Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #110

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. Time to look back over the week and find those blessings, great and small, that have been in our daily lives. Some weeks it's easy to do up a list and hard to stop at just five and then other week's you might be hard pressed to find five at all. But I encourage you to look, because God's blessings are there if we just open our hearts to them. If you need more info it is here, then feel free to just join us.

1. An unexpected hug & kiss from my Youngest Girl. Seeing she's a teenager, sometimes those are hard to come by, but she blessed me with them as she was headed out the door to school. Made my morning.

2. Having my daughter arrive safe and sound for Thanksgiving. It's about a 6 1/2 drive depending on how many times one stops, and it's the first time she drove it all by herself with no one else in the car. It was a bit of a nerve wracking afternoon for me, but praise God, she made it. What a blessing to see her drive up!

3. Surrounded by family. One of the things I love about Thanksgiving is being surrounded by family. Sometimes we don't see other for awhile but this holiday always seems to draw us together. It was wonderful to have the house full of loved ones.

4. The great meal and the abundance of it. Another yummy meal with way too much food as usual. Sometimes I think I take for granted how blessed we really are when it comes to food. I tend to whine and complain that my grocery budget never goes far enough to get everything on my list and yet somehow we are always well fed and at holidays like this, as I look at all the food on our table, I think of those who don't have near what we have and those who will go hungry that day and it really makes me ashamed of my complaining. We are truly blessed to be where we are.

5. Having an encouraging friend in my life. I have been blessed to have a friend who really is a huge encouragement to me. I have attempted things that maybe I wouldn't have before, have stepped out of my comfort zone in different areas, have ventured into new waters because of the gift of her encouragement. I hope I can encourage another in the same way and be a blessing to them.

What have your favorite blessings been this week? If you do a post, please link on so we can come and visit.


Anonymous said...

I breathed a sigh of relief when I read about your daughter's little accident but then safe arrival. Sounds like your Thanksgiving was wonderful and full of every good thing. Have a great weekend!

LivingforGod said...

We have so much to be thankful for, don't we? Loving family, abundance of food, encouraging friends...

The weekly Friday's Fave Five is a great reminder for us to count our blessings :).

Gattina said...

Of course we don't celebrate a thanksgiving here because we all stayed in Europe, lol !
It's a nice tradition, though !

Faith said...

Praise God for safe travels regarding your oldest girl! sounds like you had a very blessed Thanksgiving!! That is awesome....I can totally relate to the spontaneous hugs from a teen girl :)

Melissa said...

Family and friends and God's provision are all wonderful blessings! I'm happy for your blessed week!

Islandsparrow said...

A loving family and encouraging friends, time together - these are some of the best gifts of all. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Suzanne and thanks for hosting!

Cindy said...

Yes, I know the feeling so very well when you are expecting one of your children off the highway. I'm glad for her safe arrival.

I love your #1 and seems to happen always when it is the best time.

Yes, I have to agree, the list goes on however somewhere someone has less always and to these days we need to be blessed with what we have and not with what we haven't. Good list.

Karyn said...

so many things to be thankful for!

A good, encouraging friend is a treasure. I'm glad you have at least one.


Spending time with family is always great!

And it's awesome to have such terrific friends. :)

Lisa notes... said...

Oh yes. Those teen kisses are valuable. Glad your other daughter made her drive safely. Those can definitely be nerve-wracking for moms. I know about those, too. Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, we can never take those traveling mercies for granted, can we? It's always a blessing when they arrive safely.

Ah, Thanksgiving - I love it, and we're still anticipating it here. Your post makes me long for it more.

There's nothing like an encouraging friend, is there? That's what you are to all of us, Susanne! Happy Fall, Happy week!

ellen b said...

Such wonderful things to be thankful for Susanne! I'm glad you were all together for Thanksgiving safe and sound! An encouraging friend is a real blessing!

Carrie said...

Sounds like you had an absolutely fabulous Thanksgiving celebration! I'm so glad to hear it.

I read your post yesterday about your daughter's journey home. I'm glad she made it safe. I'm also grinning because you sound like my mother who was concerned about me when I was first traveling home for a visit all by my big girl self. =D Memories. (I get that a little bit better now that I'M a mother.) But it also sounds like your daughter is one happy camper and that is also affirming and LOVELY! (Loved that picture. I suppose I should comment on that post as well but I got going on a roll here...)

Melli said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving - with all the family AND that your daughter arrived safely! We DO live an abundant life... in so many ways - and I often wonder why the world can be set up more equally. I think this is the MAIN thing that God wants us all to be working on. EVENing the playing field...

How good of God to bless you with a loving daughter - and a loving friend... all this week! :)

Marg said...

A thanksgiving theme from your heart. You have been stretched this past year with your daughter leaving...but Oh, how wonderful to see her comeback and enjoy family.
Isn't it wonderful to have those encouraging friends? It truly is a blessing.

Jerralea said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it focuses so much on thankfulness and family. I am so thankful to HAVE a family! You're right, we have so much, we should not complain.

Glad your daughter arrived safe and sound. I don't like to drive that far by myself, either.

Day by Day said...

Thanks, Susanne!

My mom in law always enjoys her visit there! She just cant stand your cold weather (because of her age - 78). She'll return again on summer. :)

Barbara H. said...

I know what you mean about realizing what all we have in the midst of wishing we had more. I think probably what some would consider poor here in North America would seem luxurious to many in other countries.

I love that Thanksgiving is a family get-together. I am so looking forward to ours next month! I am glad yours was a blessing and that your girl got back to her place safely. I don't suppose it gets any easier telling them good-bye, does it?

Sounds like you have a very blessed friendship!

Anonymous said...

Love every item on your list. I could very easily have added them to mine - except about your dd. Thanks so much for hosting this. It makes me look back and count my blessings.

Linda said...

Your favs make me look forward to our Thanksgiving celebration Susanne. What a blessing to have your day filled with abundance and family and love.
I can remember those days of praying our kids safely home. In fact, they never really do seem to stop no matter they have children of their own now.
Have a wonderful weekend.

elizabeth said...

It sounds like you had a truly blessed week. :)

Heather said...

So glad you had a wonderful time with your family during Thanksgiving! I love being surrounded by family too!

And I complain about my grocery bill too. We are very blessed!

Donnetta said...

Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving to you! This post just overflowed with moments of family. I Loved it! And to have an encouraging friend to top it off... Just doesn't get much better than that!

Happy Weekend!

Mom24 said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It does feel good to sit back and reflect on how blessed we are, doesn't it?

Tina Leigh said...

Im jealous that yall get to have your thanksgiving before us! it is a wonderful time of the year....and next to EASTER, it is my favorite holiday.