Friday, June 03, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #141

Good morning and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  A place to look back over the week and find those things that have blessed our everyday lives.  If you new, we'd love to have you join in.  You can link to the guidelines page in the sidebar and then don't forget to sign on to Mr. Linky so that we can come and visit.

1.  New sunglasses.  I am so, so grateful for these.  I need my sunglasses and I need prescription ones, so when mine broke a few weeks ago it was tough stuff waiting for the new ones.  But they are here and happy I am.

2.  Patio set.  Our patio table and chairs were 18 years old.  They held up great but when I saw a new set with the glass table and slingback chairs for a really great deal I couldn't resist.  I can hardly wait for hubby to put them together.  And now that I've got the next point cleared and off the deck, we can start enjoying it.  That is if the rain ever goes away.

3.  Flowers.  Finally, my flowers are snug in their beds and pots.  Poor little things were getting so root-bound waiting for the rain and nightly freezing to go away.  I can't recall where I have ever been this late putting my flowers out.  But I determined, rain or shine to get them out yesterday and my muscles can attest, I got it done.  Pictures will come.

4.  Posts that speak right to the heart.  Like this one.

5.  Cute ideas that make me wish I was that creative.

No, this isn't mine.  But I wish it was!  You can find step by step instructions for it here if you're the handy dandy type or you can talk your hubby into doing it for you.

What were your favorites this week.  Please share them in a post and link up.  Grab a coffee and visit and read others and you'll be amazed at how uplifted you feel seeing the good things in life we are blessed with even in the midst of trouble.


Melissa said...

Sounds like a good week. Finishing projects (like getting your flowers in), solving problems (no sunglasses), and finding sales to replace old stuff ... those are all good!

Love the teetering stack of flowerpots. I'll never do it, but I've got to see how it's done. :)

nikkipolani said...

Hurray that your flowers are in the ground. So glad your got your sunglasses -- maybe that's what the sunshine was waiting for before chasing off the rain!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

We got a new patio set this year, and I'm already thankful for it. What a great post on de-cluttering you directed us to. And I love those flowerpots!

Can't wait to see pictures of your flowers once they're ready. Happy weekend.

ellen b. said...

Good for you for getting your flowers re-potted and planted. Sunglasses are a must for sure. I made the mistake of not getting mine in my bi-focal mode now I have to change the lenses...ugh.
We are about ready for a new patio set, too. Enjoy your new ones. Comfortable chairs on the patio are lovely...
Have a wonderful weekend Susanne.

Ingrid said...

thanks for your good morning, which is good afternoon in my corner of the world, lol !
Congratulations to the garden furniture, after 18 years I think it's not a luxury !

Willow said...

Wow, that is a great post about 'root cause' of clutter~great, convicting and oh so true.

Hurray for spring! Sunglasses, patio furniture and flowers are definite signs of it :)

Barbara H. said...

Hurray for a new patio set! And new plants! Glad it finally warmed up enough and stopped raining long enough to get some planted.

I'm afraid my youngest might need prescription sunglasses -- he needs his glasses to drive, and some mornings the sun is right in our eyes.

That is a really cute idea with the flowerpots, but if I did that I could be constantly wanting to "fix" them when I saw them.

Cathie said...

New patio furniture - YAY! A comfy place to enjoy the outdoors is a nice treat. Great job on getting the flowers done - I still have not accomplished that, but maybe tomorrow!

Mary said...

I love my patio set, although I don't get to use it too often. It seems like we went straight from winter to summer this year; not your typical E. Tn. weather!

Olive Tree said...

Hello again. I made a mistake when trying to link my post. Please take out the first link with the post title On Rain. It should be the second one with the title Friday's Fave Five. I'm happy to be here again this week. Thank you for this opportunity. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

new patio furniture sounds wonderful. I never spend money on sunglasses. I am so rough on them. I'm lucky I don't need a prescription.

Faith said...

yay for getting your flowers in!! I had read that post too about clutter! always good stuff over at that site...and those flower pots are great....i'll have to show my hubby the instructions :) enjoy the weekend Susanne....hope ya get some sun up there!

Catherine said...

Oh, that is a cute project! I'm glad you got your sunglasses, I understand completely! I don't know when I became so sensitive to the the light, but it's almost unbearable without sunglasses!

I hope you enjoy the new patio set, and your flowers.

I stopped by and read that post. It was a good one, indeed!

LivingforGod said...

Great list! I'm thankful for my new prescription sunglasses, too. Enjoy your flowers and new patio set :)!

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you'll consider joining the "In Other Words" meme on Tuesday.

Unknown said...

Love the flower pot....too too cute!