So how did I do? Reading wise, great. Sticking to my list wise. Not so great. My list changed quite considerably as time went on. So much so that I can't even remember what was on my original list. I originally had 7 books on my Fall Into Reading List, but that soon ballooned to 15. There were several that I had forgotten about that I had committed to for reviews, so they were added. Several were dropped as they were due back at the library and I just didn't get to them. Several were added, as I just can't go to the library to make a return and leave empty handed, even though I had a pile at home. It's a sickness, I tell ya.
So in total I have finished 8 books, am halfway through 2 more and should finish before Christmas, if all goes as planned. Ha Ha. Another I was a quarter way through but it had to go back to the library, 3 others I didn't even get to before they had to go back. For the first time, I really, really enjoyed every one of my review books. I don't think I can name a favorite among them for that reason. And that is amazing because I even really liked the non-fiction and am almost finished it which is amazing for me. I'm notorious for starting non-fiction but never finishing them. There was one book from the library, I totally disliked which is a shame because I really wanted to like it.
My Finished Books:
"Into the Arms of Immortals" by Ginger Garrett
"Matters of Faith" by Kristy Kiernan
"White Picket Fences" by Susan Meissner
"Wisdom Hunter" by Randall Arthur
"Double Cross" by James David Jordan
"The Last Word" by Kathy Herman
"Julie and Julia" by Julie Powell
"Until We Reach Home" by Lynn Austin
"I Second that Emotion" by Patsy Clairmont (bible study group)
Still Reading but almost done:
"Unexplainable" by Don Cousins
"John 3:16" by Nancy Moser
If you'd like to read any of my reviews they are here. The fall into reading ones start at number 21. There are links to where you can purchase them in my sidebar.
So I'm now off to make my first ever batch of caramel corn. Should be interesting. :v) Merry Christmas to everyone. Have a wonderful holiday celebrating the birth of Christ and enjoying friends and/or family. May you even have time to get a few minutes of reading here and there.
Congrats on all that you were able to have read during the challenge!
Our kitchens seem to be producing the same things these days............
I really relate. My list had to change, too. I tried to read what I had on it, but other things kept popping in. But that's okay. I had fun. Sounds like you did, too.
Great job reading this fall! Looks like a great list of books
You read way more than I did this autumn!!
Good for you...how did you like JUlie and Julia...I still want to see that movie! did you see it? is it worth renting? Have a good evening....
I fully support adjusting lists as needed, and it sounds like you got a lot of great reading in. And Yay! for enjoying the non-fiction. :)
Susanne I'm impressed with the books that you've read this fall.
Thanks for letting me know about fff.I didn't really think you'd be running this.
Congrats, Susanne! I admire you for reading so many books. Have a wonderful week and holiday :)
Good job. A couple of those I've heard of and would like to check out.
I haven't made caramel corn in a long time, but I love the home-made kind.
I have that same sickness! I had to return 2 books today and could not leave without checking out 2 book even though I had a HUGE stack at home! Great job on the fall reading.
Great list of books! I always change my list as I go along.
You did great!
Wishing you the nicest holiday ever. Happy reading and blogging in 2010.
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