Thursday, January 31, 2013

That face palm moment when you realize you have dumped a tsp. of curry into your chili instead of cumin.  And you've already stirred it in.  Arrrgh.


Sandra said...

LOL but hey, curry powder is yummy and I don't think it will ruin the chili, it will probably taste very good :)

ellen b. said...

Just smile and call it Chili Korma...

Mountain Mama said...

I can't imagine what that would taste like. Certainly not cumin!

nikkipolani said...

So how did it turn out? Was it a revelation in culinary tastiness?

Ingrid said...

Carry on with Friday's fave five too ! lol ! How did it taste ? I mean your Chili ?

snowbird said...

Lol....that's me! Far too many senile moments.xxxxx