It's time for Linda's Random Dozen. Check it out and join us for some fun questions.
1. If you could master one sport, what would it be? I should probably answer hockey, being Canadian and all, but while I love to watch hockey I can't see myself playing it. I think I would love to master skiing. I used to ski in my late teens but never enough to get really good. I think I would love to be really, really good where I could go to the higher runs. Something about being in the midst of the majesty of the mountains, with crisp white snow and blue skies zooming down a mountain slope.
2. When you make a major purchase, do you go with your gut instinct, or do you do research to make an informed decision? Usually gut instinct. I'm not one for spending tons of time researching.
3. There is an old kids' game that says you can find out what your movie star name would be by using your middle name as your first name and the name of the street you grew up on as your last. What is your movie star name? Well this wouldn't work for me seeing that the street I grew up on was a number, not a name.
4. Would you rather give up your favorite music or your favorite food? Sigh. If I had to, my favorite music, I guess.
5. There are two types of banana preferences. One is pristine yellow, almost to the point of being green; the other is spotty and more ripe. Which is your preference? How about in between those two points. I don't like any kind of green on the banana at all, or that texture that they leave on your tongue when they are not quite ripe but I don't like it when they start to get too soft and the taste is really concentrated either. Somewhere nicely in between. How's that for an answer.
6. Your favorite tree is? Maple trees in any variety.
7. On a scale of 1-10, how tech savvy are you? I guess if I'm not sure how to answer this queston, the answer is not very. Put it this way, I don't even know how to work my kids MP3 players. And my husband's 7 in 1 remote? Not a chance. If the DVD player ever needs reprogramming or the tv needs adjusting I'm calling his name.
8. Has H1N1 touched your family? Praise God, no!
9. Are you an analytical person, or do you just accept things the way they are without questioning or scrutinizing? It depends on what we are talking about but for the most part, I think I might be on the analytical side.
10. Is your personality more like that of a dog, cat, or Koala? I'd say some of all. I'm loyal like a dog, independant like a cat, and like hanging around like a Koala? Again, how's that for an answer?
11. Do you keep in touch with friends you made years ago? Not really, and that is probably why I'm not into facebook.
12. You are checking out at a grocery store. In the express lane, there are more people than the regular lanes, but of course, their load is less than those in the regular lanes. Which lane do you choose (assuming you qualify for the express lane) and why? The express lane because even if I am moving up a foot every few minutes, I am moving. It makes me think I'm getting to my goal, the checkout, faster than just standing in one spot forever waiting on a big order.
Hi, nice to meet you. I have a daughter living in Saskatoon. I enjoyed your answers especially the last one. Move up always make me feel like I'm making progress. Have a blessed day, you blessed mine already.
I don't think I could actually ski. but I like the idea of zipping down a hill like that. But I know there is a lot of work behind the effortless look of it.
I am the exact same way with bananas.
If I don't have many items at the store and they have a self-check-out, I usually use it. Even though I am not as quick as the regular cashiers, doing something makes it seem faster than waiting in line.
Great Answers :)
LOL, if my banana doesn't have green on it I can't eat it. Too funny!
I love Maples. Hockey made me laugh I watched a TON of hockey when I spent one semester at a school Canada
Fun answers...skiing would have been a good one. I love the clothing, the charming ski towns, the food in the charming towns, the beauty of the mountains...just not the skiing~I love the idea of zipping down the mountainside too.
Have a nice week!
liked your animal answer...little bit of everything.
#12 - nodding my head in agreement. The important part is to keep moving.
Gotta have just a lil' green on the banana, but not so much that it leaves that awful taste... I'm with you on that part! Love your animal answer. ;)
great answers...your one about the flu was the same as mine only the other way around!! Mine is up now.....
I'd love to be able to play hockey... but I prefer my water in the liquid state ;)
I so much wanted to learn to ski when I was younger, but money was an issue. Since I've gotten older, snow isn't one of my favorite things.
In my house I'm the one whose name gets called when the electronics refuse to perform as He thinks they should. The only think I haven't mastered his his alarm clock. I think it belongs in the trash can but he likes the stupid thing.
Maples are lovely, but we have never lived near them. I've only enjoyed them on vacation or in pictures.
We agree on #5. Facebook is why am in touch with old friends :-)
I love your answer to number 10. I didn't know Koalas hung around. But of course they do. :-)
Love your answers... Such honesty and simplicity...
Thanks for stopping by!
Loved your answers, especially how you managed to choose all the options for the multiple choice questions.
Except Lid will say that's cheating. LOL
Answer no.10 is my favorite. I enjoyed reading your answers. Have a wonderful week, Susanne :)
That must be why I haven't made myself do Facebook....
I enjoyed your answers- especially the animal question.
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