Linda's posted the last of the February Random Dozen's. Join in for some fun.
1. Have you ever fired a gun or shot a bow and arrow? Not unless you count Nerf guns and bows.
2. Do you know where your childhood best friends are? I didn't have a best friend that I went all through childhood with. I had lots of friends but not really one that was a "bosom best best friend" in the Anne of Green Gables sense. And as far as where they are now, most I don't know. One is a pastor's wife here in town, another I think lives in Toronto and is involved in the who acting scene there, another is a dentist in another city. I guess if I was on Facebook I'd probably find out but I really have no desire to get on facebook.
3. Do you usually arrive early, late, or on time? My European parents always taught me to be a few minutes early. And I always was. That is until I had children. It sorta went downhill from there. Now I am always it seems, running barely on time or a few minutes late. And I hate that because it produces stress.
4. Are you more of a New York or California type? I don't even know how to answer that. I'm more of a smaller city girl. I like visiting big cities but have no desire whatsoever to live in one. So then I'd have to answer if it was a smaller city in California then there, but then I'm also a four seasons kind of gal. I can't imagine not having snow in winter or the crispness and colors of fall or the chance to absolutely marvel at spring flowers pushing up through the snow as the days get warmer.
5. Do you have a special ring tone? Just a standard choice right out of the phone for phone calls and Marc Anthony's "I Need to Know" for text messages.
6. What is your favorite type of chip? Chips are my downfall. Love plain with dip, but I think either bbq or dill pickle are my faves.
7. Best comedy you've ever seen is .... I like my comedy's clean so it's a real chore finding one that nowadays will fit the bill, but a couple of my all time favorites are "Cool Runnings" and "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and "While You Were Sleeping". Anytime I need a good laugh I put either one of these on.
8. Have you ever cut your own hair? To quote Dr. Phil, "How'd that work for ya?" Only a slight trim on my bangs. I can't stand when it starts to hang in my eyes and that always happens before it's time for the scheduled cut. It's alright. I don't do anything major.
9. If you were going to have an extreme makeover, would you rather it be about your house or your personal self? I probably need it more than the house, but the personal self one involves sweat and work and discipline and needles and surgery, so I'll say house.
10. Are you allergic to anything? The oil in oranges peels makes me break out in between my fingers in hot, itchy, teeny tiny blister stuff. So I have to peel oranges with a spoon and only one at a sitting. If it involves more than one orange, I need to call in the troops for help.
11. Why is it so hard to change? I'm assuming your asking change our flaws. Because it usually involves admitting we're wrong, self denial and work. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.
12. One last question dedicated to February love: CS Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable." Please share one example of that assertion or share any thought you'd like to about this topic. That is deep for this early in the a.m. for me, but I will say being vulnerable is scary, it means I am not in control. And I have issues with the whole control thing. Which loops me back to question 11 which I want to avoid. So it's a wrap for February's Random Dozen. LOL.
Loved your answers here. Especially #12. I can so relate.
Your comments on my blog made me smile!
Sure...blame it on the kids LOL. Too funny. I love chips and dip as well. Fritos are my absolute favorite :) Have a great Wednesday :)
I always enjoy reading your answers on these. I'm with you on the extreme makeover! Too much involved!
I wasn't sure at all what what meant by NY or CA "types," but I am definitely not a big city girl. I love the southeast.
I had never heard of that kind of allergy. How painful!
Love your answers to 11 and 12.
great answers and yes I can relate to the last one! will try to do these but don't know if I'll get to it today....maybe tonite..we had a snow day today as got our first MAJOR (and I mean major....about 8 inches for us) snow since dec. My kids were still in their jammies as of 11 a.m. this a.m. and we have been lazy all day! these questions are great tho!
LOL! I love the roundabout way you refuse to be intimidated into soul searching!
I like CLEAN comedy too - and it IS hard to come by! *High 5!*
#12 is a great question. I'm being reminded of so many great movies. I loved Cool Runnings.
Enjoyed all of your answers! I am with you on the chips, I did put in a favorite, but chips is my downfall. Keep your candy even chocolate, give me the chips!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my random!
until next time... nel
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