Friday, October 02, 2009

Friday's Fave Five #56

Hi everyone! Do you like the new button? Feel free to grab it. If you want to link it please link it to the detail page here. Welcome to everyone new. Glad to have you join in and nice to see all the FFF regulars here too. I look forward to each of your posts each week. It's my new Friday evening and Saturday morning routine, this visiting with you all. And I love it.

So here we go with this week's favorite highlights of my week. Thank you Lord for each and every one.

1. Fall candle scents. When we were in the big city this last weekend lo and behold, they now have a Bath & Body Works. Was I happy, or was I happy! Ecstatic was more like it. Unfortunately I only found it at the very last moment when we had to be on our way for our appointment so I couldn't browse. Which made me sad, but which was probably a very good thing. With the old Mastercard already smoking, buying half this store out wouldn't have been a good thing. But hubby did pick me up this as a gift. The new "Leaves" scent candle. And look how cute it is. Which brings me to...
2. Fall decorations. Fall decorations make me smile. I love the colors of fall and it makes me feel happy inside. I took them all out this last week and decorated around the house. Now I just have to get the mini gourds for my kitchen table (knew I should have picked them up at the Corn Maze the other night) and it's fall at the Living to Tell house.
3. This quote I found this week. The author was not listed so I have no idea who's quote it is but I love it.

"Happiness isn't having what you want,

but rather wanting what you have"

4. Apple Crisp. My all time favorite dessert. Hot with vanilla ice cream melting on top or a sweet cream sauce. Autumn comfort in a bowl. Yummmmmy.

5. An overnighter in the big city with hubby and my youngest girl. So much fun getting away for a couple of days. We saw a big new mall, ate at a couple of favorite restaurants that we don't have in our smaller city, and had fun together.

How was your week? Can you find five favorite things out of it? We'd love to come and visit you to enjoy them with you. If you've done a post, please link the specific post onto Mr. Linky here at Living To Tell the Story. Have a great weekend everyone!


Kari said...

what a great quote and a great week for you.
I too love fall decorations, it's a pity that we don't have fall here because that too was my favorite season when I was in the US.
I really do like the new FFF banner. it's cute and cool.
Happy Weekend.

Jientje said...

You had a wonderful weel Susanne, so did I!! Our week has been very similar!! I decorated my house too, put up lots of scented candles and I had a day and a night out with mu husband, just like you! LOL!

Sandy@ Jesus and Dark Chocolate said...

I posted a little bit about fall also. I just love all the seasons! Love the new button, it's so fallish ( nice word huh!) Your overnighter sounds great. Isn't it nice to just get away once a while.

Islandsparrow said...

Mmm apple crisp - I made some at 10 pm last night just because I had a craving - eat warm with with french vanilla ice cream - oh my!

I read that quote somewhere this week too - and I can't remember where either. But it's a good one.

Sounds like you had a wonderful week Suzanne - those getaways are such fun!

Hazel said...

Wow a pretty new banner and a nice quote. Fall does look like a beautiful season with all the colors. I remember when I was a kid my mother had a picture of sooo many trees in brilliant fall colors. I relate so well with the dine-outs :) Great week.

Melli said...

Ohhhhhh Girl! I am laughin'! Your number 4 and my number 3!!! We MUST be in Autumn Mode! LOL!

That candle is too cute - but HOW in the world did they come up with a scent for burning leaves? Really makes ya wonder... :)

I have NOT gotten the decorations out yet... but it IS on my list for this weekend! IF I don't get side-tracked...

Lisa notes... said...

I love the new button. I posted about fall things, too. Wonder how many of us will do that today?

The quote is great and so true. Enjoy your Fall weekend!

Barbara H. said...

Oooh, love the new button!

I don't have my fall decorations out yet but hope to do that next week. I need to get my fall clothes out of the attic this weekend!!

Mmm, love apple crisp! And that visit sounds just wonderful.

Happy Friday!

Melissa said...

I love that candle, and the new button for FFF. :)

Everyone seems to be making apple crisp this week! I have no apples on hand, but maybe next week.

Anonymous said...

Well! It certainly sounds like you're quite ready for fall! I like the new "button" and your fall home things.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a great week Susanne. I'm glad you got away and enjoyed each other. I love getaways! I'm really enjoying the fragrance of fall, too. Blessings!

Carrie said...

I LOVE the new button! I WILL steal it for next week because it's perfect for the fall.

Speaking of've highlighted some things I just love about it! (Corn mazes, candles, apple crisp....) All fun stuff!

Happy Friday!

Laura said...

Mmmmmm apple crisp is my favorite too. Just thinking about it is making my mouth water. Do you know that even though it's my favorite I rarely make it myself. That sounds strange even typing it LOL.

Unknown said...

sounds like a great week! I am going to check out the "leaves" scent!

I love the new banner!

Jenna's Scribbles said...

I love candles too!

TXDidi said...

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year and we already know that eating is one of my favorite things to do. Apple crisp with ice cream.....oh, my - it sounds divine. Have a slice for me while you enjoy the sights and smells of Autumn.

Anonymous said...

Dang I didn't post any fall things...except for falling mirrors. LOL. Great week you had. You and Melli and the apple crisps...make me hungry. LOL. Love the quote. Have a great Friday and a Fabulous Weekend :)

Marg said...

The candles are such a warm welcome. I pulled mine out this week also.
It is special to be able to take our daughters and do some of those fun things. Enjoy the fall season and by the way I love the new button.
I can't wait to link it.

Faith said...

oh I LOVE the quote! I think I'll set it as my status for FB! :)

and I also listed autumn decorations as one of my faves....actually I took pics of 2 of my faves...thanks for linking me up....and now I am off to prepare for a very busy weekend!! will visit everyone's blogs on sunday evening!!

Jewel said...

I love love love Fall! Not as big into decorations, but I do have a wonderful pumpkin pie chai scent filling my dorm room right now! It's wonderful. =)

Good quote too! I had never heard it, but I like it!

EmFabulousFunshine said...

i followed your link from another link i found on the simple woman's day book. just wanted to say your blog and activity ideas are wonderful. keep up the good work, you have a new follower!

Linda said...

A good week Susanne. It is finally beginning to feel just a little bit like fall here too!

Susan said...

I played today too. I love love love fall decor!! I put half of mine up today and was so happy. I'm tempted to take a trip to Bath and Body tomorrow to "test" that candle. Sounds wonderful.

:-) Susan

elizabeth said...

Yes, I too fave'd the fall on my blog. Isn't it wonderful out there?

Finding Pam said...

You had a wonderfully blessed week. I enjoyed your post and your quote. The new banner is nice and I will try to get back to participating soon.

Karyn said...

Love the quote!

Sounds like you had a lovely week. Fall decor is beautiful - I love the rich, earthy colors and the spicy scents.

Great list! See you next Friday!