Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Fave Five #70

Wow, this week has just flown by. I'm shocked that it is already Thursday. Our ladies study group has moved to Thursday's every other week and I just about missed posting the FFF because of the weird change. I had already been working on it, but didn't have any autopost yet as I wasn't finished yet. Whew, good thing my memory kicked in on time. LOL. Welcome, if you are a newcomer. Please feel free to just jump right in. Don't be shy! Details are here. Welcome to my faithful regulars. I so enjoy reading all your posts each week and really miss you when you happen to be gone.

So on we go to find our five favorite things from our week.

1. A good quote and this one fit the bill: "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows you are slightly cracked." ~ Bernard Meltzer

2. This awesome giveaway over at Pioneer Woman. Nobody can lose with this one. Hurry you have until noon today to enter.

3. Homemade meatballs in Thai Sweet & Spicy Sauce. Gosh, is there ever a week I don't mention some kind of food? But eating good food really is one of life's pleasure's, isn't it? I got the idea one day to pour this sauce over some homemade meatballs just for a treat while watching movies. Yum, yum, yum. A new favorite for the Living to Tell household. The one pictured is the brand available at Costco around here, but the M&M brand is really good too.
4. "the Blindside". My friend treated me to this movie this week and it was awesome. Both of us really, really enjoyed it. So both the Blindside and my friend treating me are a combined fave. Add to that without even really being aware of "half price night", we went on the night when with each adult ticket you got a free pop and popcorn. A favorite outing all around.
5. Scripture that speaks. Every week this is really a fave, but I just love when certain scriptures just jump out and "speak" to my heart as I read God's word. Sometimes it's encouragement and sometimes comfort, sometimes it brings faith and sometimes it even convicts. But when it's touched my heart in whatever way, it makes it come alive. Love that.
What have been your favorite things that made you week? If you do a post, sign onto to Mr. Linky please, so that we can come and visit you!


Willow said...

I went right over to Ree's blog and posted. Thanks for the heads up! We received a quick email from our friends at Mission Aviation Fellowship. Their crew is already on the ground and at the airport assessing damage and planning for air support. Everyone involved in the relief effort has my prayers.

What a week, huh? Fast and furious.

storyteller said...

Yup ... week's DO fly by these days don't they. Love the quote and may 'snag' it to use on one of my blogs if you don't mind. It's been quite a while since I shared my Five Favs, but this week I remembered in time and published at Small Reflections. Thanks for hosting this blogging activity. I look forward to visiting others as time permits.
Hugs and blessings,

Melli said...

That Ree! She is somethin' else, huh!? What a great giveaway that is! I sure signed up!

I make meatballs in A sweet & sour sauce - but it's not Thai ... I'll have to try this!

I love that quote! LOL!

And yea... His Word is always a fav - but it hit MY faves in a big way this week too...

Have a great weekend Susanne!

Melissa said...

Great list! I posted yesterday about Ree's special giveaway, too.

My family likes the same kind of Thai sweet chili sauce, but I never thought of putting it on meatballs. Sounds delicious!

ellen b said...

Hey Susanne!
Love the quote it really is true :0) I love having friends that accept my weirdness. Food and a good movie are always favorites. I want to see Blindside. Thanks for the heads up on Pioneer Women's blog!

Hazel said...

I agree about good food being one of life's pleasures. I can't stop eating lol! Great quote too. Happy Friday.

nikkipolani said...

I liked #2 as well :-) Oh, what a great idea with the meatballs! And on #4, I have been meaning to go see it but haven't had the time. Glad to hear you recommend it. Happy weekend!

Jen said...

I did mine Suzanne...but I have gone me if you want to stop by anytime to
I loved the Blindside...such an inspiring movie and thanks for the tip over at Ree's...great idea she is doing.
I hope you are having a great week!

Barbara H. said...

Love that quote.

Thanks for the HT about the Pioneer Woman's giveaway. I hadn't heard about that, and I went over and signed right up.

It's so amazing how God speaks to us through His Word, leading us to just what we need at the time. I was thinking this morning as the verses I read dealt with an issue I have dealt with time and again, that I am thankful for his gentle hand.

Carrie said...

Oh I've been wanting to see The Blind Side. I speculate we'll be seeing that one on DVD but I am looking forward to it. Sounds like that was a fun treat out for you!

And the meatballs sound amazing! =)

Unknown said...

I loved Blindside, too. We went as a church group... so awesome! I posted on Ree's blog too. So great to see her doing that! have a great day

Kari said...

I really do like for five for this week.
Everything - the quote, the scriptures, the sauce. I love it when the word of God speaks and it's always just what we need for that moment.

Karyn said...

I love a good quote and this one is one of my favorites.

I've been wanting to see that movie, but I'll probably wait to rent it...

I love Thai sweet and spicy sauce.Good idea to use it on meatballs...I'll be trying that, soon.

Islandsparrow said...

Dh and I went to see Blindside on our anniversary night -a great movie!

I'll have to look up Thai Sweet & Spicy Sauce - sounds yummy!

Now to check out Pioneer Woman.

Happy weekend Suzanne and thanks for hosting!

msdewberry said...

I went over and checked out Pioneer Woman's blog and signed up. Thanks for the heads up!
I've seen that Thai sauce, does it have a lot of sugar in it? I don't mind sweet things, but hubby can't do that.
One of the perks of my job is being able to take my client's out for a movie day, so we saw this movie a couple of weeks ago. Hard job I have!!

TXDidi said...

What a lovely thing Ree is doing. I missed reading about this until after the deadline but there are still lots of chances for people to donate to organizations involved in the relief efforts.

I'll have to check out that movie. It sounds intriguing. I always enjoy your recommendations.

Unknown said...

Ok didn't you talk about some product from Costco last week also. :) I am also a Costco girl, and now I will have to try that sauce over meatballs. :)
I have been wanting to see Blindside, I have heard such good things about it!

Hey BTW, cracks me up that you were a "rink rat" and played on the ping pong team in HS. Now I know you so much better!! Fun stuff to know. LOL!

Brook said...

I had bought some of the sauce you mentioned a few weeks ago and then forgot what I wanted it for. Thanks for the meatball reminder!

Here are mine...

Musings of a Housewife said...

I just love #1. I'm kind of a nutjob, so I can always tell a true friend - someone who loves me anyway! :0)

And I've been dying to see Blindside. Now you have me really wanting to see it.

Faith said...

well i missed the giveaway since it is now 10 pm here on the east coast.
I feel the same way you do about the Scriptures.
and wow...I am wanting to see Blindside.....i'll probably wait for it to come out on dvd.
my list is finally up..sorry it took so long this week!

Lisa notes... said...

I love when scriptures speak to me, too. Glad you experienced that.

And I also loved Blind Side. Such a great movie--and a great book before the movie.

Lisa notes... said...

Yes, the book is the same title, but more: "The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game." It goes into more than just Michael Oher's story though--lots of football stuff. I felt like a football expert by the time I finished (but I wasn't one).

Anonymous said...

I love the quote my friend. I haven't been to a movie in ages. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Great FFF :)

Susanne said...

Carol E: Hi there! I'm hoping you are coming back to read comments. I am not getting a link to your direct blog, therefore can't come and visit. Please check next week to see if it links properly and if you need help just email me. We'd really love to come by.


Self Sagacity said...

Hi, I can't remember the name of the blog that brought me here, someone that had a granny link. Anyhow, I am glad to have click my way here and would love to join you for one of these Friday Fave Five soon. Have a good weekend.