sounding week! Your hubby sure is a keeper. Lovely that he thinks of such nice ways to show he cares. I'm glad you're feeling better and that you got to get out with your girl. I know how precious those times are.

It is such a blessing to be asked for help, isn't it? A true friendship for sure.