Well, because it was such a hectic week, I am really, really, behind on all my blog reading. So I'm going to attempt to get caught up. So, therefore, here is a cute mindless ditty, an interesting meme. Tell me in the comments what you think my answers tell about me. Gustsy, ain't I?

Stolen from Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane
1. What do you like on a hot dog? My two absolute faves hot dogs are (1) pizza sauce and melted mozzarella cheese (2) cheese whiz and salsa. If those aren't available I like dill relish and mayo or mustard and ketchup if I need to go real plain. Sweet relish will never, ever touch my hot dog!
2. What do you like on a hamburger? Cheese, onion, ketchup, dill pickle, tomatoe, mayo.
3. What do you like on a baked potato? Sour Cream, green onions
4. What do you like on a slice of toast? My fave: Harvarti cheese slice (any of the different varieties). No harvarti? Sometimes peanut butter, sometimes cheese whiz, favorite jam is cherry but I like variety.
5. What do you like in a cup of coffee or tea? Coffee: Southern Butter Pecan Creamer. I recently saw you south of the border have a new flavor: White Chocolate Macadamia Nut. I went to every grocery store in town, but alas it must only be for you folks. :v(
Tea: Herbal? I like a teaspoon of sugar or honey. Regular? sugar and a splash of milk.
So there you are. Tell me. What did you discern about me from this extensive "tastes" test.
Susanne, I'm so sorry I missed the post about you BIL. I'm so glad things went well and he's now home.
What a cute meme...I love the sound of that white chocolate macadamia nut! YUM!
Glad to hear that God is doing his thing with your BIL!
And all I can say about your tastes is that it is very... eclectic. And if I ever get to make apple pie or biscuits and gravy for you, I forbid you to alter them in any way, shape or form - at least in my presence. I will, however, have cherry jam for you.
Very glad to hear about your brother-in-law. Did keep him in my prayers.
Those taste buds are very ummmm discriminating. Hmmm. I think I'm discerning someone who is very 'saucy' and likes to hide behind many layers. :) :)
Glad your BIL came through ok.
I like your tastes, very fun! Sorry you couldn't find the white chocolate macadamia creamer, I'm still enjoying it! In my green tea or herbal I like honey...thought I was the only person to drink sugar and milk in regular hot tea! Although I did just read a health report that said it wasn't good to drink it like that, bummer.
Glad to hear he's doing well. Thanks for the update.
Hey Susanne, glad you BIL is home and getting better.
Now I could never attempt to discern anything about your "tastes" because well you like brussel sprouts...need I say more...he he.
Those hot dog toppings sound interesting. Why have I never tried those combinations. I think I will just for you because I trust you, so there, but don't think you'll ever be getting me to eat brussel spouts...no way hosey!
You know your brother-in-law (and your sister) are still in my prayers.
OK, what I discerned from this is simple. I'm the most boring person in the whole world.
I like ketchup ONLY on my hot dogs. I like mayo ONLY on my hamburgers. The only thing that goes on my toast is butter. And I drink my coffee black. Boring as all getout and I'm thinking I'm very condiments challenged.
What this says about you is you really, really like Cheese Whiz.
I'm glad your BIL is home from the hospital and the surgery part is all over. I'll pray he recovers quickly.
I think this meme says adventurous,fun and very original!
You did a great job.
Glad to hear your BIL is doing well. Praying for a speedy rest of recovery!
Cherry jam?? I've never heard of it. Hhhmmmm...
Maybe I'm a boring eater?!
To me??
You sound like a person who loves adventure.. you speak what's on your mind.. your kind but don't let people bully you around.. and you are always there for a friend at a drop of a hat.. yet your unpredictable in your moods!!
HA HA HA HA HA.. and it sounds like you have a southerners taste!!
It tells me that you have very different tastes than me for the most part, that you are braver than me on trying different combinations. It doesn't scare me though. I'd go out to eat with you any day of the week!
Finally someone else who likes mayo and DILL relish on their hot dog!
Your tastes are just like mine so they tell me you are perfect! ;)
Glad to hear that your BIL got along well with the surgery. I'll be keeping him in my prayers as he recuperates.
The Nor'Easter has finally left!! Phew - finally a bit of spring :)
That you are a woman of very interesting and diverse tastes? :-)
Isn't it funny how we love to know the most mundane details? Who would've thought a post on hot dog condiments?
Thanks for sharing with us!
It sounds like you have rather unique (but not in a bad way) tastes. Havarti cheese, pizza sauce on a hot dog. . . . It all sounds good to me actually!
I am sorry I also missed that post about your BIL - my visiting is sooooo lacking these days! I hate being so busy - but alas such is life!!!
So glad to hear that he is doing well now.
That is a fun meme!!!
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