Well, yesterday the news came down. Finally. After months of the old rumor mill churning and chugging, it was confirmed and the employees informed. My husband's workplace is shutting it's doors this summer. Sigh. While the news is hard to take, it also sort of brings a type of relief with it. It's hard living and planning your life when rumors are swirling and uncertainity rules the day. It puts your life in a sort of limbo when it comes to making decisions. Such as vacation decisions. Do we listen to the rumors and put our lives on hold. Indefinitely. Do we just forget vacation plans and then if nothing happens we've given up a chance at an opportunity for a really nice family vacation? Our first really big one. Or do we plunge ahead with it, and put down all that money only to find out there is no job to pay for it? What does this do to moving Kay to another province for school? And what about the yearly things we do over the summer to upkeep the house? And purchases for the dayhome? I hate living in limbo.
But in spite of it all, there is much to be thankful for. And while my heart is uncertain and fear wants to rise and take over, I find that it is just such times that a Thankful list is imperitive in my life. Sort of like when the Isrealites built altars of remembrance along their journey to remind themselves of specific events where God lead them through. It puts my eyes on the goodness of God in our lives and helps me to remember all the other times I've thought the world was caving in, but God upheld me through it. When I thought there was no way out, but He was right there to walk me through it. That in times past, He has been my strength, my sheild, my high tower, my provider. That He is faithful. Sometimes I couldn't always see it when I was in the midst, but in hindsight, I could see His presence and His hand. So in that view:
1. I'm thankful for Pam for starting this thankful list and causing me to, most weeks, stop and be intentionally grateful for all the good things God has blessed me with.
2. I'm thankful that God has been there in the hard times and I can look back and think on and meditate on how he has got me through before.
3. I'm thankful, in this instance anyway ;v), that my husband and I are different personalities and from that comes balance. If both of us went off the deep end at the same time, that would not be good. When my faith drops, his seems stronger, and when he struggles, I can be strong. There is comfort and encouragement in that.
4. I'm thankful that I have a full dayhome, and I have such great, faithful families. I have truly been blessed in all the years I've done this, that I have had such wonderful families to get to know.
5. I'm thankful for massage therapists. Yes, I truly am. Cause I'm feeling a need for a massage coming on especially after this Saturday's highway clean up with the youth group. Can anyone say muscles that haven't been used since last year's clean up crying out in pain?
6. I am thankful that for the most part, my hand is pretty much back to normal. The strength is coming back in the wrist and the pinkie and I'm slowly working my way back to everything I was doing before. I'm so thankful that fall didn't turn out worse than it did. It certainly could have.
7. I'm thankful for Laura, who is like my little cheerleader in my mind, chanting "Purge, sort, organize". She, with her friendship, and her site are truly a motivation.
8. I'm thankful for spring like days. I love snow and winter but the days of snow this month was really enough for the likes of me. Oh, I know, living where I do that there will probably be a couple more dumps of snow before the end of May, but they'll just be here and gone in a day and won't be the kind that hangs around for weeks.
9. I am thankful that the family is healthy.
10. I am thankful that He asks me to "cast all my care upon Him for He cares for me". I Peter 5:7
I feel better already. What are you thankful for? As you look back over your life, where do you see that God was present and upholding you?
Thanks Pam for hosting Thursday Thanks Tank. Mine is filled up again right now.
I'll be praying for your family's stability and peace during this time. It's great to see your thankful list...
I am so sorry about your husband's job. I know what you mean about limbo. We have lived through many rumors of closings, takeovers, and such. You're doing exactly what the Psalmists often did, looking back over the way God has provided and worked in the past.
Oh Susanne...I am really sorry for this news since I know how stressful it can be. But your thankful list is inspiring...and I know that this is the kind of attitude and faith that God can use to bring about great things for your family! I'll be praying!
Great thankful list in the midst of uncertainty! I'll be posting mine soon!
Got to love your attitude Susanne! Your husband just lost his job and you post such a wonderful and uplifting Thankful list.
Such a reflection of the joy of the Lord is YOUR strength!
Hi Susanne, your tank thanks is a great idea! Thanks for filling my tank of thankfulness, too, that you're reading one of my books for which I'm grateful. One of my favorite thankful verses is Psalm 16:5-6 that reads: "The Lord knows my lot. He makes my boundaries fall on pleasant places." It always helps me remember that even during those wilderness times, we are not alone. I know you know that! Your site reminds me to be thankful for my knowing it too! Warmly, Jane Kirkpatrick
Hard times...but what a great attitude you have! I pray that I'll have that attitude the next time something like this happens to us!
You are truly an inspiration!♥
Oh Susanne, thank you. You've got me all teared up, not only because of your nice words (which I sooo appreciate!) but because of what you are going through right now with hubbie's work. I dealt with something similar a couple of years ago when the company I worked for shut down. I was working payroll/benefits and it was so hard working out the financial details with all the employees. Many didn't have a working spouse to fall back on and it was a very stressful time.
I'll be praying for new work to be found quickly.
Is your daughter coming to BC for school?
There's nothing like a thankful heart to give strength! And bring blessing! Prayers for you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear this about his job, Susanne. Believe me, it takes a lot of faith and strength (and they're really the same thing, aren't they?) to get through something like this. You know your situation will be completely covered in prayer.
I can't tell you how many times I've felt thankful that you were no worse injured when you took that fall. You're right - it could have been so much worse, although the injury to your poor hand was bad enough. I'm really glad it's almost completely back to normal now.
I'll be praying for you and your family, my sweet friend...
The lord has brought you through so much so far - it is good to have those "altars of stone" to remember God's faithfulness. I will say a prayer that this time of change will be a blessing.
I really need to do this one week! Thanks for sharing!
Oh honey pie.. I'm sorry for the loss of your hubby's job.. you will be in my heart and prayers.. I love your positivness in all this.. I admire you greatly!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your news Susanne, that is a hard thing. And it is hard to be in limbo. I love that you're looking at what to be thankful for, a good reminder for us all! And you're right He will uphold y'all..He goes with us when we have the valleys and low places and is our security!
wow, praying for you.
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