Thank you to Jerralea from Jerri's Journey for giving me this nice award. I'm very honored. This award is given to bloggers who continually entertain, uplift, and inspire.
And in turn I'd like to pass it to Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom because she always inspires me to be a joyful homemaker
and to Jientje from Heaven is in Belgium because she inspires me to take better and more creative pictures and her pictures on her blog are so beautiful and uplifting
and Linda from 2nd Cup of Coffee because she never fails to entertain and she has inspired people to do everything from putting themselves on video for her "I See What You're Saying" meme to showing our Ugly Mugs to getting off our duffs and getting moving to get in shape for summer with her currently running 30 x 5 program.
Jerralea also tagged for a meme a while back so here it is:
6 Unimportant Favorite Things. That's sorta like an oxymoron, no? I guess it means things that are favorites but that you could do without if you had to. Which is really ironic that I'm doing this meme right now because it is so what we are going through in the Living to Tell house.
Jerralea also tagged for a meme a while back so here it is:
6 Unimportant Favorite Things. That's sorta like an oxymoron, no? I guess it means things that are favorites but that you could do without if you had to. Which is really ironic that I'm doing this meme right now because it is so what we are going through in the Living to Tell house.
1. Starbucks. Definitely a favorite treat. Definitely not crossing their threshold as much as I'd like. A favorite yes. In light of other things; Unimportant. For sure.
2. Purchasing Books. Reading I could never give up. Buying books, yeah I could. Although I love owning books and love being the first one to crack open a cover and smell that new book smell it is definitely unimportant when there is a great library system here where I live.
3. Salon Brand Products. Love the shampoos, conditioners, hair sprays etc. that one can purchase at a salon. A definite favorite for me. But makes the unimportant list because I can find good stuff on the drugstore shelf too.
4. Massages. Oh I love a good massage. I've always had neck and upper back issues and I loved my regular monthly massage. A favorite appointment in my life. But unimportant right now. Do I still want and crave them? You bet. Are they so important I can not go have one? Not right now.
5. New purses. Oh how I love my new purse purchases. My favorite thing to go fun shopping for. Probably because one size fits all. LOL. But unimportant.
I'm having trouble coming up with a sixth one, which leads me to say this is sort of where my brain is sitting right now. And gives explanation to why my posting is not very consistent lately. Right now is a time in my Christian walk where I need to be seeking the Lord and laying things at His feet and trusting in Him and His care and plan for my family. I know there is a job out there for hubby, it's just a matter of His timing and our resting in Him and doing what we feel He is telling us. Hence the laying things at His feet. Some days are easier than others. On some days I don't even think twice about it. Some days it is a moment by moment struggle. I'm the type of gal who like my ducks all in a row and like things planned out in advance. I like to know what is going on. I guess that's a nice way of saying I like to be in control and I resisit big change. But God calls us to trust and obey. To give up "our" control and let Him have control. To live a life of joy even in the midst of struggle. To truly know what is important in this life. And I believe that is what we, as a family, are learning right now. I know there are others in much, much more harder circumstances than us and I hang onto the scripture that tells me He never gives us more than we can handle. And I say a prayer for those who are also facing hard times and letting go. He is good and He's brought us through and proven His faithfulness in this kind of thing in the past and I know He will in the future.
All that to say, forgive me if posting is sporadic. On the tougher days, I must focus myself on step by step laying my worries and stresses down before Him, and it is those days that I find it hard to think of things to post. Some weeks I feel there is lots to say, some not so much. So please bear with me as I walk through this time.
"Casting the whole of your care--
all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all--
on Him; for He cares for affectionately, and cares about you watchfully."
I Peter 5 : 7 Amplified Bible
"Cast your burden on the Lord
(releasing the weight of it)
and He will sustain you..."
Psalm 55 : 22a
Thank you Susanne *hug*
I love coffee and books, but you know that LOL
Awwww, that's so sweet of you!! What a BEAUTIFUL award this is, one I've never seen before!! Thank you!! I'll do my best to pass it on tomorrow morning in my Fave Five's post, before I leave on holiday!
I loved your list by the way! Will be back for more favorites tomorrow!
I have all my posts planned, if all goes well something new will appear each day, and I have Favourite Five posts planned on Fridays! So, you will still be able to visit my blog while I'm away, how's that?
Congrats on the award. Well deserved and congrats to those you sent it on to. Well done. Very nice list :)
I totally understand, Susanne. I don't do well with uncertainty either. Don't worry about the consistency of your posting. You have a lot on your plate right now and everyone out here understands.
I like what you shared in your #6, so true and so hard for us to all do...lay it at His feet, trust and obey. Thank you for sharing that.
Starbucks, good thing I don't live within 100 miles of one! Reading is the best and thank goodness for libraries.
Has it warmed up for you there yet? It's gotten downright hot here in the south. Thinking of you my friend.
Susanne, I'm so sorry that things are hard right now.
I love massages, too. I keep threatening my husband that I'm going to sign a massage book out of the library and make him learn how to do it PROPERLY!
Ahh that was beautiful and so timely for me too. Trusting is hard to do but also so comforting knowing that we are safe in God's design and plan for us.
PS: I like to smell books too :)
The #6 that isn't really a #6? Beautiful. May the Lord shown Himself faithful to you in ways yet unimagined!! He is good!
May you know today that you are His Beautiful One. Your trust in Him delights His heart.
He will provide all your needs because He is more than able to do exeedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or imagine, according to the power working in us. (Ephesians 3:20) So, ask and imagine something wonderful! He's more than able to do above that.
If I had read this list without your name attached, I would have known it was yours. Bless your sweet heart that seeks God with all of its might.
Thanks for blessing me.
What a pretty award! Congratulations!
I probably have way too many things I love that aren't important that I should lay aside. I mentioned root beer in my FFF post last week. It's getting to be a daily habit now. I've told myself it's less than Starbucks, but, still, $1.72 a day adds up in cash and calories.
I appreciated #6. I know the Lord has you walking through this time for a reason and He will take care of you all and provide for you.
How did I miss this? Congrats my friend and to your nominees. Well deserved :)
Dear Suzanne - I had to run out the door to have a filling replaced yesterday and missed this post. I will be keeping you and your family - and especially a job for your dh - in my prayers. It is so hard to walk through these times - but by the Lord's grace we know we will get through - and have a story of blessing to recount when it's over.
Susanne, I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. You honor God with your faith.
Congratulations on the wonderful award. So well deserved...
Thanks for hosting this meme. It is a great idea...to reflect on the things you are thankful for.
I can relate to everything on this list -- books, Starbucks, especially new purses!
We all can learn from what you wrote in #6. Oh, it's so hard to give up that control, isn't it? And only in doing so can we feel at peace. I'll keep you and DH in my prayers as well.
Thanks for sharing. I like my ducks in a row too, and I think many of us do. It's so hard to lay everything at his feet. We will pray for a job.
I like your list of 6. I could identify with the Starbuck, massages and purses. Guess what? On my last trip I found two wonderful leather bags in Italy.
Now what?
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