My life this week seems like this dandelion puff ball. Looking so together and pretty until a puff of wind comes and one by one the little pieces start blowing away willy nilly where ever the breeze carries them. Well my breeze of the week is more like a roaring wind in the form of 8 kids here this week. It's one of those overlapping weeks on holidays where everyone is here and it is busy. And loud. Oh, so loud.
We've got crafts to do, slip and slide to, well, slip and slide in, balls to bounce, bikes to ride, playgrounds to visit. And it's going to be a hot week. So I forsee some quiet time moments after lunch happening too.
And my out of work life is really busy this week too. Yes, I really do have a life outside of work. And that is involving the lake, a picnic or two, taking my son fishing and maybe for a float down the river. That is if it's not too terribly hot. I want to enjoy it. Not feel like a chicken under a broiler. All of the above involve a book in hand and maybe a tall iced tea. A car we're delivering to my oldest girl in another province needs registering and licencing and inspecting.
You might say my week is plumb full. But thought I'd check in and just let you all know I am alive. Just in case someone out there was wondering. ;v)
I've had those days too...with 8 kids. It's tough...praying that you not only survive, but have joy in the midst of it:)!
And I pray that your time with your son and delivering your daughter's car goes well too.
8 kids - probably all under 5 are they?
You will really enjoy a quiet float down the river. we did that last week in NFLD. what a treat! If it's really hot, just jump overboard for a dip. Sarah did that although the water was freezing!
Fast is fun. Summer time is always busy..trying to get everything fit in before school starts back...a float down the river sounds awesome!
what a great analogy - love it.
wow you are busy but really would you have it any other way.
8 kids is a lot. I know exactly what it's like but strangely I miss that.
Have a great week - look forward to your Fave Five!!
You describe it so well, but I can't imagine having eight kids around me, you are one very brave lady. I can believe that's LOUD, and that you're looking forward to have some quiet me time floating on the river with a book and a tall ice tea! Enjoy your weel Susanne!
WOW you're busy :0 Have fun floating your cares away on the river.
Sounds like fun to me! Wish I was there to give you a hand & enjoy it with you!
Can I say, Enjoy it anyway? There's always next week!
I would have wondered. Glad you checked in. :-)
Sounds like a full but fun week!
You sound very busy. Hope all goes well with the delivery and the float down the weather is coolish :0)
Oh goodness, I don't envy you all those kids LOL
You certainly are a busy lady this week. Fortunately those weeks don't come too often. I hope you enjoy every bit of it.
Glad to know all is well! Hope your busy week goes swimmingly. :-)
Wow. I hope you get some small snippets of quiet time. :>) Hang in there.
Whew, well at least some of those days sound like they could be pretty relaxing like the picnic and fishing.
Hang in there!
we're having the same kind of week due to the drama/dance/music camp. but ...the children are ready for the Let's Rock show on friday evenin and God is moving hearts during our Bible times of devotion and games....so...that is a good thing!
Oh, and I finally posted some pics of Courtney's sweet 16 party...come on over!
Sounds like a very fulfilling summer week. May God bless each day and give you abundant grace to daily enjoy being "in the moment."
Comparing life to a puffy dandelion is a great analogy! That is how I OFTEN feel! :) I am blown all of course and all over the place!
Bet the kids love the slip and slide! I bet you do a great job in your day home!
The part where you said "eight kids" is the part where I lost my breath for a minute.
Oh my. I don't know how you found time to post this!
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