Good morning everyone! Welcome to Friday's Fave Fives. Please join in as we take a look back over our week and look for those things in our lives that were a blessing in some way to us and then share 5 of them. I'm posting the Linky for now and will join up myself in a little bit. So please go ahead and start!
Whoo, I finally have a chance to catch my breath and do this. We had an issue with the car last night and I didn't get home until really late by which time I was so flustered that the whole thing had happened I completely forgot to finish my post and put it up. But in spite of that there is blessings that occured during the week.
1. Better grades than expected for T. in social studies. Social is not one of her favorite subjects and it was a nice to surprise to discover she had done better than thought. Congrats, T!
2. Mango iced tea. T. mixed some mango juice into the iced tea and boy was it good! I think that just might become a staple this summer in the Living to Tell household.
3. Sunshine. Yipee we finally woke up to sunshine. We have had so much rain and cloudy days the last few weeks. And cold temps at night! It was absolutely wonderful to see that cheery sunshine this morning. Maybe now the flowers and tomatoes can get growing. Nice weather will also get me outside with the camera which I've really been missing!
4. Money back in my pocket. Remember last week I mentioned the new patio furniture we purchased? This last week I happened to be back in the store and saw it had gone on sale. So I inquired at the customer service desk and they refunded me the difference. Yipee. A lot of the bigger stores around here will do that within a certain time frame. Coffee and reading at the table will be all the more enjoyable now.
5. Flowers in their pots. I love potted summer flowers in pots. I love when I visit others and get to look at their pots of flowers and what kinds they have used and see the flowers spilling over. When I go walking or bike riding I'm always on the lookout for everybody's flower pot displays. It just brings a smile to my face and I never get tired of it.
What have been your favorite blessings from the week? What has made you smile or bought a positive or happy moment to what might otherwise be a difficult week? Or if you've had a great week, what has been the best moments that you want to remember? Join on in and take a moment to visit others participating too. It's amazing how much it makes you start looking for the good throughout the day.
Have a great weekend everyone!
It is always lovely when our kids (or ourselves for that matter) do better than expected. I will add my congrats to T as well.
I also enjoy the look of plants spilling out of the pots. I am anxious for my summer plants on the patio to do the same. Since we are having a sunny spell now too, it shouldn't be long before that happens.
So dislike car troubles! Glad you made it home safe and sound though.
Oh I always love money back in my pocket and I love stores that are smart enough to reward their customers instead of sticking it to them! Glad you got some sunshine and potting done. Today I'll be re-potting without sunshine :o)
Good for the better than expected grade! yippee. Have a great weekend.
That I call luck with your furniture !! Never happened to me, lol !
I wish you a good night ! I am about to go to bed.
Hurray for the refund! That's money in the pocket to purchase more mango tea and lemonade and flowers for your pots. And hurray for T!
Good grades and extra money are tops in my book, although sunshine and flowers are an added bonus!
So glad you have sunshine -- hope it continues! We're praying for much-needed rain. It's supposed to come this weekend, so I need to get outside while I can.
Money back in your pocket. Wow -- "The squeaky wheel gets the grease," huh? You've never know unless you ask!
Have a great week ahead!
Congrats to T on that Social Studies grade!! my own daughter, the senior, decided to take the Honors Government course and she has regretted it ever since January.....she did well last quarter so we shall see about this last marking's been a tough one! The tea sounds delish...I've had mango but never in juice form. and yay for potted summer flowers! i like them too!!
We have sunshine coming too!! I'm tired of rain and colder temperatures.
Congrats to your girl well done!
I like the sound of that mango iced tea - I'll give it a try!
Happy weekend Susanne!
Mango iced tea sounds YUMMY!
And money back in the pocket? Well, that's always something to be grateful for!
Send some rain down here! We really need it!
What a nice surprise about the grades; love that when it happens!
Congrats to T on the good grade! We had a pleasant surprise along those lines, too, with one class we were concerned about.
Wow, how neat to get a refund after the fact!
I love flower pots, too. So cheery!
Yum! Mango goes great with tea! Congrats to T for the good grades, for sunshine to bring out the flowers in your garden and pots, and for getting a little money back on your patio set. Hope you get to use it lots this summer!
Flowers always cheer me, too!
I'm glad T did well in SS, and also in Tea making, and that you can sip that tea in the sunshine on your even lower priced patio furniture!
All kinds of good surprises, yes! And flowers planted means beauty for many days to come.
Kind of late making my post this week, but I do appreciate the little nudge to reflect on the many blessings I'm given. Thanks, Susanne!
What a great week of happy things to happen. Mango tea sounds divine.
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