Hi everyone. I'm so sorry this wasn't up at it usual time. I have no excuse except I plain mixed up my days and didn't even think it was Friday until having my coffee this morning. Please join in the Mr. Linky and I'll have my post up as soon as I can. If you need the details the link is in the sidebar! Have fun and I'll see you in a bit.
Well, hello again. I can't believe I did that. Late to my own party. But now that I'm here I'm looking forward to reading everyone's favorite blessings for the week.
1. Blue Skies. Oh I am enjoying the blue skies. It just brings on a joy seeing them through the living room window. So much better than grey!
2. Snow disappearing. I love my snow but I've seriously had enough for this past winter. I'm not even going to complain one bit about the wind we've had because it is melting the snow! Our pile in the backyard and along our driveway was so high from shovelling that it's taking a while but it's getting close!
3. The Purge. All this nicer weather is putting me in the mood for getting rid of stuff. So I've been grabbing things as I see them and off they are going if I don't want them, don't need them, they don't fit, or just not something I want anymore. I would love to participate in something like the 40 bags in 40 days kind of stuff going on around the blogosphere but working a 10 hour day Mon - Fri, well that is just not gonna happen, so I'm doing it as I can. So far 2 bags of clothes, gone, and 2 boxes dedicated to yard sale, with the items priced as they go in thankyouverymuch, are done! Sure feels good!
4. Spring decorating. Well, I've got them dug out of storage and am putting them up as I've got a minute. Gone are the silver and white of winter decorating, hello fresh greens, yellows, and brighter colors of spring! My little bird collection is coming out hiding too. Again, feels so good.
5. A real, live filing cabinet! Silly I know, but I've wanted one for years and years and never got one. Hubby went and purchased me one. It's a bit bigger than I was thinking but hey, I got me a filing cabinet! I'll make the room! No more having our papers stuffed in cupboards and accordion files all over the place. No more having my dayhome idea stuff spilling out of drawers. It will all be in one place. Yipee!
What are your favorite things this week? Please do a post and sign on up so we can come and visit! Just remember to link directly to your Fave Five post of the week and NOT your home page!
I'll be back soon to see your favorites Susanne. I'm glad you are back on track for what day of the week it is! :0)
:-) I'll be back later on.
See you again soon, Susanne!
Laters, Susanne! Take care.
I am loving this warmer weather too. Does a soul good. Yea for filing cabinets! Hope you love yours as much as I love mine. It will help you purge too.
Have a great weekend!
I loved your fave five...I could resonate with the sun shining....purging all those extra things and pounds? I do have a box ready to go this week, and of course I have a hard time saying goodbye to the snow..but it's time. I just packed up my silver lights last week.
Spring is here and let's enjoy the next season.
Hello fresh green indeed! =) (And hurrah for the blue skies as well. Except I'm not seeing any myself. Ours are gray. It's the rainy season!)
Thanks for hosting! (Finally got a post up myself.)
The milder weather has been a blessing for us this week, too. Loving the warmth!
I'm not exactly keeping up with 40 Bags 40 Days, but that's okay. Like you, I'm just happy to purge whatever I can. Pricing as you go -- brilliant.
Have a great weekend, Susanne.
Sounds like spring is definitely injecting you with new energy! Congrats on all the organizing and purging.
To me spring is the best season of the whole year !
Everything smells so nice and fresh outside !
heehee. I would have really been in trouble, because I don't drink coffee. Wonder how long it would have taken me to realize it was a different day?
Blue skies here, too, with one of my fave fives - sunshine! I love the change of seasons and I admit I am so ready for spring.
Susanne!! it's so funny but I almost put something on MY faves list about getting rid of stuff we no longer wear, need, or want...this includes some old paintings from my living room that I plan on selling in a "yard sale" that my neighbor is hopefully having.....glad the purge made your list and I'm not the only one getting rid of stuff :) our snow is almost gone as well and yup, today is sunny blue skies and windy...but i don't mind the wind cause it's a warm one! happy spring!
Spring has arrived here,just not in full swing yet. Glad to hear the snow is melting! I love winter,but I've had enough this winter! :)
I love Spring colors! I cannot wait for the flowers to bloom and the green to be everywhere!
I so want a filing cabinet too! We just don't have room for now,maybe one day!
It finally feels like Spring here, too, and it's been glorious!!
Enjoy your file cabinet. I could use one, myself! In fact, my post mentions my office clutter. LOL.
A filing cabinet is a great organizing resource and before you know it you'll say "why did I think it was goo big?"
How fun to get your Spring stash out. I think we are all ready for Spring. Have a nice weekend Susanne.
A filing cabinet is one of the most useful things in the house! Good for your hubby for getting one for you!
I'm with you on the blue skies and melting snow! I'm so tired of snow. But then, I'm not so looking forward to mud, either.
I so understand the urge to purge. Now if I can only get my rear into gear.
I bet the filing cabinet makes you feel better doesn't it. So organized!! :) And I feel the same way about the snow!!!!!!!!! :)
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