It was a quiet weekend around here. We actually woke up to rain on Sunday morning! Spring has sprung! I can't remember the last time we had rain in March, it's usually snow. But, mind you, we will probably still get a good dump of snow yet. There is still April to go. I love winter, but somehow, this year I am so ready for spring and nice weather to come. I am tired of putting layer upon layer of clothing on six little bodies everytime we want to go outside for half an hour of fresh air. And then taking it all off again. And then finding bags to send all the wet stuff home to come back dry and start all over again the next day. And not to mention the constant sweeping I have to do around the entryways from all the dead grass and muck that gets tracked in on the deep threads of boots.
We spent most of the weekend at home. I finally got caught up on my reading. I was getting so behind in that. For some reason in the last couple of weeks I found it hard to get into any good book reading. Maybe it was the fact that I could not sit in one position for more than a couple minutes so found that distracting. But I did finish off a couple of books and will post reviews probably tomorrow. And then I'll be all set for the Spring Reading Thing which starts on Wednesday March 21st over at Katrina's. Are you getting your books ready? Mr. Linky will be up at her site. I can hardly wait to see what you all are reading.
And now for some link love.
If you haven't already found Missy at Everyday Graces you have got to go on over and read her. Missy is a wonderful photographer so there is always a beautiful picture with each post but what really draws me to Missy is her writing. Her posts are not long but in the few paragraphs she writes she has an amazing talent of drawing parallels and drawing the reader in so that they can really relate. Her posts are so poigant and beautiful and always draw real emotions out me.
Rindy, at Experiencing the Journey, has started doing a series on Tourette's Syndrome. Rindy writes from a very personal standpoint and in a very imformative and passionate writing style is teaching us what it is like to live with this very misunderstood disease. Her series started here, with a second post here and there will be more to come.
Christine, at Fruit in Season, has started a weekly feature on marriage. She posts the topic on Friday for the following Monday. Join her for Marriage Mondays.
I love your link love, you always have great finds! I'm hoping to do the Spring Reading Thing too (basically the books I didn't finish for the fall one!!!).
Very interesting finds. Thanx a lot for sharing the links!!Emmie
I know what you mean about being ready for spring but knowing it's not really here yet. This is an awkward time of year. Sunscreen one day, a coat the next. Sigh. I'm so ready for this winter to be over.
Thank you for the three great links. I think. Just what I need. Three more great blogs to read. :-) All three of these sound like they're very worth checking out.
Thanks for all the great links. There are so many unique and interesting people in this world. I look forward to reading your spring reading list and starting my own. Hope Spring comes soon for you!
Good links, I'm hoping to do the reading thing too.
Spring is pretty much here in the South, we'll probably get a bit more cool weather but the days are warm.
Hope you get some springy weather soon!
Thanks for sharing your love links...and yes, I'm going to have to get my reading list together pronto for Wednesday! :)
Glad you're seeing real rain drops! LOL You're welcome to lots of my Oregon rain, Susanne! ;)
Have a great week!
it seems as if everyone is have a real jerky start to spring - hot, then cold and snow, then hot again... it's just so extreme this year!!
We have a beautiful sunny day - snow almost gone - and my tulips are just beginning to peek through the ground.
I feel a bit like a pregnant mom facing premature labour- it's too soon - spring doesn't come to PEI in March :)
O yes, I'm so ready for nothing buy spring and summer.
And yay for your nice quiet weekend. Ahhh...
Thanks for the link love! I would love to do the Spring Reading Thing-- I guess that would call for a list from me. Maybe just a terrifying photograph of my stack of "to be read" books!
Praying for your back still
Nice! Always good to find new sites! I love your design on the blog and wonder who did it? it absolutely fab!
i'll be back!
Hey Susanne, I can always count on you to be the "scout." I need you in my life! Hugs!
I think we've all got Spring fever. Maybe we caught it from each other!
I was hoping your back would be all better by now. How are you doing?
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