Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #148

Welcome to Friday and Friday's Fave Five!  Are you ready to look back and remember some good things from your week?  It might be easy and it might be a tough exercise but it's always worth it in the end.  So here we go:

1.  Phone calls from my youngest girl away at youth outreach training.  They are as a group helping out this week at a children's camp and having her phone to excitedly tell me the good things she was witnessing God doing in the hearts of kids was amazing.  I was grinning ear to ear after talking with her.  I can hardly wait for her to come home and share it all.

2.  Knowing that I have one me work day before a week off and before my two girls will be home.  I can hardly wait.

3.  Aircraft filling the sky.  It's air show weekend around here and I always get thrilled watching the aircraft coming in for the show.  The loud and fast CF-18 fighter jets thundered in yesterday and always literally make the hair stand on my arms.  It's so exciting watching them do pass by's right over top of my house. Hopefully there will be no repeat of last year where something went wrong with a fighter jet and the pilot had to bail and crash the jet very close to the ground on practice day.  It was a miracle he wasn't seriously hurt or killed and no one else was hurt. I'm praying it's an accident free day. The Canandian Snowbirds should be arriving and practicing up a bit tomorrow and that will be awesome.  They always bring tears watching them.  Not sure why.  But they do.

4.  Clutter disappearing before my eyes.  I've been getting the yard sale ready to go and it's been thrilling to see shelf space opening up.  Hopefully the yard sale will go well.  No matter what that stuff is not coming back into the house.

5.  Bike rides.  Love going for bike rides and we've been able to get a few nice rides down our favorite roads.  Hopefully lots more of them coming up during the summer.  No pics though as hubby was just not enjoying the constant stop/starting and waiting when I bought my friend, the camera, along.  Sigh, I've got to figure out a way to sneak it along somehow.

Have you thought of your favorites from the week yet?   If it's a tough one, maybe grab a coffee and join some others and read along.  It just might inspire you.  Don't forget to link up if you've done a post.  If you're new and need some guidelines for posting please stop by here first and then just join right in!  Have a great weekend everyone!


Willow said...

Few things make me happier than seeing clutter slip out my door--hurray for you! I hope you get loads of photos of the planes at the air show--I don't like to fly but I love seeing planes flying with other people in them :)
Don't you just LOVE those wonderful, excited phone calls!

nikkipolani said...

Could you wave your magic wand in my direction so my clutter disappears too?!?

Jientje said...

Your girls are coming home, that's always a good thing isn't it? That AND excited phone calls! You've got a lot to look forward to, haven't you?

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Our son will be visiting from CA. for three weeks starting Sunday so I can relate to you being excited to see your daughter! Have fun with her.

Ingrid said...

If you like bike rides you should go to Amsterdam, there are no cars allowed in the city center and everybody rides a bike,lol !

Lisa Spence said...

Come make my clutter disappear!!!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Your girls coming home? Oh, how nice. And about that clutter...that's what I want to see happen at MY house! I guess I need to get busy. My boys always loved the air shows here, too.

Enjoy your time with your daughters!

Faith said...

there must be something in the air, Susanne! I also started to do some serious "de-cluttering" this past week...either that or I just wanna be in the AC and out of the high humidity! lol...enjoy your weekend!!

Kathie said...

Isn't that sweet to see your daughter loving ministry! I don't think there is anything better.

I haven't seen the Snowbirds for a long time but I'd love to see them again. Praying for a safe day for them too.

Way to go on decluttering!! And planning the yardsale - hope it goes great for you.

Enjoy your weekend and your week off with the family!!

Jerralea said...

I love to get rid of clutter! I'm trying to be ruthless about bringing things back into the house as I unpack!

I always love to see airshows! Enjoy yours this weekend.

Barbara H. said...

Love the feel of getting ready for a week off. And having your girls home will be delightful.

I love those air shows that I haven't seen one in...well, I can't remember the last time I saw one.

I love that feeling of clutter disappearing, too. We did a lot of that during our move but we need to weed more things out.

TXDidi said...

Phone calls from children AND getting rid of clutter....two of my favorite things. You certainly did have a great week. Hope you have a wonderful upcoming week, too.

Lynette said...

I love airshows. Being a daugther of a pilot I have always wanted to fly. I grew up around airports and airplanes are in my blood.

Carrie said...

I love how much you love your family. That always comes shining through!

Hope you have a wonderful time with your girls!

Catherine said...

I hope you have a wonderful time with your girls, and that your yard sale is a huge success! Doesn't it feel great to de-clutter?!

My brother is a pilot who began flying military jets. He's my hero. I can barely stand driving on the ground, but he is such an even keeled guy, he can handle anything.

Mama Mia said...

Good for you on decluttering! Such a freeing feeling. Glad you get to hear from your daughter- what an amazing experience for her to have. :o)

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Congrats on your decluttering. I so need to do that but realize until I'm done with physical therapy my time is very limited.But you are keeping this goal in my mind and so I know I will get to it soon.

Love phone calls from my kiddos. It must be very heart warming to see the "good works" your daughter is witnessing and doing.

Have a great week.