Friday, July 06, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #198

Hi everyone and welcome.  Are you ready to share some blessings from your week?  I hope you join in with us with your five favorite!  

This week has just flown by.  I've been so busy that I was only able to post once this week and didn't even realize that.  And here it is Friday.  Such is life.  But I know there is blessings to be found in the midst of business if I just look for it.  So in no particular order:

1.  Wonderful long weekend.  For us Canadians, Canada day was on Sunday, July 1.  And because it was on a Sunday, that gave me Monday as a day off too!  An extra day off on the weekend is always a favorite blessing.  When you work long hours like I do, from 7:30 - 5 each day, that one extra day just to relax is most precious.

2.  Getting outside.  My long weekend was full of getting outside and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.  Hubby and I went for walks, though we did cut that one shorter than I would have liked because some nasty black clouds were blowing in.  We went bike riding.  And the weather was perfect for that.  Sunny and warm with just a bit of coolness to the breeze.  And then we went to the lake for a couple of hours to watch the kids enjoying the water.  Love doing outdoor things on long weekends.

3.  Books chosen.  After humming and hawwing over what to read this summer, I finally settled on a few books anyway to get me started.  I took this book to the lake, but could not get into it at all.  So disappointing as reading is what I love to do at the lake.  As mentioned here, I made a decision to avoid the library for this summer and make a concerted effort in whittling away at my own book pile that is at this time breeding and multiplying in my closet.  So far I've chosen a Karen Kingsbury trilogy, and am totally drawn into the story.  Now that's more like it.   And I want to get to the two books that have been on my last two reading challenges but never saw the light of day.  It's a great start to great summer reading.  I always find the choosing of books half the fun.  I'll have to let you know at the end of summer if I was able to stick to my rule of no library books.

4.  Grilled steaks.  What's a long weekend without something on the grill?  And steaks were it for us on Monday.  Yummy.

5.  Surprise from hubby.  We live in a house that was built in the 1950's.  I really love it but have desired and dreamt of new cupboards for many, many, many years.  This last week my dear Hubby told me to go ahead and start planning and checking into what I would like.  I'm so excited.  It's hard to choose.  There are so many fun options to put in cupboards like this and this and this.  Oh my, and this!  Drool!  But seeing as my budget is not unlimited and my kitchen space only so big, I need to really think through what would work best for me.  But it sure is fun looking. 

What have been your favorites from the past week?  Share with us and sign your post onto Mr. Linky!  Hope you all have another wonderful weekend.    


nikkipolani said...

Hurray for extra days to relax and breathe in summer sunshine. Hurray for reading for fun -- I've decided I'm not going to spend time on books that don't draw me in. And hurray for planning new cupboards!!

Ingrid said...

A long weekend is always welcome when you work ! I have weekends the whole year long, lol ! How wonderful that you can choose new cupboards in your kitchen ! Makes life easier !

LivingforGod said...

I always love a long weekend and spending time outdoors. Have fun shopping for new cupboards!

Kathie said...

Your Canada Day weekend sounds like ours - relaxing, reading, steaks on the barbecue. So glad you had time to relax and time with the family.

I had fun looking at those cupboards! What will they think of next? I pinned a few on my Dream Home pinterest board. We live in a manse so Roger and I will have to build or buy or rent at retirement. Which is not too far in the future. It's fun to get ideas! And pinterest is a great place to keep them.

I admire your no library resolve - I think :) I couldn't keep it - I'm trying a "no buy" resolve. It's too easy with an ereader! Choosing them is half the fun.

Happy weekend Susanne!

Barbara H. said...

A belated Happy Canada Day to you! Sounds like you had a great and relaxing day off.

I usually take two books with me just in case that happens. That's easier to do with a Kindle app.

KK's books are definitely easy to get and keep you. I just finished one of hers.

Wow, how fun it would be to look at all those cabinet options! I had no idea!

ellen b. said...

A long weekend with grilling is always fun. Glad you enjoyed yourselves. What fun to start thinking about those new cupboards!
Have a great weekend.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Glad you enjoyed your long weekend and it's not too warm to do that. I'm always up for grilled steaks and books, too! I've considered Paperback Swap, but haven't decided yet. I have quite a pile, too, and many of mine I've already read...

Cabinet ideas are beautiful. What fun!

Jerralea said...

I love those long weekends, as well. They are certainly bright spots in the year.

Oh boy! Planning new kitchen cabinets! What fun! I can still remember the excitement of choosing mine all those years ago - and the excitement of them being repaired and getting a new countertop after the flood. Have fun and savor the process. I'm sure it will turn out lovely.

Donnetta said...

Oh I know what you mean about this week rushing by. Where or where did it go?...

How wonderful that you had an extra day to rest and refresh! Sounds like your weather has been wonderful for doing just that with some outside time!

Our house is also a 1950's house! :-) Happy Shopping!...

Lynette said...

Mr. Linky doesn't seem to be working for me today.

Have fun shopping for new cupboards.