Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #175

It's Friday and that means time to look for those things in your week that were blessings, moments of inspiration and uplifting.  If you're new join in with this great group of bloggers and share with us.  Guidelines are available here if you've never read them.

1.  Real homemade pie crust chicken pot pie.  I have made chicken pot pie before but always used the cheater's method (pre-made pie crust graciously supplied by the freezer section of ye olde grocery store) or I've tried alternative toppings such as corn bread topping or biscuit topping.  But while delicious and different, they are so not a Chicken Pot "Pie" to me.  But Monday I grabbed the bull, or lard as it were, by the horns and made a real, live pie crust.  And it turned out wonderful and flaky and not that hard at all.  Maybe it was the recipe I used but it had me wondering, "What was I so afraid of?"  Who knows I might just try a pie next, or a tart, empanadas or a quiche.  Look out world,  I've got pie crust confidence.  

2.  Celebrating my son's 20th!  Happy Birthday J!  You've become a young man who's made his mama darn proud!  I'm very thankful you're my son!


3.  Listening to my two oldest talk anatomy on the phone.   Both have anatomy classes for their courses, T for her kinesiology degree and J for his Emergency Medical Technician degree.  It's fun hearing all the big words for parts of the elbow, wrist, shoulder blades, etc., etc. being discussed.  And the encouragement that goes on back and forth between them does my heart good.

4.  Raspberry hot chocolate.  Creamy, chocolately, raspberry.  I don't think I need to say more.

5.  Moments of silence.  So welcome at times.  No tv, no background noise.  Just a silence where I can actually hear myself think.  Nice once in awhile.

What have your favorites been this week?  Please share with us.  And then add the link to your FFF post onto the Mr. Linky.  Then take a bit of time and visit the other participants if you can.  And then have a great weekned!



nikkipolani said...

Glad to see the chicken pot pie made your list. It sounded wonderful when you described it on the previous post -- and congrats on your own pie crust! Happy birthday to J! Enjoy your moments of silence... before Bonnie and Clyde go at it again ;-)

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Sure hope your "lungs" are okay. It sounds like you've been doing a lot of coughing this week, Susanne. :(

Your pie confidence expression made me smile. I used to make crusts all the time when my kiddos were at home. Now I never do and truth be told, I am a little scared to make one. Maybe I need to grab the lard and get busy!

Raspberry hot chocolate - yummm. I've been cuddling on the couch with my old dog and drinking some peppermint hot chocolate. Not as good as raspberry, but still tasty.

Hope your lungs and Bonnie and Clyde give you a break this week.

Willow said...

That raspberry hot chocolate sounds like a winner to me, too!
Happy Birthday to J!
I keep telling people that pie crust is easy to make. No one believes me. I'm glad yours turned out so well.
How are Bonnie and Clyde?

Ingrid said...

After 40 years of cooking I have an overdose ! but from time to time I wake up when I stumble over a nice looking recepe. So tonight I will try to make a "Risotto" if I don't change my mind ! Happy birthday to the "ol" man !

Faith said...

yay for the accomplishment of great pie crust! i make a fantastic chicken pot pie (according to everyone who's had it) but i do cheat! I use pillsbury pie crust because no matter what recipe i try, my crust is too tough....i even follow my aunt's which is the BEST in the world! I know it can be tough from too much kudos to you for accomplishing this! and your son is very handsome longer a teen! Have a great weekend, Susanne!

LivingforGod said...

Congratulations on your pie crust success! Happy Birthday to your son! It's always nice to see siblings encourage each other. Raspberry hot chocolate sounds so good.

Have a blessed weekend in the Lord!

Kathie said...

Mmm mm chicken pot pie! Sounds like you were using my mom's secret weapon for pie crust - lard. She was a great pie maker.

A belated Happy Birthday to your boy!

Hope you get a whole string of quiet moments this weekend Susanne - sounds like you had a whirlwind week.

Annette Whipple said...

(I posted before, just at my old blog.)

I am actually sharing a chicken pot pie recipe soon. I agree, a top and bottom crust are important! But I cheated with the Pillsbury crusts from the dairy section.

Quiet moments made my list, too!

I really enjoy hearing about your grown up kids!

Thanks for hosting!

Barbara H. said...

I've bee using Pillsbury's pie crusts for years. In early marriage I just didn't have the space to roll out pie crust, and it seemed such a mess. But nothing tastes quite as good as homemade. You might inspire me to try it again some time. :-)

Happy Birthday to your son on his first "out of the teens" birthday!

I definitely need moments of silence throughout the day to keep my sanity! :-)

Lynette said...

I cannot make pie crust. Good for you!

Silence is truly golden whether it is to think or just to empty oneself.

Enjoy moments of more silence, pie crust and hot cocoa!

Mo said...

Sounds like a good week! I haven't participated for awhile, but I jumped back in today...hope you ALL have a great week ahead!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome son! What a great picture.

Okay, you're shaming me into making homemade pie crust. Mine is always 'iffy', so I often resort to the box. We do love pot pies, though!

I love #5. Silence can be so life giving.

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

Mmmmm I think my fave out of your faves is the "moment of silence". I relish those!!

Jerralea said...

Boy, I love moments of silence as well. That is why I hardly ever play the radio.

Susanne, there is no telling what you will make next, now that you have pie crust confidence! LOL.

Happy 20th to your son. May he make an A in anatomy!

Catherine said...

Oh, wow, Both the chicken pot pie, and the hot chocolate, sound so cozy and comforting. Perfect mid-winter food.

I love hearing my kids talk, too. Especially when they are talking about something serious.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I plan to enjoy some of that silence, you described so well.

Happy belated birthday to your son.
-Thank you! - Catherine

Karyn said...

Raspberry Chocolate!? Yummy!

Isn't it fulfilling to see/hear your kids support and encourage one another?

Happy Birthday to J!

Glad you found a moment or two of silence - and congrats on conquering pie crust!!! That's a biggie, in my books.

Carrie said...

I hope to be back at this next week! (I was going to this week but the best laid plans..)

Happy Birthday to your son!

And you simply cannot beat homemade crust. No way. No how!

Mountain Mama said...

Your chicken pot pie reminded me of a meat pie my mother used to make. It also had 'real homemade' pie crust and was incredible. I have tried to make it several times but it's never like hers.
Do you have a recipe for yours to share?