One of my favorite authors, Francine Rivers, has written this wonderful series called Sons of Encouragement. In this 5 book series, Francine takes a character out of the bible and writes their story, how they quietly changed the world. This book stays true to the biblical account of Jonathon and puts it into a story so that the reader understands better what was going on during Jonathon's time. From the time that he was a boy and his father was annointed king, to his being introduced to word of the law, to his friendship with David this is his story.
I loved this book. It brought the old testament alive to me. I love how it put it into story context so that it was more real, for lack of a better word. I hope you know what I mean. What stood out to me in Johnathon's story is his faithfulness and loyalty to God's word. He truly was a man who changed his world and gave his life staying true to the Lord even under enormous pressure from his father. Francine also provides a study at the end to really take you into the story and make you think it through and apply it to yourself. I will definitely go through all 5 of the stories.
Also available from Francine is the Lineage of Grace series about women who were in the lineage of Christ.

Another of my favorite authors, Karen Kingsbury wrote another emotionally gripping story. I finished this book in a couple days because I just could not put it down. I had to find out what happened because my heart was so involved with the characters.
Like Dandelion Dust is the story of two women who love the same little boy. Both are his mommy's. He's known one all his life and loves her with all his heart and the other he knows not at all, but she wants to him to know her as Mom. Karen deals with some of the very hard issues of adoption where birth parents want the child back.
The adoptive parents love the boy with all their hearts and have provided a good life for him when out of the blue they are told when he is five that due to the birth father never knowing about him the adoption was now fraudulent and the boy belongs back with the birth parents. The story takes us into the Campbell's world who come to the point where they are willing to do anything to keep their son and into a birth mother's world where she feels she did the wrong thing. It is a story full of a rollercoaster of emotions and Karen weaves in the faith issues of trusting God's will or making things happen in your own strength. My heart broke in this story as I tried to imagine what I would do and how far I would go.

I'm also over at Faith Lifts today so join me over there. We're talking about spontaneous expressions of love.
I read Lineage of Grace and LOVED it! So I will definitely be getting this series - I hope she brings it out in one complete volume like she did with the Lineage series.
Thanks for the recommendation. I love Francine Rivers. That book sounds wonderful!
I've not read either of these books. I'd like to read the The Prince, but I probably will forgo Like Dandylion Dust. That's not my cup of tea.
I enjoy Francine Rivers as well. I will have to check these out!
Karen Kingsbury and Francine Rivers are also two of my favorite authors! I love the way that Kingsbury takes everyday situations and writes them not only for one's enjoyment, but also to provoke thoughts. I've not read The Prince, but if that series is anything like the Lineage of Grace, I can imagine it's good (just listened to "Divine" myself, and really enjoyed it)!
I love Francine Rivers, and I will have to add this series to my must read list. I'm heading over to Faith Lifts. I always enjoy what you post.
Wow, Susanne, that Karen Kingsbury book sounds good, but almost too powerful! I love Francine Rivers. I haven't read this series of hers, but I've read everything else she's written. I LOVE the Lineage of Grace series.
Thanks for the reviews! I'm always interested in good books.
Thank you for these recommendations, Susanne! They both sound like well-written stories!
I have always been intrigued by Jonathon, but didn't know much about him, so would love to read this novel, in particular. (Plus, the only Francine R. book I've read was wonderful.)
I may just have to add it to my Spring Reading thing! :)
Hello, sweet Susanne! Now that I'm back in my California house after the accident and surgery, just wanted to stop by and say hi. It's wonderful to see your reviews on two of my author pals. Great novels, and they are terrific ladies.
Blessings to you and your family.
I only discovered Francine Rivers last fall and have read a lot of her books. This series is now on my wish list.
I really must read of Francine Rivers books a lot of people say they are so good.
The Prince does sound like my type of story too
They look great! I'm doing the Spring rEading Challenge.
I really enjoy good Biblical fiction and Francine Rivers is one of my favorite authors. Thanks for the recommendation.
Thanks for the recommendations! These are new to me.
Yeah, I finally got some Internet service here (so far so good) and so I finally got to "Faith Lifts." Great post. I need to get a hold of another Francine Rivers book.
Wonderful reviews Susanne!
Francine Rivers is someone I want to try soon, she's a new author for me. Karen Kingsbury I love and adore, although I've not gotten to this one yet. So many books, so little time :)
Have a wonderful day!!!
I liked Dandelion Dust and have read a lot of Kingsbury books....it's been a while since I've read something by Francine Rivers, need to check on that at my church library!
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