Thursday, July 23, 2009

Friday's Fave Five #46

Hi everyone and welcome to Friday's Fave Five. It has been one busy, busy week around the Living to Tell household. Lots of kids, lots of fun, lots of mess. I am looking forward to the weekend to just have some down time and a chance to catch up on everyone's posts that I've missed this week. It hasn't been the same not popping by everyone's blogs and catching up but sometimes it just goes like that. If you are new, jump on in, don't be shy. If you need to get the idea of what's going on, you can hop over here first and then come on back. I will be enjoying my Saturday morning with a large cup of coffee and my feet propped up reading all your favorites from the week.

So here we go. I wasn't sure I could actually come up with five things. I was a wee bit nervous about that. I've had such a busy, overwhelming week that a lot of things just went right on by me, but once I got going, it wasn't too terribly hard to find five favorite things.

1. Good customer service. The young man who served a very frustrated me at the registration office and kept a smile on his face the whole time and treated me nicely, you don't know what a blessing you were. When I was ready to blow a gasket, you were a very calming force. Thank you for that. I wish some of that would rub off on the fella who sits at the service window next to you!

2. This sad, sorry dead strip running through my back lawn.

No, the fact that my poor, old lawn has a dead strip running through it is definitely not my favorite thing, but it is what this sorry strip of grass represents. And that was three hours of tons of fun to 5 preschoolers and 2 elementary age kids as slipped and slid and laughed their way down the slip and slide that was situated there.

3. A real live handwritten suprise note in the mail from my friend Donnetta at My Quiet Corner. I love my email but oh, how wonderful to get an actual note that written by the hand of a friend with such encouraging words. Thanks so much Donnetta. You made my day!

4. Fishing with my son and daughter. Okay, if we're going to be technical, I don't actually do any fishing. Ewww. I just go with my camp chair, camera and book and keep them company. When we went to the lake on the other side of town the other night, it was especially enjoyable. It was so calm and peaceful. There was nary a movement on the top of the water, unless you counted the trail the family of ducks were leaving as they swam by. There was hardly any noise except for the plop of the hooks as it hit the water. So peaceful. I think I read about 4 chapters sitting there with them.

5. Air show practices. I always get a thrill watching the fighter jets, and huge cargo planes and the Canadian Snowbirds as they arrive for the air show. We're on the end of town that has the airport so as they do "advertising" practices, they go right over top of the house. There is just something so exciting about hearing and literally feeling their rumble as they make their first pass over the house. Me and the kids all go running out, straining our eyes trying to get that glimpse as they roar by. I can't quite put my finger on why it's so thrilling for me but I guess if I figured it out it wouldn't be quite so magical.

So what were your favorites from the week. If you've done a post, please sign onto Mr. Linky so that we can come and visit you and enjoy your favorites with you.


Hazel said...

Service people who keep a smile on their face are really good to have around. I hope they flourish.

The hand written note is such a lovely surprise and a practice that's slowly vanishing. I hope I get to receive something like that one more time before technology takes over our lives completely.

I sooo love your nos. 4 and 5. They make me dreamy. No. 4 would be my favorite among your faves. Have a great weekend, Susanne!

Anonymous said...

Y'know, Susanne, some weeks are harder to come up with five whole things. But I'm glad you did and seemed to have survived your helter-skelter week.

Michelle said...

I can just imagine the happy screams from the 7 .2 is enough for me.What a week you've had.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes think that people forget how to write LOL. There is nothing better than good customer service. So many places it is so lacking. Excellent FFF. Have a great weekend :)

Jientje said...

A handwritten note, how lovely!
The picture of the strip of dead grass in the lawn made me wonder, but when I read about it, I can see why it's in your fives. It's what it represents, hours and hours of fun! Great post, as always I should say!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I remember slip and slides. What fun! And fishing with your family is always a great time. As long as you don't have to touch any icky stuff!

Jen said...

Scott wont let me get the kids a slip and slide because of the makes me sad.
I want one.
He over ruled.

I love letters in the mail too...they rock.

Customer Service makes me smile when i hang up the phone...someone really likes their job.

Melissa said...

Handwritten notes always make me smile, too!

ellen b said...

Well you came up with some good ones Susanne! Friendly service people are always a treat. I'm glad you could fish with your kids, too. Hope your weekend is relaxed and refreshing...

Barbara H. said...

I've had weeks like that, too, Susanne -- some busy or some just "ordinary," where I didn't think I could come up with five things. But that's what's so neat about this meme -- it makes up stop and think and reflect about the good things we may have overlooked or easily forgotten otherwise.

Good customer service people are such a rarity, it's a blessing to find one! Glad you did.

I have always wanted a slip and slide, and somehow we never had one. Maybe when the grandkids come around...

Hand-written notes are a rare treasure these days!

I love air shows, too. Like you, I don't know what's quite so thrilling about them -- but I like them!

Jerralea said...

Love the pic of the lake. I love sitting around lakes, streams, ponds, or oceans. There is just something calming and relaxing about water. I even love creeks!

Karyn said...

I'll bet you will be glad for the end of today! That's alot of kids to have around every day....but it sounds like you have had a fun week with them.

I understand about the planes... when we lived in Louisiana a year and a half ago, we lived near a large air force base - no Snowbirds type of planes, just big cargo planes going over several times a day - there's just something about those planes going over......I have the same feeling about a train going by my home (which doesn't happen anymore)

Friendly service folks are ALWAYS a blessing! Considering that they often have to deal with crabby and unreasonable customers, the fact that they can be smiling, calm, and friendly is a miracle.

Have a restful, quiet weekend!

Willow said...

I wrote about our mechanic this week, Susanne. Do service people understand how much we appreciate good and kind service?

I love handwritten notes too! That's a good reminder for me to go write a couple of them.

Have a happy restful weekend!

Sandy@ Jesus and Dark Chocolate said...

Love the dead strip! :) Yes you are right it represents FUN!!!! And a slip and slide is always fun. It will grow back. :)

Also, the fishing trip sounds so nice. Good quality time. There is something about a lake that is always peaceful to me also.

Islandsparrow said...

Great fives Suzanne!I remember our kids having so much on a slip and slide. I bet it was just as much fun watching them!

Your few hours by the lake looks and sounds lovely! A respite in the middle of a hectic week.

When you read my 5, you'll know what I mean by "we got it!" :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun week! I don't fish either...but love to sit and read and watch, too! Have a great weekend!

Karen said...

I love #2. My husband often reminds me that we're growing kids, not a lawn. There'll be time for that later.

Lisa notes... said...

I love real live notes, too. Rare and special!

Donnetta said...

I hope you are putting your feet up (or well on the way to it) after your busy week!

I can only imagine the memories the slip and slide made for those children. Add the fishing trip to that and you've had a memory filled week!

I'm so glad you enjoyed the note! I sent it before I knew what type of week you were facing. I guess God knew... :-)

Happy Friday friend!!

annies home said...

it takes a strong person to be a service worker believe me I have heard some stories from my friend who works at the DMV

annie said...

Happy Friday!

Kari said...

Good customer service is priceless and it does wonders.
I miss hand written notes. How lucky you are to receive one this week.
As soon as I saw the grass I just knew what had happened too it. that must have been fun.
Well my friend looks like you had a great week!!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Great list. I have a thing for stunt planes, too.

And I loved placid lakes; I just don't get to be near them enough.

Sounds like you're truly making the most of summer.

Beck said...

It sounds like a wonderful week! Summery perfection.

Beck said...

(even though it was busy and overwhelming - it's surprising the goodness we can find when we look, eh?)