Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #88

Welcome, welcome, welcome. It's Friday so that means it's time to look over your week and find those five things that stood out to you as a favorite. If you need the details you can go here, then come on back and join in!

1. Saying "Farewell" to grade 12.

How on earth do they grow up so darn fast? But it was with much pride and joy we watched our second child, the only son, receive his diploma. Doesn't he look handsome in his graduation duds? Congrats, J.!

2. Mother's Day. Hubby and I are pretty blessed in that we still have both our Mom's around to honor on this day. What a joy to have a special dinner with the both of them. The only thing that could have made it more perfect was having K. home but alas, it couldn't happen.

3. Sunshine and warmth. After weeks of extreme wind, snow/rain and greyness, yesterday and today were darn right beautiful. A few grey clouds dotting the blue sky but warm sunshine definitely winning out. I even had to put sunscreen on the younger toddlers. Ahhhhh.

By the way, did you know there is two different ways to spell grey? There is grey and gray. The UK version is grey whereas in parts of the states it is gray. Being from Canada, we adopt the UK's version and spell it grey. How do you spell it?

4. Reading. I've finished another book. I can't believe how fast I'm reading this year so far. I have finished 19 books this year. Definitely a record for me. You can see what I've read so far here. I think I just happen to be hitting on some great reads this year and so it's easy to go through them. I now I can hardly wait to get to this book that I received for Mother's Day. I just have to get through some review books and I'm determined to get through my Spring Reading Thing list and then this will be my summer read.

5. Renee's Tangerine and Lime Dressing. Oh my word, this stuff is so fresh and light and good! I made a salad of spinach leaves, thin sliced onions and chunky walnut meats and yum, yum, yum.

What were your favorites from the week? Join us to celebrate those good blessings from the last week.


Willow said...

Susanne, Knowing that UK and Canada spell it grey, I adopted it too, even though I'm technically American. Congrats to your boy on his graduation!

Did you say sun and warm and sunscreen?? Yay! Finally! Real spring weather.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the graduate :) Now the fun part of working the rest of your life begins LOL...well except for college. WOOT!!! Sunscreen...aren't you lucky. I hope it stays for a long long time. Great week and have a great weekend :)

LivingforGod said...

Congratulations to your son on his graduation! You three look great!

That salad dressing sounds good. We're trying to eat more salad here :).

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh now I understand about grey. I have found a few other words like that as well. I think I must read a lot of British lit. because I find myself spelling words that way. And, then, since I am American I can't figure out why every one else spells them wrong. Now I know...thank you for clearing this up.

Mary said...

Your book list looks great! I love to read. My Middle Son graduates tonight. Can't believe high school is over for him! Congrats to your son!
Your salad sounds really good. Don't think we have that brand of dressing in the S.E. U.S.A., where we spell the word "Gray"!

Faith said...

Yeah for better weather!
I spell grey, grey. Unlike most of my NY friends...probably it's the French in me!
Congrats to your son (btw...our high school colors are the same as yours!)

Enjoy those books...I am also reading lots of them this year thus far, and even some not on my original Spring Reading Fling list......
that dressing looks light salads....
have a great weekend

Melli said...

Oh my goodness! WHAT a great week! Congrats to J from me too! I bet Mother's Day made all of our lists in one way or another this week! 3 CHEERS for SUNSCREEN! Whooo hooo! I spell grey gray ... or sometimes I spell gray grey! Actually I love that word because I'm right either way! And that salad AND dressing sound YUM!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Awww...we're doing that graduation thing, too! How sweet!

Hmmm...grey or gray? Depends on my mood. It's nice to have a choice once in a while.

I'll have to check into that salad dressing. Sounds great. And I'm always with you on books! Happy weekend!

Angela said...

sounds like a lovely week! sun and celebrations/parties are a great sign of spring! yay!

ellen b. said...

Congratulations on your son's graduation. What a great photo. That really is great that both your moms are still here with you and you can celebrate them. Glad your weather is better. Have a great weekend...

Lisa notes... said...

I don't know how those kids grow up so fast! But they certainly do. Congrats to your son.

I never know how to spell grey/gray. Thanks for clarifying it. I guess I should be using grAy.

I've made greater progress on my Spring Reading Thing that I thought I would! Such a fun goal to get to reach.

Have a great weekend--may it be full of sunshine!

Beth Zimmerman said...

That salad sounds delicious! I spell it both ways but mostly gray. Congrats to the graduate and his proud parents!

Marg said...

What a beautiful picture of you and your family. Yes, I loved all those photos of Grad, as they are rarely appear like that again.
Yea for the warm summer weather. We have needed it and I will check out that new dressing..Yummy

Carrie said...


Having read your Mother's Day book - I can't wait to hear your thoughts! Good for you on reading so much! I think that's awesome!

Hope you enjoy a lovely spring-like weekend!

Jerralea said...

Congrats to your son on his graduation.

We get to do that next week with our second child, too.

I can always tell what part of the world something is written in by the way the author spells gray!

I'm so glad you are getting some good weather -- you are overdue!

Janet Oberholtzer said...

Congrats on your son's graduation!

Wow - you've been a busy reader.
That salad dressing looks/sounds delicious!

Small Reflections said...

Sounds like a wonderful week ;-)
Congratulations to your son on his graduation (the time DOES fly doesn't it) and how wonderful that you and your husband still have your mothers to celebrate with. Mine died in 1989 and I miss her still. Although I'm a native Californian, I've always preferred 'grey' to 'gray' ... perhaps because I had an English pen pal for decades?
Hugs and blessings,

Lazy Daisy said...

I just came back from a week in Canada with my family. What a handsome son you have. I know you are blessed to have both mom's still alive to honor. Sending you warm thoughts.

Heidi said...

Super list this week. I need to put mine up.

Cathie said...

Congratulations to your son and the whole family, and best wishes for the future and transitions to the next adventures!

The salad dressing sounds good - I'll have to figure out how to make something like that.

Have a great week!

TXDidi said...

Congratulations on your son's graduation. Francine Rivers was one of our church library's top favorites when I was our church librarian. I'll bet it's a good book.

Karen said...

Gray. Now I know why the movie, Greystoke, is spelled with an 'e'. I do think the e spelling is so much classier!

Lovely picture of you with your husband and son! Congratulations to all of you!

NeedANap2 said...

Thanks for visiting my blog (Spring Reading Challenge). Congratulations to your son on graduating!

Looking back through your book lists and reviews, you reminded me of the series that starts with Scoop (Occupational Hazards), sounds like good light summer reading! :)

annies home said...

Congratulations to the graduate I have 2 of my own that will graduate tommorow night very exciting

Jientje said...

Congratulations on your son, he looks very handsome and he has your smile! Grey and gray, colour and color, it can be very confusing for a European! I use my spellcheck and let my computer decide! LOL!
You had a great week, so did I but I have not been able to join in this week. No time to write my post since we went out for the day yesterday. It was a bit cold, but it was nice to be away from home all day.

I hope your weekend will be even nicer as the week has been for you!

Laura said...

Congratulations graduate and congratulations to Mom and Dad!

Barbara H. said...

I am sorry I missed this week! Our ladies' luncheon was Saturday, and I had to set aside computer time to get things done -- especially after I got sick on the day someone was supposed to come help me work on centerpieces, so I had to cancel her coming.

I had wondered about gray/gray. On some computerized word games, they accept one but not the other. I tend toward "grey." But I am glad it is no longer grey there and you have some sunshine!

Congrats to your handsome graduate! And I am glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Finding Pam said...

I haven't been here in a while. It is amazing how fast our children grow up. I hope he achieves all of his dreams.

You are so blessed to have both of your mothers with you.

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Such a bummer to have missed this the last several weeks!
Yes your son does look handsome! Wow a big graduate....congrats to him. What will he do next?????
Yep I have noticed the different spelling for grey/gray over the years......I do both. :)
Glad you got some of that lovely Vitamin D/sunshine finally!

Donnetta said...

WOW! Congrats to your son on graduation! We have finally had some warmer days too. Lovin' it!

Lisa Spence said...

Congratulations to your boy!