Welcome for another week of Favorite Five's from your week. If you need the details go here. If you've done a Fave Five post, please go ahead and sign the Mr. Linky so that we can all come and read your post.
1. Sugared Spruce pot pourri. Oh this stuff is so good. The thing I miss most about a real tree is the smell and this totally makes up for it. So fragrant. I've got a basket sitting under the the tree, a bowl on the end table, a container in the kitchen and bathroom. Love it. Now it smells like Christmas to me.
2. Deals, deals and more deals. Makes me giddy with excitement. Like these ones I mentioned. And today I finally found a wreath I like for guess what price? 60% off. Yup at another store. Linens & Things big close out. So I paid a big $15 for it.
3. My new little partridge in my pine tree. :v) I have wanted one for a long, long time but could never really find one that I just really loved. They were always too big, or looked too much like doves, or whatever, but I found this little guy and just fell in love with him. He's got a total partridge look and I love how the lights shine through him.
4. A night out with the girls. Shopping with my sister and my friend. Who is also friends with my sister. A good thing because it makes for a night of lots of fun and laughter, sharing and caring. Exactly what I needed. I would have taken a picture of the food we ate, as seems to be tradition in blogland, to display your meal, but we just had fries and gravy. And that was just too exciting, even for me. :vD
5. The word of God. Feeling flustered and behind, getting overwhelmed, there is nothing like letting the Word of God to refresh me and uplift me, reminding me of what and Whom this season is really about.
What things have been your favorites this week? What has brought you joy or refreshed you or made you smile? Please sign on to the linky if you've done a fave five post and don't forget to check and make sure it's going to the correct link!
I like your list, Susanne. Thanks for the sugared spruce potpourri recommendation.
I got some great deals on Christmas decor this week, too!
Also, we made your Monkey Bars recipe, and it was a hit. Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful 5!!! Love when I can get ornaments on sale..Can't wait to try the monkey bars.
This is a hard time of year to take time to stop and enjoy the moment,isn't it? I hope you are able to do so. Your list shows that you sure are giving it a great effort.
I had never heard of the sugared potpourri. Great list. I love the shopping with friends, too. I plan to do that tomorrow.
Great list. I love your #5. God's Word is so comforting. I know I've needed it this week. He refreshed my stressful heart on Wednesday with about 5-6 inches of beautiful snow!
Great faves Susanne! I love a deal especially before Christmas and a night laughing and shopping with girlfriends is a great treat! The Word of God...always there to bring us back to where we belong!
#5 is perfect, Susanne. You're so right about how His word restores us.
This is a great list of good stuff!
Hey Susanne,
My first time here none of the photos were showing. I really love your partridge!! Beautiful...
Great list this week! Glad you were able to find the ornaments for your kids and on sale!
Thanks for hostig! Have a great week!
Wonderful list, Susanne....
I do have a real tree but just may have to try making that pot pourri- sounds wonderful!
Great list! I will second the word of God. What encouragement it has brought to my own soul this week!
Pretty, pretty partridge! I'm thinkin' he needs 'leven lords a-leaping to keep him company!
Good list Susanne! Especially the last one - I need to be doing that more.
This is a great list, Susanne. I was wondering about the potpurri last night when I was catching up on your posts. Pine is my favorite Christmas scent.
Your partridge is pretty, and I am glad you had a good night out with the girls. That's refreshing, isn't it? We had our Women's Meeting at church Monday night and revealed our Secret Sisters. It was nice to get out for a little while.
Have a great weekend!
Of course, I love your partridge...being a lover of the birds, myself!
That's a beautiful list! What a great deal on that wreath. Wow!!
Isn't this a fun time of year?
As always, thanks so much for hosting this!
Great week!!!
I finally got my Fave Five up~ it's Saturday morning!
I love your partridge! And the deals you got, very fun.
I'm so behind and can't seem to get caught up but soon I hope to post my friday faves again too!
Great list! A great deal is one of my favorite things too!
Great list Susanne, I love reading your Fridays Fav 5!
Did you know that the 13th was Positive Thinking Day (PTD) and so part of my Fave Five was to include something Positive, Inspirational, and even Spiritual. I treated myself to a book I have wanted for a while, "Wrestling With the Goddess", by Azeem Kayum. I also snuck in a hot cup of mint, cocoa!
gr8 list! i would love that potpourri too! my hubb has bad allergies and i miss those wonderful christmas smells!!
this was a fun meme...
have a good week
I love the partridge in your pine tree, Susanne. I have a partridge in my (fake) pine tree too.
I hope you guys are alright. I've been following Canada's weather on the news all day today and I suspect it's extremely cold and icy where you are. Cold as in WAY below zero.
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