Melissa at Breath of Life hosts a fun meme where you can do a post on what words have touched you this week, quotes from things that you have read the previous week.
That observation absolutely jumped out at me as I was doing my readings for the week which happened to be in Exodus. At a time in my life when things are a little tight, and I've found myself questioning "Why is this happening, God?", this small sentence carried a ton of impact. God has not removed himself from me but is taking me in another step in learning to trust Him. That is almost freeing. I can let go of the questioning and the constant craziness of trying to figure it out and start taking steps that turn me towards trusting Him."Exodus 15:22 - 17:7
SITUATION: For centuries the Israelites had lived on fertile farm land in Goshen. What a contrast the desert was to this previous comfort. With no way to provide for themselves, the Israelites complained to God. He performed daily miracles to provide water and food for them. Manna appeared in flake form with the morning dew. The Israelites ground it like grain and cooked with it.
OBSERVATION: The Israelites focused on physical needs, but God focused on their need to learn to trust Him.Max Lucado in the Max Lucado Devotional Bible
"If we wait until the people around us rise to a higher standard before we speak words of kindness, we may never speak. But if we take every opportunity to show the power of kind words, God can work through us to change lives."
"When you are tempted to think kindness shows weakness, remember that God shows His power through kind words."Gary Chapman and Elisa Stanford
in The Love as a Way of Life Devotional pg. 20
Our words can lift a person. It is a very powerful thing to be open enough to God to put ourselves aside, our agenda's, our defenses, our anger, and allow Him to use our words to instead uplift another person.
Please join us at Melissa's.
Kind words really do go a long way. I enjoyed reading both quotes and your thoughts Susanne.
i really needed to see that second quote! thanks for sharing, Susanne!
I enjoyed reading both these quotes too. I hear you regarding the first one.
Both are wonderful. The first certainly spoke to my heart this week. Thanks for sharing.
The first quote, especially the last sentence about physical needs versus the need to trust God, really spoke to me, especially since I have been dealing with a physical issue (lack of adequate sleep) for two years now. I find on the days when I truly put my trust in Christ to get me through, the day is so much smoother and I am so much more joyful. When I fret about being tired and how I am going to be a wife and mommy for that day, the days are so much more difficult. How simple, yet how difficult, to trust our Father in heaven!
Through our kindness to others we express God's love. And, when we are humble enough to accept the kindness of others we accept God's love.
I love Max!! He is like a grandfather that lives way off & writes you letters, via his books!
So often we pray just to get whatever need or problem taken care of without realizing what God wants to do in us through it. Good thoughts, both of them.
Wonderful thoughts and quotes in your post. I tend to agree with Hip Chick.
I use to wonder what to say, but I realize that God will fill me with his words.
Susanne, I've awarded you a Sunshine Award - check it out at my blog: http://thegiesbrechts.blogspot.com/2010/02/sunshine-all-around.html
Thanks for the "welcome"! I have missed you all!!
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