Hey! I actually finished another non-fiction book. Katrina, that's two for me for the Spring Reading Thing! But really I read biographies and books like these like fiction. No problem. It's the teaching types that bog me down. Anyway to the review.
Hearts of Gold - Stories of Courage, Dedication and Triumph from Canadian Olympians by Lorne Zeiler
The title explains it all. The books spans different Canadian Olympians from the early 1900's to the athletes who made huge headlines in the Salt Lake City Olympics in 2002 like Becky Scott and Jamie Salier/David Pelletier. The chapters are each featuring a different aspect of the courage that got these athletes to the Olympics or won them a medal at the Olympics or showed incredible grace, determination or integrity while they were at the Olympics. Each story was easily readable in one sitting.
Well written and very interesting in it's details of going back to earlier athletes, I was drawn into the stories of these ordinary people who took their athletic giftings and pushed themselves to the max to make their dreams come true. I'm drawn to these types of stories because even though a lot of these athletes go through much hardship there is heart and courage in their journey to their dreams. I find the stories very encouraging and motivating. All in all a great, easy, nicely organized read even if you don't have much reading time on your hands.
Jen tagged me for this book meme. The Rules Are:
Post your responses.
Tag anywhere from 1-5 friends.
Leave comments to let them know they’ve been tagged.
Come back and leave a comment when your post is up.
1. Name the next 5 books on your to-be-read shelf.
-The Many Loves of Marriage by Thomas and Nanette Kincaid (in progress)
-Before I Wake by Dee Henderson (in progress)
-Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Lives by Charles Swindoll
-A Vow to Cherish by Deborah Raney
-Sins of the Fathers by James Scott Bell
2. Last 4 books you've read.
-Hearts of Gold by Lorne Zeiler
-Uncharted by Angela Hunt (review)
-Violet Dawn by Brandilyn Collins (review)
-Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards (review)
3. Last 3 books you've borrowed (from a library or friend)
-The Gift of Christmas Present by Melody Carlson
-Armando's Treasure by Melody Carlson
-Secrets by Kresten Heitzmann
4. Last 2 non-fiction books you've read
To avoid being repititious other than the one I just reviewed I'll go back one more
-Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel (review)
-Elijah: A Man of Heroism and Humility by Charles Swindoll (review)
5. One book you wish everyone would read
-most definitely the Bible. But if I had to name a fiction one right now it would have to "Uncharted" by Angela Hunt. (See link under #2)
Now I tag 1-5 people. So I'm tagging Dianne and Shalee 'cause I know they both read lots.
Whew! Thanks for not tagging me!!! Because I haven't had time in a long, long time to read. Until recently... but that's a blog in and of its own.
Fun post, Susanne! I love to hear other people's opinions of what they're reading.
I read Vow to Cherish last year. Been wanting to read Memory Keeper's Daughter, might want to read Uncharted after your review!
Your Olympic one sounds interesting, I enjoy the ice skaters.
Fun time "digging" yesterday!
I'm just not a fan of non-fiction. But I'm proud of you for reading 2 this time!
I'll do it... I'll do it. Just as soon as I can get home to see what's on my shelf.
Thanks for not tagging me on this one. I don't have a to-read list! I'm working on Eyes of Elisha by Brandilyn Collins.
I also think that good biographies and memoir read like fiction and lately I prefer them to fiction.
Thanks for the tag - you know I'm game for anything bookish! Enjoyed the review here as well.
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