Friday, February 01, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #228

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Thanks for joining in and looking for what was a blessing in your life this week, whether it be a some big blessings that wow you or small ones that get you through the day.  If you're new you can find the guidelines link in the sidebar.  The just join on in!

1.  I Love Lucy.  When the kids were young we used to watch this show all the time when it was on Nick at Nite, I think it was called at the time. I have wonderful memories of them laughing at all of Lucy's silly antics.   All my now grown kids, especially the girls, have a soft spot this show and both my girls own their own copies of the full series of this show.    My Youngest pulled it out this week and each evening the two of us have been enjoying some good laughs watching Lucy up to her antics. 


2.  Word Search Puzzles.  Since I was a kid putting dibs on the once a week word search that came in the weekly funnies, I've loved doing these things.  A few weeks ago I Costco had a nice hard cover, ring binded book of them 240 of them.  All the puzzles have solutions that have to do with Canada.  I've been in word search puzzle heaven since I bought it home, especially since I have to be putting my leg up and not running around all over the place.  It's nice to pull out in the evenings. 

3.  A Shining New Discovery.  Well at least for me.  A friend of mine told me she cleans her whole house with, you won't believe it, Avon bubble bath.  Her floors, her counters, her walls, her appliances.  And her whole house sparkles and smells lovely.  I smiled to appease her and thought yeah riiiiight.  Well last week when Faith's prize package arrived in the mail, lo and behold she had included a little bottle of Avon bubble bath.  So after indulging in a lovely soak and a good read with said bubble bath, I remembered it when I was going to wipe down my counters for the night.  I added a few drops to some fairly warm water and proceeded in the usual manner.  It smelt luscious and when I paused and took a look my stove, fan hood and counter tops were gleaming, my stainless steel toaster, tea kettle and chrome was shiny and the white fridge and dishwasher was sparkling clean. Even our dark wood dining table was streak free and gorgeous. All without rinsing.  I am in shock.  A wonderfully, happy shock.  Tomorrow I'm gonna try the floors and see what happens.  Did anyone else know this hidden gem of a secret?

4.  Did I mention a dark wood dining set?  When we made our kitchen renovations from a beige - yellowy oak color to the darker browns, we knew eventually we'd be getting a new dining set because the yellowy oak totally did not go anymore.  Add to that fact, the chairs backs kept popping out and hubby was forever gluing them back in and the top finish was never good.  After searching since the fall, and much discussion about whether we should get one right now or hold off, we went for it and bought a lovely set at Costco.  It was a really great price, much less than what we were finding in the furniture stores and right in our budget.  The dark color sort of scared me, but after a few days of living with it, I totally love it.

Updated:  For those who asked, here's a pic of the new dining set. What you can't see in the picture is that the table legs are also in the shape of an "X".  I love it.  Looks so much better with the new floors and cabinets. 

5.  A movie night at ladies group.  I love belonging to a bible study group that can also take an evening off to do something fun together.  It helps to build our friendship and relationships beyond studying and really melds us together.  It's a great group!

What have your favorites been this week?


nikkipolani said...

*smiles* I Love Lucy was part of my family's TV tradition, too. I'm totally wowed by your new find -- bubble bath?! Your excitement about washing the floor next... that was unexpected!

susan said...

Hello Susanne,

I have been having a lovely vacation and am looking forward to catching up with everyone this week.

Fist off, I am sorry to hear about your hurt knee. I hope the 6 weeks passes by quite quickly for you.

I LOVE word searches too. How fun to have a whole book just for your self.

Take care.

Willow said...

Oh, I LOVE Lucy too! I remember watching the shows as a kid too. Nobody was as funny as Lucy.

Enjoy those word searches!

Melissa said...

Those all sound wonderful! I wonder if another bubble bath would work? I like word search puzzles, too!

Thanks for hosting FFF!

Faith said...

Ohmy gosh Susanne!!!! I did NOT know that about the Avon bubble bath!! i have GOT to tell my sister (Hope, the one who sells it!). So glad you are getting a double use out of it :)
Yay for I love Lucy. We don't get cable so I don't get to see it except on And your dining room sounds lovely. I'll let you know how I like the bamboo floor! My youngest and I do word searches.....all year round but especially on camping trips or on rainy summer days.....they're great for you as you recuperate!!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I did not know that "gem of a secret"! I'll have to remember that. Would love to see a picture of your new dining set. Isn't it nice to have friends you can learn with and relax with? A real blessing.

Have a great week.

Barbara H. said...

No, I never knew that about Avon bubble bath! Interesting! I wonder if anyone around here sells it.

I'm a little wary of dark wood, too. Glad it all looks great and was a good price!

The movie night sounds fun. I like when friends in serious settings can go and have fun together, too. I think you're right, it does deepen the friendship.

snowbird said...

OMG! Avon bubble bath????? REALLY????

Rushing out to buy some, will keep you posted re results!

A lovely set of friday faves.xxxxx

ellen b. said...

Cleaning with Avon bubble bath...who would have thought?! That soak sounds real good.
I love your dining set. Sounds like a fun night out. Our small group decided on a fun get together in February, too! Blessings...

Jerralea said...

I'm a word puzzle addict, too. I have a puzzle book I work in almost every night before bedtime.

Who knew that about Avon bubble bath? I may have to try that, I'm all about good-smelling cleaners.

I'm more drawn to dark wood furniture myself - even though my home is still filled with oak!

Ingrid said...

Love your new dining set ! looks very chic ! Unbelievable what a bubble bath can do to a house, lol !

Kathie said...

Your new dining set looks lovely Susanne!

I'll have to get some Avon bubble bath - wonder if they sell online?

Glad you're enjoying your Ladies Bible Study group - mine is starting up again in a couple of weeks.

Happy weekend!

Brenda said...

Yep, I Love Lucy is a favorite in our house. We have a lot of the dvds, and can watch them online as well. Of course, The Chocolate Factory and Vitameatavegimin were my favorites.
Your table set is beautiful. I love the lines.
This is my first time participating. I've been following Barbara's every Friday, and decided to try for myself. Looking forward to meeting some new friends.
God bless.

Janet said...

Like the others, I'm a Lucy fan too! Haven't seen an episode in forever, though.

Your dining room set is lovely!

I'm joining in for the first time in awhile. Thanks for hosting this carnival.

Lynette said...

Love I Love Lucy, who doesn't?
Gorgeous table, movie night, sounds like a great week.

Karen said...

I love your dining room set! May you and your family have many happy meals and memories there:)

Too funny about the Avon bubble bath. Never knew it is 'multi purpose'.

I need to read back in your posts and see what's going on with your leg. I'm so behind with everyone.

Have a great weekend, Susanne.

Mom24 said...

How intriguing about the bubble bath. Wow! Thanks for the tip.

Love the new table and chairs. Very nice!

Hope your leg's doing better.