"Simon, I want to commend you for your honesty and brutality. I just want to say thank you because you're the person who's taught me the most on the show."
-Sanjaya when asked on NBC Today if he had a message for Simon.
Ya, think maybe Meridith Vierra wanted to give him a chance to have a go at trashing Simon the way Simon gave it to him? A "right back atchya" moment? No matter what was thought of his singing and why he lasted, you gotta admit that is one classy & gracious 17 year old.
I have to admit that although I was irked that Sanjaya was still on the show after all that time, it wasn't his fault. Did he ask to be called "the worst" and to have idiots try to ruin the show? How do you think he felt when he watched others more talented leave before him? He definitely had the short end of the stick.
And I've concluded this season (my first one, mind you) that Simon is my favorite judge. He's honest and straightforward and precise in his comments. And MOST of the time he's on the money (but not when he dogged Melinda a couple of weeks ago. She was right on the money and his good taste went on vacation that week.)
Shalee: Agree totally with you. He was kept on the show by the voting public. And he knew he wasn't the best singer and knew he'd have to entertain. Personally, I think the kid was smart as a whip and he had guts. And his demeanor helped him too. How many of the others would have held their tongues against Simon week after week after being so rudely trashed no matter what he did. I give Kudo's to him.
And I'm rooting for Jordan and Melinda all the way!
I agree, yall. I feel badly for the guy. I'm glad to know he's maintained his dignity throughout it all.
I totally agree with what Shalee commented also. I grumbled quite a bit about Sanjaya still being on the show when better singers were being voted off. But it wasn't his fault, it's their voting system and these horrid websites. And I must admit, I thought the entire time that he was very gracious and mature for 17. He stood there every week and took his criticism like a man. Even when they got nasty, he was still composed and decent about it. And he certainly tried. He pulled out every trick in the book, but he just didn't have the best voice. I wish I had seen the Today Show piece, how classy of him.
And I also agree with Shalee on Simon. Although, I've liked him best from the beginning! He is abrasive and rude at times in his comments, but he's always honest and "spot on" with his critique.
Totally agree with Shalee. OK, I wnt public a couple of time with my feelings about him. Now that he's gone and I feel the show is on safer ground, I'll admit that for a 17 year old kid, he's showing amazing class. I think overall this was probably a humiliating, although exciting, experience for him. He knew what was being said and he knew people far more talented were leaving before him. Pretty awkward position for a young man to be in and he handled it with a lot more grace than most of us would have.
Simon is really the only reason I watch American Idol. He's as honest as the day is long and really, behind the facade, he's a nice man. The other two judges are just a'ight.
i didn't watch the show (i'm lame) but that is a pretty classy thing for a 17 year old to say!
Oh how I love when someone doesn't do what the public expects. When they have integrity instead:)
Yes it was. Good for him
I saw him on the Today show and thought that was great what he said. He usually was very nice about it all. Totally agree with what Shalee said too, and I think Simon is always right on! Except if he dogs Melinda! She's the one I picked to win from the start and I like Jordin too.
As a singer, I totally see what he is saying. I've been singing since I was like 2 or 3. And my dad has taught me a ton about singing. But the thing that made me a better singer was the fact that he was honest with me. If I hit a bad note, he'd tell me, and I would fix it. So you definitely need people to be honest, though I'm sure Simon's brutal honesty could be tough to take!
That is classy. I certainly did not want him to win, but he was so upbeat throughout, and I felt so sorry for him when he was voted off.
I actually liked Sanjaya. I'm glad he lasted as long as he did. I don't usually watch American Idol, but I did watch it a few times b/c of him. I think he has a nice voice, and a good attitude. Several of the other singers that made the top 12 were horrible, I think. The way I decide who I like is by not looking at their performance, but by listening to them sing.
Simon has always been my favorite judge.
Oh well, I'm apparently one of the few who actually liked Sanjaya.
I do however like Melinda! And really don't care for anyone else. I hope she wins.
I like Sanjaya, too, and I'm glad to see that he's still in the spotlight. I don't feel sorry for him at all. I feel sorry for all the haters who blame him for "ruining" a stupid TV show. His parents are to be commended for raising such a fine young man.
Well, what can i say? that's our boy!
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