Friday, May 07, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #87

Hello everyone. Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. Join me in taking a look back over our weeks, reflecting on the good and on the blessings and find your five favorites. If you need details you can take a minute and go here and then just join in.

1. This Book. I know I mentioned it yesterday, but it really does have to make my favorites list for the week. I am having trouble putting into words how much I loved this book. It grabbed me from the very first page and didn't let go until the end. The characters were so rich and the emotions it brought out so real. I've really liked the movies Michael Landon jr. has directed and now I love him as an author. Such a good story.

2. Strawberries. One of the ladies in study group brought the most delicious, juicy strawberries. I don't know where they were from, certainly not around here, it hasn't been warm enough, but they were awesome. I love strawberries. Any which way is fine with me. I love them plain, in jam, in sauces, with ice cream or whipped cream and even just half and half cream. But my favorite way? Well, take a lovely whole strawberry, then dip it in sour cream. And it doesn't end there. Now dip it into brown sugar. Oh my word. My mouth waters just thinking of it. The flavors and textures are so complimentary. The sweet & tart of the strawberry, the sour creaminess of the sour cream and the crunch and caramel of the brown sugar. Definitely not low cal, that's for sure, but for a treat, incredible. You can always slice the berries and mix with the sour cream and brown sugar but it doesn't give you the same "mouth feel" as biting through the sugar and then cream and then the berry. Oh my. I have to go buy some strawberries TODAY!

3. Again something I mentioned earlier in the week but the tulips from my Mom's garden that she cut and gave me. My favorite flowers along with peonies. And they are still standing straight and tall and beautiful! In fact, if it's possible, they look even better now, 3 days later than they do in this picture. A splash of spring and color on my mantle!

4. Survivor 2o. Okay, I admit, I like Survivor. Most of the time. Some seasons I've turned it right off. But this season? There are so many twists and turns one can hardly keep up. Some of them have left me laughing right out loud.

5. Family Dinners where all those still at home are present. It struck me tonight what a blessing this is. In this day and age, where shift work prevails and after school activities and evening commitments keep families from eating dinners together we have been blessed that for the most part, we eat most dinners together. I hope it continues on that way. I love all of us sharing the main meal.

What were your favorites this week. Please join us in reflecting back over your week by doing a post and signing on to the Mr. Linky.


nikkipolani said...

Oh, those strawberries look fantastic, Susanne! I agree -- sour cream and brown sugar... I could eat a very large bowl of strawberries that way. And your book is very intriguing; thanks for sharing about that.

Susannah said...

Another Canadian favourite... strawberries and sour cream. (I could eat brown sugar with anything!)

Tulips and peonies are my very favourite flowers too. Good taste my dear! :~D

LivingforGod said...

I also love strawberries and tulips. I like dipping strawberries in sugar but I've never tried sour cream and brown sugar yet. Sounds really good :)!

Jientje said...

That strawberry recipe is to die for, but there are way too much calories in there for me right now!
Your tulips still look wonderful, straight from the garden is a lot better than store bought!
Oh and spending time at the dinner table is great, we don't have any children still at home, but we got a little surprise visit from our daughter and her husband this week!
I hope your weekend will be as wonderful as the week has been!

Mary said...

Love, love LOVE strawberries! I finally got a couple of good containers this week...wish I had thought of that! Family dinners are devine...they help to keep up with what's going on in your children's lives!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, I do love a good book! I'll have to check that one out.

The tulips are beautiful, and the strawberries look luscious!

I know what you mean about family dinners. I do love that time of sharing. In my FFF, I'm anticipating a BIG family dinner!

Happy weekend.

Faith said...

I just bought large plump fresh strawberries for my family (I'm allergic to them!). Those tulips are gorgeous and that book is on my waiting list at the library. and dinners...I am thankful we are back to eating dinner as a family now that the school year is starting to wind down! have a blessed Friday!!

Gabe said...

My tulips have been so lovely this week. I think God gives us special mother's day gifts in nature! I love May!

ellen b. said...

Flowers and strawberries...two favorites of mine. Family meals together are really something to cherish. I've really been enjoying the twists and turns of survivor, too, Susanne. It really is anyone's game...
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Barbara H. said...

I never heard of putting sour cream on strawberries. We haven't had any really good ones in stores yet -- usually strawberry shortcake is one of my first signs of spring. but I haven't made it yet because of not finding any good strawberries so far.

That's amazing that the tulips are still standing up! I love tulips except that they seem to droop so soon.

I so love having all the family together for meals, too.

TXDidi said...

Yummy...strawberries are always a special treat, especially warmed and ripened right off the vine. We enjoy Survivor at our house, too. Poor J.T. We are still shaking our heads over his little blunder.

Unknown said...

Strawberries are some of my favorite fruits--the sight, the smell, the taste. Yum! Thanks for hosting--I've linked up.

Jerralea said...

I am all about the family table. I think it is so important to bind families together. I also love the presentation of it. Why save the beautiful dishes and linens for guests? Our loved ones deserve our best even more!

I love strawberries too. We've had two batches of them so far this spring. I'll have to try your way of eating them with sour cream and brown sugar!

Marg said...

The Family Dinner! That is wonderful. I know that it is hard to achieve, but those are the things your family will remember.
Those tulips are gorgeous.
The sun is shining here...and with the thought of fresh strawberries dangling in my mouth...I'm off to the fridge.

Willow said...

Maybe those strawberries came from the fields a few blocks from my house--really! The town next to ours is the Strawberry Capital of the World--Oxnard. Aren't straberries the sweetest?

Carrie said...

Strawberries! Yes! Yes! Yes! We've been enjoying fresh ones of late and they are OH SO YUMMY! They are always such a great spring treat because you forget how good they are until you get a taste of them again! =)

Hoping you enjoy some spring time weather SOON!

Beth said...

New participant. All linked up. :)

Islandsparrow said...

I'll try that strawberry sourcream brown sugar combo - it sounds yummy!

I'm posting about tulips too - mine are just beginning to unfold and they are so pretty!

I love family dinners too - especially when they've flown the nest. It's so good to have them all back together under one roof again.

Happy weekend Suzanne!

Lynette said...

I putting strawberries on my Mother's Day menu for Sunday!
Happy Mother's Day!

ham1299 said...

I haven't posted my Fave Five yet, but I wanted to let you know I have an award for you on my book blog:

happily retired gal said...

Lovely FIVES this week as always. Thanks for hosting. The strawberries look delicious and the tulips delightful. I miss family dinners with everyone sharing a meal. Thanks for the recommendation ... I'll keep the book on my radar for when time permits. After sharing my '13' at Sacred Ruminations yesterday, I decided to share my FIVES on my WordPress blog this week ... just because.
Hugs and blessings,

Donnetta said...

I have never tried sour cream and brown sugar with strawberries. I think I will.

The tulips are worth a second mention. Beautiful!

And I couldn't agree more on the family dinners together. Favorites for sure!

elizabeth said...

We have seen some of the best strawberries this year. I'm going to have to try eating them your way - because how could that possibly be bad? :)

Family dinners....we had our "last" tonight as our daughter (24) is moving out again tomorrow. We have been so blessed with this last year and I'm trying very hard to be very happy because I do know it's best. But I will miss her.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Strawberries are one of my summer favorite fruits..and tulips too..

Sandra said...

I'll have to look for that book, now you've peaked my interest LOL

Beth said...

I've never tried the sour cream and brown sugar thing on strawberries but my mouth waters at just the idea. May have to put all of the above on my shopping list! :)

Karyn said...

The book sounds great! I've added it to my list.

strawberries and sour cream with Brown sugar? Sounds interesting. So interesting I may ahve to try it some day.

I love Survivor, too. Unfortunately, I do not have a TV signal. Survivor and Amazing Race are the only 2 programs I miss. And I do miss them.

Family dinners are always a treasure - especially when they happen every night.

Kari said...

those strawberries look yummy.
I'll have to find me a copy of that book and I can't get enough of survivor. I want Russel to go home but then I think he really plays the game.
Happy Mother's Day.

Lisa notes... said...

Oh, fresh strawberries are the best. I think we have ripe ones around here, too, so I need to go get a few quarts and make jam. Or try your brown sugar! Sounds great.

Karen said...

I like all of the things on your list this week! Well, except I don't have an opinion on #4 because I've never watched the show. Family dinners are the best. We manage to have most dinners with the entire family which is amazing, but I love that it still happens.

Strawberries and tulips -- both are signs of the warm weather to come. Your special treat with the strawberries sounds divine. I'll be trying that:)