I think I am working on Olympics saturation this week but boy has it been good for Canada. The women are smoking the medals that we've won. So my favorites are going to come from that.
1. Joannie Rochette's short program in Ladies figure skating. If yo

2. The Canadian women winning gold and silver in the 2 man bobsled. How exciting it was watching them. The gold medal winners were from Alberta and PEI and both teams were absolutely gracious in their win. And U.S. won bronze. How awesome!

3. Ashleigh McIvor's gold medal win in ski cross. Ashleigh had written an essay in school on why ski cross should be included in the Olympic games. And now she's the first ever gold medal winner in Olympic ski cross. Coupled with the fact that she is a Whistler native it was very sweet to watch her win.

4. Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir's gold medal performances on both the original dance and the free dance nights of the Ice Dance competition. Both athletic and beautiful it was amazing to watch. They are the first North Americans to win gold in ice dance along with being the youngest ever to win.

And may I say that the American team of Meryl Davis and Charlie White were absolutely breath taking in their free dance. And I find it absolutely awesome that both teams train together and have the same coaches and spur each other on. Those coaches deserve a medal to have both their teams on the podium.

5. The national anthems sung at the medal ceremonies. Of course I love it when it's the Canadian anthem but really, watching all of them just moves me. Watching the athletes faces and watching them sing along to their own anthem is just special.
6. And it's killing me to break a rule, but you know I just have to add the Canadian Women's hockey gold medal victory. Canadian sports pride and hockey are so intertwined I can't imagine the pressure on them to win. Team U.S. gave it an awesome effort. Now the pressure is on the guys.
One a side note I went online to see how much the tickets were for the gold medal men's game and I almost choked on my chocolate caramel I was eating. Guess, c'mon, take a guess. If you are thinking in the hundreds you are wrong. Try the thousands. As in $5995.00 for a lower tier seat. Want the nose bleed section behind the nets? Then you only have to shell out about 4000.00. Oh my word. I just can't wrap my mind around that.
There were so many great moments this week it was hard to pick but those will have to do because I am a rule follower and it kills me to break rules. LOL.
Updated: Hey look at the sweet button Michelle left for me in my email this morning! Thanks Michelle. You made my day!

What were your favorites from the week. If you do a post, link on up! Don't forget to link to the specific post and not your home page. :v)
Wasn't the skating just amazing loved it all.Joannie was simply amazing.
Congratulations on 75!!!!
I was so proud of Joannie. How wonderful it was. All the Olympics have been a true pleasure. You Canadians can be very proud of your team members and what wonderful hosts you have been. It's just been terrific. :) Great FFF Have a wonderful weekend ahead :)
All those were great moments. I have enjoyed watching the Winter Olympics. I'm happy for you and your country.
Have a blessed weekend!
I so agree on the national anthems. They all sound great, but the Canadian one is particularly royal -- someone did a great job on that orchestration.
It sure has been fun to watch.
I was out of the loop last Friday, but now I'm back! Happy weekend.
I couldn't watch much of the skating as by the time they showed it here on our channel, it was close to 11 pm.....and I and the rest of the family have to get to bed on time on school nites...we did get to watch the gal from Canada you mention....the thing I don't like about the Olympics is that our fave sports to watch (figure skating) is always on way too late.....you have some great pics here!!
Whoa! what a stunning capture of move on the ice! Ashleigh's essay is a fine example of theorizing and putting the theory into action. Joannie Rochette is one of my faves too this week. The first on my list, in fact. I'm with you about national anthems. And 6 grand for a seat?! Breathe... breathe... there! But it must be worth it if you have that much to spare. Happy Friday, Susanne.
A great post. I hate that the Olympics are almost over. I was just getting started good. I love the ice skating the best, but the other sports definitely inspire MUCH awe. You picked some great pics to share.
We've been enjoying it here on the east coast too - even though it's on so darn late!! I was up past 1 last night watching Joannie Rochette. And wow - what a perfect skate by Yuni Kim! Incredible!
And tonight the men's hockey - wonder how that will turn out??
I was watching Scott Hamilton on the Today Show this morning talking about the women's skating last night, and he said that just about everyone virtually "hugged" Joannie, so to speak, both there and in lving rooms, pulling for her and praying for her. She did such a wonderful job at such a hard time.
I LOVED the ice dancing!!
My word -- I can hardly fathom such ticket prices!
Love your "Olympics-themed" Fave Five today!!
Thanks so much for hosting this fun for everyone to share. Hope you have a great weekend.
The Olympics have been fun! Joannie's story is so sad but also uplifting...
Have a great weekend!
Canada has really put on a great Olympics! Lots of stuff to enjoy and be proud of. Joannie's performance made me cry. I can't even imagine...
I'm happy to read about Ashleigh!
Hats off to that goalie on the Canadian women's hockey team. She was amazing and deserved the shut-out!
Have a great weekend...
It looks like the spell has been broken, Canada has done a marvelous job! Have a great weekend Susanne!
Your Olympic pictures are great. And you are right about the dear figure skater that lost her mom. That picture does say it all. Canada has been a great Olympic host, too bad the weather hasn't been as cooperative!!??? I have also been following the Olympics on the NBC website, you can replay lots of the greatest moments. I have been showing it to my students all week.
I admit it - I haven't followed the Olympics AT ALL. However, I did see Joannie's situation on my CNN home page and I tried to find a video of her performance online yesterday but failed to find it. Her story is amazing and heartbreaking. I'm glad she won a medal!
And I'm glad you posted some updates so I can sound at least a little knowledgeable in this department! ;D
Have an awesome weekend! Just think of how much money you'll be saving! ;)
This truly has been a GREAT Olympics for the Canadians and you SHOULD be proud! I'm very HAPPY for your country - and of COURSE for all the medal winners!
I'm glad the press has been respecting Joannie's privacy... what a dreadful thing to happen. So very sad. I don't know HOW she ever got out on that ice... God bless her.
I don't think there's a single person in the WORLD who isn't loving Joanie. Her mom would be proud.
I would have to agree that this Winter Olympics has been one of the best! It's only partly because I've seen my Canadian blog friends so excited.
I do not have TV so haven't watched much ..... but I do love the skating. Thanks for sharing the story of the skter whose mom died. How heatbreaking! Goodfor her to still skate well enough to win a medal!
I have to say that I was happy to see the Canadian women win the gold in hockey. And Joannie's skating performance in the short program was so touching. I just happened to catch it and it really brought me to tears.
With not having TV reception, I have kept up with the Olympics via other news sources. I had heard some of these stories, but not all of them.
It always love the personal stories behind the competitors. Thanks for sharing these!
I was totally boycotting the Olympics until the ice dance competition and I got sucked right in. Those two young kids were absolutely amazing and such nice kids too. I loved that he said to her "thank you so much" after they finished dancing.
Watching Joannie was absolutely inspiring and she did amazing too.
I'm also loving the men's skating controversy as well that our own Elvis Stojko started. Yep I'm all for keeping men's figure skating as a SPORT not some artsy fartsy entertainment show.
As the gold medal game my brother, dad and two cousins will be there and I'm pretty sure they didn't pay that much $$ but now I'm totally going to have to find out LOL
We absolutely LOVE the Olympics! And if the US doesn't win an event we're always cheering for Canada!!! My daughter has added Vancouver to her list of places she wants to visit. I think that's part of the fun of watching is learning so many things about other places. The world seems a bit smaller when you watch the Olympics. :)
These were all such great moments at the Olympics. I loved watching the skating, my heart went out to Joannie, she was so amazing, and cheered for all the winners. It was such fun learning all about Canada, too. You live in a beautiful country.
all great moments for sure
So sorry I goofed up Mr. Linky with THREE entries! I have no idea how to delete two of them:/
I've enjoyed all these Olympic moments and more ... watching the broadcasts whenever I can. I'm a bit late again this week to share my Fave Fives, but better late than never, right"
Hugs and blessings,
I haven't been able to watch much of the Olympics -- kind of fun to get caught up here on your FFF!
Susanne, you'd asked about that soup recipe -- it's a recipe that I got from my brother's friend who's asked me to test recipes for the restaurant she's planning. She'd rather not have the recipe posted on the internet, but if you want it, email me (nikkipolani, the at thingy, yahoo.com) and I can send it to you.
I loved your favorite fives...I just did not know how to put my favorites together last week. Those were some of my top highlights also. I was so overwhelmed with Canada' performances...way beyond what I ever would of thought.
We had so many wonderful stories...
Enjoy some down time and getting your household back to normal..
LOVE the Olympics!
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