Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #197

Hi everyone.  It's been a crazy week around here with three different kids having their last day at dayhome this week but we've made it through with a semblance of sanity and it's Friday!  Time to look and notice the blessings that were there during the last week.  If you are new, then welcome to you.  You can take a look at the guidelines here and then join on in.

1.  Little realizations.  With three kids leaving all at the same time, it has really hit me what a precious bunch I have and what a humbling thing God has allowed me to be able to be a part of their lives for however long they are with me at my dayhome.

2.  Deck being fixed.  And a hubby willing to do it.  Parts of the deck have been getting pretty rotten and I'm very blessed to have it just about repaired thanks to a handy and hard working hubby.

3.  Sunshine!  After days of being bogged down in clouds, cold and rain and some of the craziest weather (we've even had storm and tornado watchers here from the States because as I mentioned a couple days ago, So. Alberta and Saskatchewan are supposedly the tornado hotspot in the world right now.  Yikes, what's up with that?!)   an absolutely beautiful day full of sunshine was very welcome today!

4.  An evening of relaxation with the girl's from my study group.  To finish up spring and kick off the summer we had our annual pot luck and evening of just being together as friends.  

5.  Pizza.  It's one of my favorite foods.  And we tried a few new ones this last weekend.  One of our favorite pizza joints has really unique pizza's.  We tried one that was named Canada's Favorite Pizza for 2012, and one that came in 5th at an international competition in the non-traditional category.  Both were yummy.

What were your favorites from the week?  If you share them in a post, please feel free to sign on to Mr. Linky.  Don't forget to visit around a bit if you can.  Your comments are always a blessing in themselves.


nikkipolani said...

You have certainly touched a lot of lives -- from the tiny ones to your almost-flown kids. So glad you're finally getting to enjoy some sunshine... and hopefully for more than a few days!

Willow said...

How exciting on one hand to have all the changes but on the other hand, it can be a bit nostalgic. Hurray for you focusing on how you have been able to impact their lives.

Tornados? Wow! Stay safe up there.

Barbara H. said...

I know it is such a blessing for parents to have a warm, safe, loving place to place their children.

I love pizza but stick closely to my favorite pepperoni and sausage toppings. My husband, one son and d-i-l like to experiment, though, so every now and then I try a slice of something different.

The study group fellowship sounds fun!

I'm glad the deck is fixed, safe and ready for the summer. And for the one who fixed it. :-)

Kathie said...

Your day-home is a ministry - you're touching all those families with your loving care for their little ones. Do you usually have less kids in the summer?

Our deck needs a bit of work too - a new paint job. As soon as all the winter wood is cut. Good thing my dh enjoys that kind of work!

I'm an Hawaiian pizza girl. I can eat the others but that kind is my first choice.

Hope you get more sun and relaxation this weekend - we have a gorgeous sunny day this morning!

Faith said...

If I lived near you when my girls were little I would have wanted them in YOUR daycare :) Sounds like you are blessing to working moms, Susanne!! Yay for pizza. One of my faves is pizza with bacon and peppers....YUMMY!! it has a name from our fave local place but i can't remember what they call it! I hope you have an awesome weekend and can enjoy some time on that deck!

Softie said...

You have to share... Just what is tops the #1 pizza in Canada??

Softie said...

Sorry I meant what is the topping on the #1 pizza??

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I've been hankering for some pizza lately! Although your Crockpot Mexican Chicken sounds really good. Glad you've enjoyed some sunshine.

It sounds like our feelings about teaching/working with kids are very similar -- a blessing to be part of their lives!

Hope you have more sunshine this weekend.

Ingrid said...

I think a good daycare is very important, my son when he had to leave asked me for quiet a while to go and say hello to his "day mummy" !
We too have a very crazy weather, it's summer but we have nearly winter temperatures !

Jerralea said...

Pizza is definitely one of my faves, as well. I don't mind eating 2-3 times a week, if I can get away with it!

I'm sure it is kind of sad to see some of your dayhome kids go. I was a babysitter twice in my life, and I still remember both children vividly. One is now a mother herself, with a child that looks and acts just like her! It makes me feel old, LOL.

Donnetta said...

What a blessing I imagine you have been/are to all of the families you work with!

Sunshine, relaxation (with friends), and pizza. Sounds like a great week for sure!

Happy Friday Friend!

Susanne said...

Softie: The pizza that won Canada's Best Pizza 2012 is a Louisiana Cajun Chicken: creamy cajun sauce, chicken, bacon, jalapenos, green peppers monterehy and cheddar cheese, fresh cilantro and parmesan. The one that won 5th place in the International Pizza Challenge 2012 had basil pesto, capicolla, pancetta, provolone, onion, fresh tomato and arugula and parmesan with this delicious balsamic glaze swirled over it all.

ellen b. said...

Good morning Susanne. It is quite amazing to think of what a part you have played in so many little ones lives. I'm sure they'll remember. Yippee for Pizza and repaired decks...

Carrie said...

A fixed deck and sunshine to enjoy it on? Sounds like a winning combination if ever there were one.

Sounds like we've been sharing similar weather (sans tornadoes, in my case, thank goodness!). We finally decided that if it wouldn't stop raining, we'd just bundle everyone up and take a walk in the rain. Sunshine!? Where are you?!

Annette Whipple said...

I would love to have pizza a FEW times in a week!

Your dayhome must be a real blessing to those families you tend!