It's the game that is still being talked about around here in Canada. But now it's not about winning it. It's taken a more mysterious turn. Breaking news of the moment?
Well before I tell you let's take a trip down memory lane. Recent memory. In fact, go a little bit ahead of that picture of Sydney with the medal and go to Sydney scoring the winning goal. Okay, now do you remember what he did right after scoring the the goal? Remember him throwing his stick and his gloves off and his mouth guard in jubilation to receive his teammates throwing their bodies against him into the boards? Okay now that you have that picture back in your conciousness here is the breaking news here in Canada.

Of course now that it's breaking news what can the person who has them do with them. They can't display them because it's all over the news that they are gone missing, they can't tell anyone they have them in case someone squeals on ya, they can't put them on ebay or black market sites 'cause the cops are now watching all the sites for it to show up on there. Sounds like they are in a wee bit of a bind. They have this sports memorabilia but have to hide the fact they have it.
And this isn't the first time this has happened to Sid the Kid. When he came back from the world juniors someone stole his jersey which was eventually returned through the mail. Someone figured out, I guess, that they were in a wee bit of trouble. I mean us Canadians can get rabid over our hockey heroes. But in that case, the jersey was actually stolen out of Crosby's personal belongings in an airport, but this time I can see some poor rink rat or volunteer cleaning the ice or picking up the stuff thrown on the ice after the game, thinking he came across a cast off and thinking he just had the find of his life is now shaking in his boots wondering what to do with the darn stuff without incriminating himself. Or maybe someone did steal it out of the pile of the teams stuff. Hmmmm, where is Columbo when you need him?

I'm sure this will be talked about for days now on the news. Anyway, the mouthguard thing boggled my mind and I know I said that Olympic blogging was now over on this site but I just had to let you in on the breaking news around here. You can now feel informed. Back to regular blogging tomorrow.
LOL, a bit of a bind indeed. Thanks for the breaking news... hard to say good bye to the Olympics isn't it? :~D
e-mom: I have a feeling it will not die down for a long time.
Both Sarah and I are going "ewww" over the mouthpiece. Even the gloves - those things get pretty sweaty.
Sarah also wondered what the fuss was all about - she looked at me and said "I'm sure Sydney Crosby doesn't have to buy his own gear" She's not too interested in the Hockey Hall of Fame :)
I hadn't heard of this. I am with you on the mouth guard, Ewww!
I wonder if the person who picked them up even realized whose they were. Maybe they'll quietly mail them in, too.
Yea...I'm glad someone is still wearing their heart on their sleeve..
I am going through withdrawal...but I have snagged a few tickets for the Paralympics and will head up their with my family for a weekend.
My husband was selected for the Paralympics...and decided fame or family...Well you know what he chose...
ewww....the MOUTHGUARD?? hadn't heard this news but then again I haven't read, watched or googled news in days...too busy around here. I didn't watch the Olympics nearly enough this year....in years past we would watch every nite....
ewww is right. It will be interesting to see where the gear turns up :0)
With Columbo on the case they should turn up soon. If Columbo doesn't get them back maybe we can sic Monk on them...
islandsparrow: at least on our news here there has been no reaction from Crosby. It's the Hockey Hall of Fame that is causing the commotion from what I understand.
Hilarious! It's amazing what people take! I'm with you: Double EWWWW on the mouthpiece!
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