Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friday's Fave Five #25

Wow, has this week ever flown by. Throw a long weekend in and if you blink the week is gone. But it's Friday, one of my favorite days because it's Friday's Fave Five. If you are new here, welcome. If you need details, then you can pop over here to catch up. Then don't be shy, jump right on in and do up a post about your favorite five things from the week. And don't forget to sign Mr. Linky.

1. Well, you have to know, my first is going to, my visit with my girl! You can read all about if you haven't already right over here. It was so much fun and so nice just to spend time with her. I wish it could have been longer, but I'll take what I can get and savor every second of it.

2. And you gotta know the next thing I'm going to say is the cool movie star bathroom at the restaurant where we celebrated the girl's birthday. It's in this same post. And you must go over and read it because I wouldn't want you to think I'm really out there listing a bathroom in my favorites post. You'll surely understand if you see the pics. LOL.

3. Sunsets. I love a beautiful sunset. And we had a lovely one on the way home visiting the girl. I tell you it was blessed all around that weekend. I took these shots out the dirty van window. It wasn't exactly like in the summer vacation pictures where I rolled down the window and took a bazillion pictures whipping along at 70 60 mph. It was just a tad chilly to do that. But dirty windsheild or not it was gorgeous.

4. Hoar Frost. I love when I wake up in the morning to a beautiful, frosty morning with everything painted in hoar frost. There is something about the crispness of the air, the gorgeous white against grey or blue, how the tree trunks stand out dark against the whitened branches, the amazing shapes made by the frost. Amazing. Just makes me realize what a great artist my God is. And I'm very thankful I have eyes to see it.

5. Pancakes. Love a good feed of pancakes every once in awhile. Such a simple thing and yet it makes me happy. Especially with vanilla yogurt or sour cream and fruit syrup, like boysenberry or pear or raspberry. Yum, yum. And it's such an easy way to make 6 hungry little varmits very happy at lunch time.

So that about wraps up my five. What were your favorites from your week?


Willow said...

The week seemed to fly by for me too! I mentioned it in my Fave Five post.

I love the hoar frost photos. I don't think I've ever seen any hoar frost in person.

You really seemed to have a great week. Thank you again for hosting Friday's Fave Five.

Norberto Kurrle said...

Looks like a delightful time with your daughter!

I've never heard of "hoar frost" before; you taught me something new! Those are stunning photos of nature. God is so creative, don't you think!

Micha @ Cookin' Mimi said...

I am glad to see you had a great time with your daughter. I have never seen a restroom that looked like that-wow!

Jientje said...

What a wonderful week you had!! Well, so did I, and I love this meme, making us remember all the good things in our lives. As a matter of fact, item #1 in my post was time spent with my daughter as well!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are beautiful! It takes a lot to make me appreciate winter, but those manage it.

I've enjoyed Fave Five posts on other blogs for quite awhile, but this is my first time participating. Thank you for hosting this great meme.

Anonymous said...

Those hoar frost pictures are beautiful! I like your way of thinking about winter weather. Winter is easily my least favorite season, and I need to be reminded it has its beauties as well.

Beautiful sunsets always inspire my soul.

Glad you got some good time with your girl!

Happy Friday!

gail@more than a song said...

I know you had a fun visit with your daughter! And your frost pictures are SO pretty. I made pancakes this week, first time in quite a while but I did pumpkin ones.
Have a good weekend Susanne!

Jen said...

Those pictures are great. I so love a heavy frost too. And pancakes..something I dont make enough but love to eat....have a good weekend.

palmtreefanatic said...

I love pancakes too!
beautiful pics!
mines up!
happy friday!

Melis said...

Susanne, the pics are beautiful!!! What a blessed week you had! wonderful :O)

Anonymous said...

Your trip to see your daughter looked like a great one and that bathroom was pretty incredible. Oh my Hoar Frost is so amazing to see. I've never seen it in person!! I haven't had a pancake for so long hmmmm. Saturday mornings seem perfect for pancakes :0)
Have a great weekend Susanne!

Jerralea said...

What a great week, and I love your pictures of the frost. We had frost here too, but I never thought about taking photos of it! Thanks for sharing yours.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my, Susanne. What gorgeous photos you've captured this week! I'm with you on pancakes - easy to add extra ingredients to make them extra yummy (chocolate chips!). Happy weekend!

Faith said...

Funny but I also said how the week went by so fast! probably because we're on Winter Break.

Love all your pictures!! the frost ones are just beautiful....
my list is up...feel free...are you on Facebook by any chance? is so, friend me!

Islandsparrow said...

Hi Suzanne - you're making me hungry fro pancakes - I must be feeling better :)

Pam said...

Such a great list, Susanne. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing your thoughts about your daughter. Made me misty eyed as I know my time to be in your shoes is not as far off as I'd like to think. Thanks, friend.

Shawna said...

Excellent fave five, Susanne. That is a great picture of ya'll. Happy Weekend to you! :0)

Mo said...

Those are beautiful photos of the snow - just gorgeous!
and, I luv pancakes, too!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead, and thanks so much for hostin' this!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Pancakes are definitely one of my favorite comfort foods. I love surprising the kids with pancakes for dinner every now and then -- a yummy, syrupy treat just for fun.

TXDidi said...

The bathroom was unbelievable! Wow....fireplace and TV? And the makeup chairs were awesome. If your daughter ever gets over to Hershey, PA, they have a free thing at the Chocolate World attraction where you can put on an outfit like Lucy and stand at a conveyor built wrapping chocolate kisses. It makes me think of the classic I Love Lucy show every time I see it.

Karyn said...

What a lovely list....time spent with our grown kids is always a blessing - especially if we don't get to see them often.

I'm with you on the bathroom - it is really something!

Hoar Frost is on my list this week, too. You have some great photos of it! Love the chain link fence.

Gombojav Tribe said...

Another fun week being thankful! I'm all linked up!

The Correspondent said...

I'm a little slow on the draw this week, but my faves are finally up.

I enjoyed your wonderful list -- it's always so inspiring!

Michelle M. said...

I had no idea what someone already started this! I'll be sure to link back to you next week and use your graphic :) I just started doing these last week on my blog.

storyteller said...

Yup ... the week's seem to zip by for me too. I've never seen hoar frost before thought I've read about it in books. Thanks for sharing the photos so now I know what it is.
Hugs and blessings,

Sandra said...

Well that's the first I've heard of Hoar Frost....hmmmm.

Sounds like you had a wonderful week Susanne :)

Girl Raised in the South said...

Loved the photos of the frost. We've had some of those mornings here lately, but yours are gorgeous!

Michelle said...

Where did the week go? I"m glad that you had a wonderful time with your daughter hope that you didn't get too cold there.I love the Hoar Frost pictures beautifully taken.

Lisa Spence said...

That hoar frost is gorgeous!

Mountain Mama said...

Time with our children is the very best of all but those pancakes are close behind!
Your frost pictures are pretty. I love how the sun makes it sparkle like diamonds.

Beck said...

Hoar frost IS gorgeous.
You know what? An elderly friend was telling me about how kids DO need you for their whole lives - for the rest of your life, you will be her true north and her comfort. His 58 year old kids still phone him asking "Daddy, what should I do about this?"

Anonymous said...

The pics remind me of our ice storm last year! After 8 days without electricity and everything encased in ice it became less and less beautiful :)...
Great list!

Tabitha said...

A lovely, comforting list! My mom makes the best pancakes, they are so nice in winter. Love your frost--we get none of that in AZ!!!